Lancelot himself did not think that the Endless Spring could have a huge effect here.

He was glad that he hadn’t used it up, otherwise it would have been impossible to solve the problem of the sea.

Beunita was shocked, even a little annoyed: “Lord Lancelot, what are you doing, no, absolutely not, this is an endless spring, once it is given to the Sea Clan, what will happen to our water source in the future!” ”

“None, Endless Spring???”

The Sea Clan Elders were suddenly shocked and inexplicable.

“The god of the sea is on top, Lord Lancelot, Lord Chancellor, then, is that really the Endless Spring?”

Everyone was shocked.

Queen Naga and Harry Siren opened their mouths and couldn’t close them for half a day.

Lancelot withdrew the Endless Spring.

“This is one of my supreme artifacts, and to be honest, I really don’t want to give it to you.”

Beunita was anxious: “Then don’t give it.” ”

Lancelot smiled bitterly, “Well, Xiao Bei, it’s a pity that they promised them first, and besides, saving people’s lives is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, not to mention a whole sea area.” ”

Lancelot glanced at everyone: “Put him in the center of the Gathering Spirit Array, with the help of your power, copy an environment of the Sea of Infallibility, open the Endless Spring, you can provide unlimited water for the Eye of the Sea, the problem of the sea is also solved, and the magic weapon of your own clan…”

Lancelot sneered, “The good calculation was nominally given to me, in fact, it is all to be used on you Hai Clan yourself, you bullshit elders, the calculation is really good, to tell the truth, I have lost interest in saving you, I am not a fool, I do not like to be played by people as monkeys again and again.” ”

Lancelot snapped his fingers, and the map disappeared in an instant.

He stood up, “Now, these Sea Clan Secret Treasures are all mine, as for you, my Prime Minister has already told you what to do, I now need to tour the Sea of Innocence, prepare some materials, and after I am ready, tell me your answers, there is only one chance.” ”

The House of Elders looked at Lancelot with shame.

Tekroamp opened his mouth, his face red in the face and gritting his teeth deadly.

After a long time, he slowly knelt down.

“All the guilt is on me, the Sea Clan is weak, and I have to work hard, but my little cleverness has desecrated you, Honorable Lord Lancelot, please forgive my sins and save the Sea Clan.”

The elders of the House of Elders knelt down in unison, “Please Lord Lancelot, save the Sea Clan of Innocence.” ”

Lancelot was still laughing, “Not necessarily, fifteen days later, the gathering of spirits failed, and that is when I broke off with Hayne.” ”

His words could not have been clearer, absolute faith, complete surrender.

Beyonta did the right thing, people who can’t believe in him, he can’t trust.

And the full power of Beyonda and Emerald had carried out a grand blueprint plan after this time.

An expedition to the Sand Lizard Empire has become inevitable.

The sand lizard tribe of the Endless Sand Sea has become a settler and is a vassal of Emerald Emerald.

Now there is one more Sea Clan vassal.

The name Emerald no longer deserves the greatness of Lancelot.

After the expedition, they wanted to write to Lancelot to establish the state!

There will be endless sand sea to the northwest of the region, including the Sea of Innocence, the Möbisu Mountains.

The Sand Lizard Empire, these forces, are all included in the territory!

With Emerald as the center, develop a city and surround the sea of innocence.

Form a huge capital city of great scale and diverse races.

Tuanzi looked at everything around him curiously, he had never known that it was so fun under the seabed.

Just when he wanted to open his mouth to bite a fish, Lancelot slapped it and said, “Toxic don’t know!” ”

Dumplings smash the bar and smash the mouth.

Taking advantage of Lancelot’s lack of attention, he still gave it to eat…

Lancelot rolled his eyes.

The first time I brought the dumplings out, it was really a bonus.

Unexpectedly, the dumpling turned out to be a life-saving medicine to relieve the magic element.

This guy is so resistant to poison that the magic infection is a fart to it.

This was discovered by Sylvana, who had eaten a lot of sea creatures infected with magic hormones, and it turned out that nothing happened.

Later, let Adolf study it, did not run, the tuanzi anti-poison, worthy of the god of the Xuanyu war pet mount.

It seems quite magical.

“System brother, is it here?”

【Yes host】

“How do you let me dig, by hand?”

[That’s your problem, host]

Lancelot had a headache: “Are you so desperate?” ”

Lancelot snorted, “Tuanzi, don’t just eat and don’t work, shoot this place open for me, dig three feet into the ground!” ”

Tuanzi grabbed a piece of coral casually, stuffed it into his mouth, sat on the ground with his butt, and raised his free paws casually.

With a bang, the whole ground was smashed, and this seabed was actually smashed out of a thousand-meter gully by him.

The dumplings continue to eat without incident, and the cuteness is so cute that it is outrageous.

Lancelot opened his mouth to the boss, half a day before closing: “You cowhide! ”

Crystal clear magic crystal mine.

“Recycling, System Jun?”

【Perform recycling】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 magic crystal mines】


Lancelot’s jaw almost dislocated: “10, 100,000? ”

【Yes host】

Lancelot swallowed dryly, worth it, went home and began to save money, crazy production of magic guides, directly to fight the Sand Lizard Empire!

At that time, the mirage was sealed by the demons and has always been carried on the body of the Naga queen.

After the queen was possessed, the mirage lost its effect.

Lancelot loved the baby.

With this mirage magic weapon, he can make his country properly protected.

But the only downside is that the mirage covers an area of only 5,000 kilometers.

Moreover, outside the surface of the sea, there are three breaths a month.

With each breath, the mirage falls into a day of failure.

If the enemy comes over when it fails, it will be embarrassing…

It’s pretty chicken, that’s what Beunita said.

Fifteen days, these fifteen days, the whole Emerald began to operate like a machine.

The entire Emerald power began to work.

No one was idle, and the whole staff was mobilized.

Military power, in particular, has been almost hollowed out.

The sea tribe that leaves the ocean is a scumbag, so those who can do more work.

The Emerald Warriors used these fifteen days to arrange the Gathering Spirit Formation according to Beyunitta’s spell projection.

And Lancelot, the Divine stood in the center of the French Front.

Countless Sea Clan warriors, personally present, looked at Lancelot reverently.

Looking forward to this innocent savior who can really do everything he says.

“You know what failure means?”

Tekrump, Queen Naga, Harry Siren, the entire Presbyterian Church of the Sea of No Delusion, the Admiralty of the Sea of No Delusion, all arrived.

Queen Naga’s face was not very good: “We are at fault first, but that is also for self-preservation, my sea tribe is also aware of honesty, and you know, once the faith is changed, betraying the faith, it will be punished by heaven, and we are not brain-dead.” ”

At the center of the formation, Lancelot looked nervously at everything in front of him.

The whole emerald emerald poured out of the nest, and the sea of innocence could come not bad.

Gathering Spirits, as the name suggests, is the art of plundering Reiki.

And Beunita chose this plan, not because of anything else, and only Lancelot, dressed in the arcane suit, could withstand such a huge gathering of spirits.

With the help of the power of faith throughout the Emerald Emerald and the Sea of Innocence, open the Great Array of Spirits and let the faith and aura protect Lancelot.

Thus wielding a little golden rod, with this powerful aura and faith, the world-breaking gathering of spirits Dafa, completely replicating a terrain environment without delusion.

In the past fifteen days, the Gathering Spirit Law Array had taken shape, dispelling countless demonic beasts around it.

The moment Lancelot became the Eye of the Array, the beasts scattered and fled.

Because here, terrible things are about to happen.


Beyonta gave the order, and she raised her hand: “Open! ”

The whole world was shrouded in gold, and at this moment, the heavens fell apart and the heavens collapsed.

Lancelot’s whole being turned into a golden deity, countless auras, countless beliefs, absorbed by his body.

As soon as he stomped his feet, the whole world collapsed.

The whole desert trembled.

A scene of miracles occurred, and a series of golden rays dragged the bodies of small demon beasts to the periphery of the formation.

Lancelot, on the other hand, pulled out some golden rods and sprinkled the heavens and the earth.

In an instant, the endless sea of sand was like a dream.

The earth continued to sink deeply, and a sinkhole exactly like the sea of innocence gradually took shape.

Countless sea tribes watched this scene in shock, and then, slowly, they knelt down, caressed their chests with their hands, and worshiped reverently.

At this moment, he is like a dragon, and he is, God!

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