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That is to say, the saint elder is just a good name, and there is no right to a position.

Some of the elders still want to oppose it, but they are swept by a blue eye, and suddenly they are silent.

Finally, all passed the resolution of the elders of the Soviet Union.

However, at this time, someone was sent to find the Soviet Union, but found that the Soviet Union was gone!

"Sue is gone?" Lan Xiang’s eyes flashed a chill!

The reporters sneaked into the blue witch and looked at them. They did not dare to say anything.

This group of elders are all human, and a little bit of nuances can be seen clearly. At this moment, the subordinates are so obvious, how can they not see it?

For a time, all the elders of the elders brushed their eyes to the elders of the Blue Witch.

The elders of the scorpion frowned on the spot, and said to the subordinates: "If you have something, you will say, if you are arbitrarily, you are looking for death!"

The elders of Blue Witch stood up quickly: "Actually... before the Susuo asked for a task, she said that she could not be idle and would go to war."

"You said, is the Soviet Union going out?"

For a time, all the elders were shocked, and they used the eyes of condemnation to wait for the blue elders!

That is the treasure of the master of the city, do you actually let her play? Believe it or not, when the owner of the city vacated his hand, slap the palm of your hand and buckle it.

Blue Witch Saint elders smiled again and again.

Who makes the elders so embarrassed, and he also knows that Su Luna’s noble and outrageous identity is good now?

"Now? Sushang went out? Which team did she play with?" The elders of the nephew suddenly had a very bad feeling!

"Now, let's fight with us, there is a small team." Elder Eck frowned.

"Flame squad?!" The elders of the scorpion stood up in an instant, his face was blue, and he shook his fingers at the blue elders. "You actually let the Sue go to the flame squad?"

For a time, everyone used the eyes of condemnation to glamour the elders of the Blue Witch. Is this the rhythm for everyone to be buried with him?

"Flame squad... This team is also the top three in the Mozu! It's very difficult! Our squad is dead in their hands." The elders of the scorpion are so anxious that they sweat. "Right, Which team did Su Luo go with?"

"The first squad." Blue Witch elders quickly said.

"The first team? Fortunately, fortunately, it is the first team." The elders of the scorpion were relieved.

Although the Blue Eagle did not grow, but his men are all good soldiers, the top one is very powerful, and the Soviet Union follows this team, it should not be a problem.

The rest of the elders are also relieved.

They spent a lot of time going back to the Purgatory City to understand the situation, and also know the scene on the battlefield of life and death, knowing how the urban master is praising his righteous woman.

They didn't pay enough attention to the Soviet Union, but after getting these news... Who would dare not pay attention to the Soviet Union? Is this not looking for death?

Just at this time -

The door of the conference room was slammed and pushed away.

The Blue Eagle elder stood in the doorway panting.

He rushed in and squatted directly toward the elders of the Lord: "The elders, oh..."

At this time, everyone can see clearly that the Blue Eagle elders are dirty, and the whole person is black and white.


For a time, everyone has a very bad feeling!

The elders of the Blue Witch rushed up, picking up the neck of the Blue Eagle elder, and the look was distorted by anxiety: "What is going on? How can you be alone? Suss?? Ah! Sulu?" !"


PS: No. 25 update is completed~

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