Harry Siren was stunned again.

Even if she is a fool, at this moment, she should also see a doorway.

The dark power of this vast sky filled the entire palace with evil spirits.

And the countless possessed Sea Clan warriors…

Aunt Jorna, who was supposed to suppress Leviathan in the Great Vortex.

Harry Siren suddenly had a nervous breakdown: “You’re all lying to me!!!” ”

She almost shouted hysterically.

“Sea Clan…”

Her eyes were red and her tears burst into tears: “You, you lied to me, you colluded with the Sand Lizard Empire!” ”

“Shut up!”

Naga Queen Jorna scolded directly.

“You dare compare me to those damn reptiles, you’re insulting me!”

Harry Siren was also annoyed: “Why should I stop talking, you collude with the Demon Clan, don’t you feel ashamed, I have to say it so clearly!” ”

This stupid guy finally broke out.

She knows, everyone understands people.

She’s a fool herself!

The Sea Clan, who had no illusion, actually colluded with the Demon Clan?

And she was stupid enough to ask for help, and then foolishly believed it.

Do you really think that you will become the next queen, and the safety of the whole family is on your own young shoulders?

It’s ridiculous.

“Aunt Jorna, aren’t you afraid of what you are pointing at?”

Jorna didn’t take them in her eyes at all, “Although it was very unexpected, I have to praise you, just because my Dark Demon Army needs to replenish the source of troops, you helped me solve a lot of problems, my little Harry.” ”

“You, you lied to me, you pretended, tell me, you pretend.”

“Poor little Harry, poor human.”

The Siren Queen ignored her, and after saying to herself, she waved a big hand: “Take these invaders down and transform them into soldiers of the Sea of Innocence.” ”

The tall body of Queen Naga is full of majesty and pride.

Unquestioningly, she gave the order directly.

And this time, countless undead spirits flew directly from the Bei King’s Palace.

They roared bitterly and charged at the Legion of Bones and Lancelot and the others.

These mighty undead are messengers from hell.

True and true evil spirits.

The source of the pollution is here.

The Sand Lizard Empire colludes with the Demon Clan, so they have the Magic Guide!

All problems are solved.

In the face of countless undead, the Brilliant Bone Legion erupted with a high sense of war.


The golden skeletons roared, and countless evil spirits penetrated their bodies.

But it was burned by the holy light, emitting a pungent smell.

Saint John laughed loudly, “Do you have a pit in the brains of this female goblin, didn’t you see that Lao Tzu and his brothers were covered with holy light, and blinded your dog’s eyes?” ”

This guy has watched Journey to the West and Water Margin a lot, and his speaking style has changed.

Queen Naga frowned.

The scepter in his hand slammed the ground, and with a humming sound, a huge array of magic in the void emitted a thick dark force.

A huge monster that obscured the sky.

Countless tentacles danced their teeth and claws in the void.

The monster exudes an overwhelming atmosphere.

And the terrifying power of that body, coupled with the huge body, is full of oppression!

North Sea Monster – Kraken !!!

“Wow, brothers, look, barbecue!”

St. John cried out in shock, but in exchange for the terrifying tentacle attack of the North Sea Demon.

With a thud, countless Bone Soldiers were knocked out of the air.

The armor on his body then cracked, and there was a collapse phase.

If there is no Dharma Front, the armor will inevitably shatter.

Beunita also took pains to maintain Lancelot.

In order to hide these skeletons, she was exhausted, and on top of the armor, there was a defensive magic array, a forbidden magic array.

Ordinary beginner and intermediate magic cannot damage armor.

Moreover, the Brilliant Bone Legion itself has a strong resistance.

According to the attempt, the general primary magic is ineffective, the intermediate magic tickles, and the advanced magic is relatively large.

But there is no way to do them any real harm.

Coupled with the maintenance and protection of the solid state array, the armor will always remain in a broken state unless it is reduced to ashes at one time.

But it will not fall apart.

This keeps the Legion of Bones from revealing its true identity.

But the North Sea Demon is a powerful Sea Clan monster, one of the legendary creatures.

That terrifying force still squashed hundreds of brilliant bone troops…

The heroic spirit is attached to the golden skeleton and trapped in the armor and unable to move.

This scene still attracted their attention.

St. John did not dare to enlarge it: “Scatter, scatter the battle!” ”

The Bone Legion immediately abandoned the phalanx and turned to disperse the guerrilla attack.

The Legion of Bones… There is a loss…

But Lancelot wasn’t sad or worried at all, after all, these guys could be reborn!

As long as it is 24 hours after death, it will be resurrected alive and full of blood.

The possessed heroic spirit will not be harmed at all.

This is a bug, because he is loyal to the army of Emerald Emerald.

The power of Emerald’s holy light will instead protect them.

But this guy is too big.

The North Sea Demon Kraken floated in the void, and his huge body covered everyone.

The existence of the whole day.

They were not directly pressed down to death, just afraid of damaging the palace.

“The situation is not optimistic.”

Alsaris narrowed his eyes.

Lancelot sneered, “Save a little use, if that Leviathan appears, I’m afraid it will be more troublesome.” ”

“I know what to do, Lord Lancelot.”

Alsaris jumped straight towards Kraken, the sword in his hand glowing with devastation.

“Back off!”

Alsaris gulped.

The Brilliant Bone Legion suddenly flew out one by one.

When Alsaris jumped three times in a row in the void, the cold light suddenly burst out, and the sword was like a rainbow.

After several consecutive slashes, Kraken’s huge tentacles fell to the ground one by one.

Suddenly, the blood mist filled the sky.

Alsaris landed cleanly and beautifully, and the sword was sheathed.

However, after Kraken only cried out in pain, the tentacle reached out in an instant.

It regenerates!

Alsaris frowned.

I wanted to keep this Leviathan and that Naga queen.


In an instant, under the deep sea, the heavens shook, and the huge shadow of the Ancient Divine Beast Gluttony rose from the ground.

The roar of the fury made Kraken’s body shrink a little, frightening the tentacles into a circle.

The power of gluttony is to devour everything.

Is the divine beast from the ancient kingdom of China comparable to that of a single siren?

After seeing Kraken, Gluttonous Shadow came straight down.

Although it was only a shadow, the vivid expression was full of words, I was very hungry, give me food!

“Eat it and eat it all!”

With a whimper, he opened his mouth wide and took a bite out of the void, and Kraken’s body quickly dried up.

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