Satisfied, of course, satisfied, these are his most devout people.

Under absolute faith, they carried out every command of Lancelot perfectly.

Grabs the attention of guests step by step.

These lovely children, the pious people, are all brilliant.

They know everything at once, basically they can learn everything.

This saved Lancelot time as a teacher, which made him very pleased.

Emerald Emerald’s population quality is really high and jealous.

The fiery atmosphere of the basketball game attracts everyone’s cheers, which is the charm of the competition.

The fiery atmosphere was unstoppable, and the men sweated on the field.

This attracted the attention of countless women, almost all of whom went to watch the game.

And Lancelot had a sly smile.

Because the sun is gradually setting, tonight, huh, how many people will choose to stay?

The atmosphere of the game has reached its peak, with rounds of elimination and the healthy posture of the men.

Shooting, dunking, grabbing rebounds, dribbling with the ball, these dazzling showmanship, more exciting.

Unconsciously attracted to it, and then, forgetting the time.

The charming posture of the cheerleaders is also a beautiful landscape.

You see, the sweaty man, holding up the happy water and drinking it is full of manly taste.

“Oh my God, I want to go up and play a ball game, it’s so exciting, it’s so fun.”

“Me too!”

“Or shall we get a few people out and go up and fight?”

“Okay, it’s Emerald Race, we’re tourists.”

Dolnigun appeared at the right time: “Why not, Emerald can participate in the ball game, if you want to play, you can also form a team to participate in the knockout round.” ”

“Is this true?”

There were a few guys who were impressed.

“Hahaha, distinguished guests, of course it is true, but you are afraid that you will not be able to get this reward, and you can only be eliminated.”

“Not necessarily.”

Dolnigun’s disdain thoroughly stirred the blood of these young men.

“I sign up, who wants to participate in the basketball game.”

“I want to play too!”

“I sign up.”

“I’ll come too.”

The effect was simply jaw-dropping, there were four more teams at once…

“Very good, Emerald can provide ready-made uniforms, do you need them?”

“Of course.”

The tank top pants do not know why, full of a taste of youth, making people eager to try.

“Everybody be quiet, Emerald Athletes, we have a challenger!”

Once again, the atmosphere reached a climax.

I won’t look at the liveliness, I will look at the doorway.

These young people who signed up for the challenge were all rubbing their fists together.

They have mastered the rules of the game and how to play.

“Before the game, you go to another venue to train and find the feel, we will not spare our men.”

“Oh, whose hand the deer died is not certain!”

This is the provocation that young people can’t stand the most!

The corners of Dolnigun’s mouth were raised, his task accomplished, and these guys, infatuated with it, were here.

Lord Lancelot is really clever.

The sudden challenge has made these tourists feel more emotional.

They also want to know the results.

“Cigarette melon seeds happy water, peanuts and dried fish ice cream…”

There were already emerald people carrying boxes on their chests and began to sell.

The stools and chairs were readily available and the perimeter of the arena was overcrowded.

This beautiful picture actually has a feeling of great Shanghai.

Holding a small box, the rope is carried around the neck, and the box is full of goods, which makes people shine and feel new.

“Oh, cigarettes?” ‘

This is curious!

Dolnigun personally demonstrated how to smoke cigarettes.

A group of tourists were immediately curious and surprised.

The feeling of swallowing clouds and spitting out fog is so handsome, and Bei’er has a style!

Spicy nose grass even has such a wonderful use, cough cough, is a little choking.

“I want peanuts!”

“Have a cup of happy water.”

“Give me some melon seeds.”

“Pack me a cigarette.”

“Attract tourists please come to the smoking room here and don’t affect other guests.”

Suddenly there were dozens of people in the smoking room.

Through the glass window, they continued to watch the ball game.

From time to time, the case is screaming, and from time to time it is gritting.

“You’re shooting.”

“Pretty, this dunk is so handsome!”

It wasn’t until it got dark that the big guys realized it was time to go home.

But the game wasn’t over yet.

“Distinguished guests, due to the presence of the challengers, the race that should have been completed today will not be completed as scheduled, we need to compete again tomorrow, and you should also fill your stomachs and prepare for rest.”

The sweet rose sword ji, the voice almost penetrates the soul, making people feel comfortable.

Only then did everyone realize that it was already dark.

And the aroma of the restaurant wafted out in time.

Some people’s stomachs began to grumble.

Samoyed was very upset, and it caused him a lot of trouble.

It takes time to get back and forth, and these people are all high-ranking officials and nobles, and their social status is very high.

If he chooses not to go home because he watches games, is obsessed with novels, and plays chess, he may be difficult to explain.

Just now he personally mobilized people that it was time to go home.

The answer he got was this.

“I’ll play the next game.”

“We’re rubbing a circle of mahjong.”

“I want to play another game of billiards.”

“I want to stay for dinner, take a shower, and get some sleep.”

“I want to see the results of the basketball game.”

“Let me finish reading this book.”

“After reading this comic book is saying”


There are also people who scratch their ears and scratch their cheeks to solve the nine links, Kong Ming locks, and don’t pay any attention to him at all.

Samoyed felt that he was too sad to be in trouble.

He asked Lancelot to let him go, and Lancelot couldn’t do anything, the guests didn’t leave, and he couldn’t drive them away!

No way, Lancelot can only announce the end of the game by notification, to continue tomorrow.

And shopping streets and entertainment streets are also closed.

This can greatly cause dissatisfaction among many guests.

Mahjong is not yet finished, the game is only halfway down…

A lot of bad-tempered people shouted that they were not allowed to close the door.

Especially in the library, in front of the book stall, everyone is not willing to move the place at all.

These novels and comics are too appealing.

In the end, Lancelot personally came forward and told everyone that after this round, after reading this paragraph, after playing this hand, everyone must rest and eat.

The chess and card room and the billiard hall are recreational facilities that can continue to be open to everyone after eating.

The library is also open for everyone.

If you really have books and comics that you like, you can buy them and go to the hotel or take them home to continue reading.

After all, Emerald also has to rest, the family will worry about everyone, and people are iron rice is steel, a meal is not hungry to panic.

After Lancelot knew that the emotions were reasonable, the tourists eased their emotions a little.

The dinner was still in full swing and everyone was lingering.

Some had to go back, and Lancelot, for everyone who went back, gave a small gift.

The women’s gift box is a small mirror, plus a box of exquisite pastries.

For men, a pack of cigarettes, a box of matches, a box of pastries.

And, of course, there’s a dazzling fireworks display.

Everyone who watched was stunned, so beautiful.

There were no fireworks this year, and Lancelot had brought them more and more surprises.

Totally fell in love with this place.

To Lancelot’s surprise, more than half of the people who stayed at the Emerald Seven Days Hotel were staying! 280 people!

Samoyed was sweating profusely, and he never thought of asking these people to stay overnight.

“A handwritten letter, or, send a close associate back.”

Samoyed couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and that’s all there was to it.

He had wanted to stay overnight, but now he had to take care of something himself.

The oil lamps in the library and entertainment street were lit.

Watching some of the guests leave, Lancelot stretched out.

“Lord Lancelot, today’s earnings are out.”

Lancelot smiled: “I’m ready, little Bei, first tell me the total income, let me be impressed.” ”

“Fourteen thousand gold, Lord Lancelot.”

Lancelot’s little heart did twitch hard.

Listen, listen, this is the sound of the heart, this is what it feels like to be in love!

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