The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 848: Everyone except me is born again (38)

Chapter 848-Everyone Is Reborn (Except Me) (38)

From the top four grades of Jiefang to the third grade's nobles, they have the right to seize and lift all the concubines from below eight grades.

At that time, the favor in Chunhua Palace continued.

Xie Luoyan, who is also the beginning of the Spring Characters, is like living in a forgotten corner.

Everyone knows that Xie Luoyan did not deal with He Guizhen in the palace.

People in the palace will look at people most, Xie Luoyan is now very sad.

If it wasn't for her father who is today's Xie Yixiang, Xie Luoyan is afraid that she will not even be able to live in the cold palace.

The same is Ronghua who entered the palace. Jiang Er is now very comfortable.

Leaning on a big tree to enjoy the cold, she did not have the heart to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix, and it was early to make friends with Xia Ling.

Jiang Er's standard of living has risen sharply.

As long as the boat of friendship with Xia Ling does not turn over, she is afraid that she can live a life of nourishment in the palace.


Gongren: "Jiang Ronghua, Your Majesty turned your brand!"

Jiang Er: "Oh ... wash and sleep."

Gongren: "Jiang Ronghua, don't you clean up and bathe and change clothes?"

Jiang Er: "No matter what, I won't come anyway, I won't be able to come, I'll be transferred if I can't. Isn't it always the same?"

Gongren: "..." makes good sense.


Everyone in the palace knows it.

He Guizheng was particularly overbearing. Every time the sage turned over someone else's brand, she would have various situations and intercepted people halfway.

According to incomplete statistics, she intercepted Jiang Ronghua's favor three times and Xie Ronghua's favor five times.


Such a domineering woman, somehow attracted the saints.

In the background, Jiang Er doesn't matter, and he still wants to laugh.

Anyone with a good eye can see that the saints look at their brand is just doing something.

Otherwise, where is the truth?

Jiang Er didn't know which drama he and Ling Wangxi were singing about.

Carrying a small bench and carrying a melon seed to watch a movie in the palace, this is the only pleasure that Jiang Er lives in the palace now.

The only fun is ... continue to brush Ling Wangxi's goodwill, and strive to brush up.


Jiang Er could see clearly that Xie Luoyan had broken the silver teeth and could not wait for Xia Ling's flesh.

Every time she was looking forward to the holy pet, bathing and changing clothes, no less.

However, her flop was notified and failed every time.

She was a good wife and maid, and when she came to this palace, she was always keeping alive. She said, who can believe it?


Xuan Yuan promoted Xia Ling's status.

Gui San from Sanpin already has an identity and can take over the harem affairs.

Wu Yuan did not hesitate to give the Fengyin of the palace affairs to Xia Ling, let her temporarily serve the palace.

In charge of Fengyin and temporary palace affairs, this exercise is equivalent to the power of the queen.

The tenderness and sweetness of a king's heart, if it is not for the firm will of the woman, it is only a matter of minutes.

Xia Ling certainly resisted.

She treated him, tender and intimate under the bed, warm and coquettish on the bed.

The same is done.

But Xia Ling's acting, Wu Yuan believed.

He hugged her to sleep together, he caressed her long hair and called her love concubine.

In the call, the bottom of his eyes and his voice gradually brought true heart.

The fourth cherry blossom of Xia Ling's 'A Tree and Flowers' was full in silence.

Four cherry blossoms, Yuan Yuan already loved her very much.


The fine points are like Yuan Yuan. He still has a high attitude and repeatedly tries on the edge of death.

He promoted Ling Father and arranged Ling Li's arrangement in the Ministry.

Ling Lizhi has no name at all and no talent at all.

Mention him, the whole capital will remember his uncle's name.

Putting such a person in the ministry is like putting rice bugs in the granary.

3 more, 10 more tonight, refill little fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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