It wasn’t before, it is now.

Lancelot put on three pieces of magical heritage, and two of them were missing that required a world-class treasure chest to be opened.

Lancelot asked the system how to obtain world-class chests is difficult.

It is necessary to build a country, destroy the great cause of the country, or defeat a mythical opponent, or influence or change some history.

The way to get it is very difficult.

He now needs to learn magic.

The point will also have to make the most of it.

There is also a limitation of the artifact of the point general platform, that is, the higher the level of the hero, the greater the chance of failure of the awakening.

But with each additional hero there is, Lancelot’s combat effectiveness increases by one point.

How to learn magic?

That is to see, as long as he has seen, he can learn.

At present, the only people who can use magic are his mages and Beyonita.

Beyonta specializes in Holy Light spells.

Almost all magic is used to save people and defend, mostly healing, and attacking less.

With the Great Magic Legacy, he can learn from Beunita.

Of course, there is also Xiao Zhurong, the fire spirit is the ancestor of fire magic.

Bonarotti’s hearty laughter always made people feel happy: “Hahaha, Lancelot, I am more and more impressed with you, I did not expect you to be a mage!” ”

“It’s my pleasure to be looked up to you, Little Ti.”

“No, that’s because you’re good enough, Lancelot.”

Lancelot couldn’t stand it, he was also stinky and couldn’t help but praise.

Beyonta and Bonarotti looked at the black and white bear and quickly ignored Lancelot’s great magical legacy.

“What is this?”

Lancelot scratched his head, “Ah, mount, it’s called Tuanzi.” ”

The second daughter looked at this fiercely sleeping tuanzi classmate, and her eyes lit up: “This is also too cute…”

“By the way, what are you looking for me to do?”

Seeing that the ball stole the limelight, Lancelot was a little disappointed in his heart, people are not as good as bears?

Beunita covered her mouth and smiled, “Serendipity, don’t you want it?” ”

After saying that, I still looked at the ball, and then reached over to wipe it, this fluff is also too comfortable.

Bonarotti also followed up with the stroke, really comfortable, soft, fleshy, trying to get people to lean up.

Two people pinched the fluff of the ball, and they liked it very much.

Tuanzi opened his eyes and looked at them, but he didn’t pay attention to these two beautiful women, humming and continuing to snooze, but someone combed his hair, which was too comfortable.

“Yes! Why not? ”

Lancelot laughed, “What a bonus?” ”

The second daughter rubbed for a while, and then she reluctantly let go.

“You’ll know when you go, Lord Lancelot.”

Lancelot followed the two of them out and went straight to the conference room.

Lancelot was indeed very surprised.

Because there is Arceris here, chatting with the two elf girls.

As we all know, elf girls are the best beauties, and heavenly creations generally make people jealous.

Good face, fair skin, peaks and mountains, long legs, thin waist, long hair fluttering.

There is a count of one full of fairy spirits.

These two Lancelot had the impression that they were among the first guests.

Seeing Lancelot come in, all three of them got up at the same time.

“Lord Lancelot.”

The two fairy-looking elves crossed their hands on their chests at the same time and bowed their heads in salute: “Hello Lord Lancelot. ”

“Wandering Elf Sylvana greets you.”

“Wandering Elf Clan Wawu Anna greets you.”

Lancelot was a little surprised, wandering elves?

“I’m Lancelot, it’s a pleasure to get to know you, please sit down, forgive me for calling myself a wandering elf.”

The crowd took their seats one by one.

Sylvana did not hide: “Our sisters have been wandering since the destruction of their homeland, and only then did they stop when they arrived in the kingdom of God. ”

As it turned out, looking at her expression, she seemed very sad and reluctant to mention the past.

Lancelot didn’t delve into it either, everyone had their own privacy, and so did he.

“Then what’s the matter with you looking for me?” What help do I need? ”

“You are so helpful.”

Sylvana stood up and saluted, “Lord Lancelot, we want to be able to take root in Emerald, please allow us to serve you.” ”


Is it really unexpected enough, there is no lottery, no unpacking, no hero summoning tickets, and two heroes have come at once?

“For me?”

Lancelot was a little surprised: “So, what do you need?” ”

Sylvana shook her head slightly: “It’s okay to eat enough and wear warmth, we don’t need money, but you seem to need money here to buy things, so it doesn’t matter how much you can spend, we are willing to serve you, but I have a request, I hope you can agree.” ”

Lancelot felt that his luck had broken through the sky today.

He looked at the two elves carefully.

They don’t belong to Emerald yet, and they can’t view the properties.

Sylvana thought Lancelot would not accept them.

She then introduced herself: “Lord Lancelot, I am only 6,000 years old, young and beautiful, I am one of the best marksmen in the elven race, I can fight for you, my sister, Vaya Anna, she was the guardian of the Forest of Elves, blessed by the World Tree, although she can not fight, but he can cultivate crops for you.” ”

Lancelot took a cool breath, Elven Archer!

A keeper who has cultivated crops and has been blessed by the World Tree?

“I implore you to accept us, I know that human beings, especially those in high positions, like the beauty of the elven race, and I am still young, I can make you a concubine, and a lover can also do it, but I hope you can grant me a request.”

Lancelot a cold sweat in his head?

He felt the murderous gaze of Beyonta and Bonarotti.

“Who’s who, who’s telling you this messy knowledge!”

Lancelot was speechless.

Bonarotti is 360 years old, and this elf sister is 6000 years old and young…

And you are unscrupulous, what if no one around you says anything scary?

This kind of thing, if you want to say it, should you also steal it?

People in this world are so active, so crazy?

“Am I misunderstood?”

Lancelot had a headache: “Far away, Sylvana, that knowledge is wrong, not everyone is full of covetousness and malice towards the elves, let’s talk about your request first.” ”

Sylvana nodded doubtfully, she couldn’t figure it out.

At the end of the day, the elves didn’t like other races, and, for a long time, they had been hiding in their homeland almost all the time, never far away.

“We can do nothing, we can be your concubine, Lord Lancelot, but, when I need help, I hope you will lend a helping hand.”

【Hello host, loyalty from wandering elf sisters detected】

Do you accept the surrender of epic heroes? 】

[System prompt: The host, the wandering elves have a strong obsession, if you agree to their request]

[In the future, there will be huge challenges and choices, and perhaps their requests will bring burdens, so please choose carefully]

Lancelot laughed.

I have even done things that affect the nerves of the Divine Realm, what am I afraid of?

Let the storm come more fiercely?

“Well, I agreed, and if you need help in the future, if I can do it, I will help.”

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