The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 847: Everyone except me is born again (37)

Chapter 847-All Reborn except Me (37)

Xia Ling really has a psychological shadow over such things as Mo Mo.

She walked over, curled up her skirt sleeves, and began to rub the ink again ...

She had exhausted too much energy before, and soon her wrists became sore.

"Go and rest by the side."

Wu Yuan did not look up, but said.

"Your Majesty." Xia Ling was relieved at the moment.

She stepped aside and rested on the ottoman by the window.

Wu Yuan: "Little Dengzi, come."

Outside the study, the palace man came in from the door.

He rubbed Mo Yuan on Xuan Ling, and Xia Ling leaned halfway on the low couch. After a while, he could feel that Yuan Yuan's eyes fell on her.

She stayed in the study for an afternoon.

She was looked at by many Yuan Yuan, and then it was dark.

The lantern was opened in the palm of Shang's study.

Wu Yuan rested.

"Ai Fei, come and take a look." He studied the painting in front of him with satisfaction.

Holding up the picture scroll, this pair of Luoshen figure, Yuan Yuan made this Luoshen picture very vivid.

Piaoruohonghong, like a dragon.

Luoshen's feminine beauty is dignified, with a pair of eyes like water, and bright eyes.


But the main point is that Luo Yuan and Ling Wangxi in this painting are similar in seven or eight points.

Anyone who knows Ling Wangxi can recognize the painting at a glance.

"Xia Xie Your Majesty!" Xia Ling blinked at the bottom of her eyes and was a blessing again.

She also likes this picture very much. She took it back to embroider the purse. If she took it back, she must hang it in the most prominent place in Chunhua Palace.

Tong Yuan has done so well, and he does not easily paint.

Xia Ling must let everyone who enters Chunhua Palace know that she is so favored ...

She reached out and wanted to take the picture from Wu Yuan.

But Yuan Yuan blew on the painting, dried the ink marks, and glanced at her again.

"Who said this painting was for you?"

Xia Ling: "Is this painting not for Chen Ye, who else?"

Wu Yuan: "Little Dengzi, frame this picture, find a place to hang it, and hang it in this study."

Little Dengzi came in from the door, took the painting with both hands, and retreated.

Xia Ling: "... Her Majesty, hanging in the Shang study, I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

Wu Yuan: "I think that this painting is very congenial and is very expressive. It should be hung in this study room, so that the courtiers who come in and out can look at your painting skills. What's wrong with her? "

Not good, very bad.

It's even more inappropriate to draw her!

But looking at Yuan Yuan's appearance, he has already made up his mind.

Xia Ling: "Your Majesty has decided, and the painting hanging here is naturally 10,000 proper."

Already seated as the first concubine, this affectionate show is not good, she is the nail and flesh of Xie Yixiang and General Jiang.

Thinking from another angle, this Luoshen chart is hung here, and it is not bad to anger the Xie Yixiang and General Jiang.


Xia Ling spent a day in Yangxin Hall.

When she returned to the palace at night, she hadn't settled for too long, and Yuan Yuan followed.

The two hugged and slept, and nothing fragrant happened overnight.

The Taiyi said that Xia Ling must nourish his body and not owe him too much.

Wu Yuan controlled himself, but did not touch Xia Ling.


The days passed for half a month.

The news that Xia Ling alone favored the harem quickly spread across the court.

Xie Xunxiang wrote a memorial and impeached Ling Guogong.

Ling Guogong repented sincerely, and a page of things turned over.

Afterwards, Xiang Xie also wanted to find the trouble of Ling Guogong, but after trying everything, he could only give up.

Since when the Lingguo government started, it has been controlled like an iron bucket.

Xie Yixiang wanted to arrange people to go in and stir up the flames, so that even the gates of the Linguo government could not get in.


Half a month later, Xia Ling was promoted to the edict.

(End of this chapter)

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