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At this time, the five survivors of the Blue Eagle team came forward, and they stood in front of the Soviet Union in the face of the Soviet Union. They squatted on one knee and performed the highest standard of worship.

"Girls are big and big, I am waiting for me to forget, I will wait for the girl!"

"Yes, Sue, you are our captain!"

"Su girl, the first team captain, you are deserved!"

The remaining five people are all pleading for the fall!

They are very clear that the three people who shot are strong, but they are stronger than the Soviet Union.

Moreover, the four people are mainly based on the Soviet Union, only listening to her words.

The eagles elders abandoned them at the crucial moment, and he ran fast, and such behavior has already broken their bottom line!

At this moment, their disdain for the Blue Eagle elders has reached its peak!

Su Luo was thinking at the moment.

Originally, she did not have such an idea, but their proposal was quite suitable for her.

If she wants to brush the merits, she needs a team that has always been tyrannical, and the standard of a team is ten people, no more, no one can be special.

There are already five people on the side of the Soviet Union. Together with the five of the first team in front of you, it is not bad to form a new first team.

Although I thought so in my heart, but the face of Su’s face is faint, I can’t say it: “This is going back.”

As the Soviet Union said, the five players were stunned.

Now let them go back to the Blue Eagle elders, they would rather go to the Warrior Camp!

A group of people returned to the mighty.

At this time, the Blue Eagle captain?

He has already ran back to the city of Purgatory.

At this time, the nine elders, including the Blue Witch, are in a meeting. The content of the meeting is to discuss the issue of the Soviet Union.

At this meeting, Su’s death as the righteous woman of the city’s master was announced by the elders.

"What?" The blue witch heard the identity of the Soviet Union and the whole person was shocked.

For a time, everyone looked at the blue witch elders.

Elder Eck frowned: "What happened to Blue Witch? Amazed!"

"I, I didn't think... Su Luo actually has such an identity..." The blue witch secretly complained.

He didn't know the identity of the Soviet Union at first. He only knew that she had offended the Blue Eagle, so he helped arrange the people to play the Flame Squad... This is definitely going to be gone.

The elder elder stood up: "After a month of verification, since it proves that Su Luo is the righteous woman of the urban master, then the specifications should be established."

"Yes, the righteous woman of the lord of the city, such a person has been so precious for so many years, it is extremely precious, and the identity is high, the position of an elder can not run."

"According to me, the position of the elders is really worthy of her."

"St. Elder? But she is a young age, the strength is completely mismatched..."

"That is, how can she be a holy elder when she is young? Every one of us can fight for many years, killing a lot of demons, accumulating merits, and finally sitting on the position of the elders."

"Yes, the elder elders are corresponding to the value of the hero. She just came, not even a little merit, how to be a saint?"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion, and all the people brushed their eyes and turned their eyes to the elders.

The chief elder slowly stood up.

When the elders looked at the elders, they were so solemn, so they all stared at him.

The chief elder, Lan Xiang, looked condensed and said: "Sue gave the title of the elders, but the merits must be earned by herself."

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