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At this moment, the little black cat is still arrogant and not very close, but the excitement of the eyebrows can not hide.

"It's good, all three of us have feathered five stars!" Su Luo excited one left and one right hand, respectively, the little dragon and the little black cat into their arms!

Xiao Shenlong excitedly squinted his head in the arms of Su Luo, and no one noticed that the two black ears of the black cat had a faint blush.

The little black cat is very complicated at the moment.

I want to let go of it. When I was in the villa, it also despised the Soviet Union. I was forced to recognize the Soviet Union as a reluctant one. However, who knows that there are such adventures along with the Soviet Union.

First, the assessment strength of Black Feathers rose sharply, and then the strength of Alcatraz Island rose sharply. Now it is the island of Yuhua, and the strength is even more soaring. Even the solitary people of that year, the luck of Haotian is incomparable with that of Suo. .

It turned out that it was really a big success with Su Luo.

More than one hundred years.

But for more than a hundred years, it has gone from illusionizing Samsung to being promoted to five stars... After that? To what extent will it be promoted in the future?

After thinking of it, the heart of the little black cat is full of countless expectations and pride.

Deified level?

I don't dare to think about it in the future, but it seems to be at your fingertips.

Excited mood, it is difficult to calm down.

Three days later, several talents in the Soviet Union finally got out of the palace.

As soon as they came out, Ye Xiaoyang rushed out when he heard the movement.

He saw the Soviet Union, especially excited: "Hey, thank you for your blue crystal, I have been promoted in this hundred years! I have promoted a whole star! I thought I was promoted to a star in 10,000 years."

Ye Yuyang sighs again and again, he is going to thank Su Luo, and suddenly -

"Hey, what's the matter? You..."

Ye Xiaoyang saw the Soviet Union, suddenly looked like a ghost, and subconsciously widened his eyes.

"You, you!" Ye Yuyang couldn't say anything when he was shocked. "You, what's the matter with you? What is going on?"

The innocent shrug, the eyes seem to be puzzled: "What is going on?"

"This is not right. It was obvious that your feathering stage was not enough. I obviously felt it, but now - I can't sense your strength now, and I feel unfathomable. There is only one possibility, your strength. Better than me!" said Ye Yuyang.

"It's better than you, isn't it?" Su said with a smile.

"This is true, but a hundred years... a hundred years... What is your strength now?" Ye Yuyang is now feathering Samsung, and it does not sense the strength of the Soviet Union. "So, your current strength is Feathering four stars?"

“Feathering four stars?” Su Luo touched his chin and then shook his head faintly. “It’s already gone.”

"Hey!" Ye Xiaoyang almost squirted out a blood!

One hundred years ago, this girl turned into a nine-star. A hundred years later, she said that she was no longer a feathered four-star. This is simply awkward and wants to die!

"Then you are..." Ye Xiaoyang took courage and finally asked for an exit.

"Feathering five stars..." Su Luo said faintly.

Ye Xiaoyang squatted and almost fell.

Feathering five stars... Feathering five stars... Feathering five stars... From the illusion of nine stars, one leap to the feathering five stars...

Su Luo looked at him with a smile and smiled. He said innocently, "Is it difficult to feather five stars?"

Is it difficult to feather five stars? is it hard? Ye Yuyang is fainting.

is it hard? When, how, very difficult, ah! ! ! Do you know that in the past, he was promoted to a star in 10,000 years? This is only a hundred years...

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