The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 243: Bright red cross

In front of Hydra who was a little nervous, nervous, and almost ready to die once, her savior appeared.

In the wilderness as if after the end of the world, he stood in front of Hydra just like that, completely blocking her front with his body.

A white shield of light appeared in front of him. However, compared with the imposing, overwhelming blue light stream, this three-meter-high light shield seemed so insignificant, like a small stone that would be washed away at any time and disappear in the light stream.

The one who opened this shield of light was naturally Juses who hurried over from the canyon.

He couldn't think of it anyway, he was just distracted to set up the fainted Lufa, Kay, and Zophie. By the way, the Iron Knight Don Gouter was rescued by the way, Hyde. The battle between Ra and Helen escalated to such an earth-shattering level.

Because of being blocked by the canyon, although he also saw the sparkle of the sky and felt the vibration of the ground, he did not visit the scene in person. He didn't know what the Doomsday Battlefield was until he really came out of the canyon.

The earth cracked, the sky was covered by blue light, and bright red blood flowed everywhere. Is this really the plain covered with white snow that he and Lufa passed by just now? That huge and wide field with almost no edge in sight?

After only a few minutes, the world has become completely different. What scale of war is going on here!

Although I still can't figure out the situation, Juss thinks it is very bad to go on like this. It's really very bad, and it won't work if you don't stop it. So, he stood in front of Hydra without even thinking about it.

"Idiot! What are you doing!" Hydra looked at Juss, who was suddenly stopped in front of him, angrily.

It doesn't matter what she does, even if this body and the core are destroyed together, as long as the five cores on the side of the Apostles are still there, she will regenerate again.

Although it is still unclear what kind of race Ulysses is, it is obvious that she does not possess the undead characteristics of hers. As a decent lady of Warcraft, how can she let her partner be dragged down because of herself!

After the fiery mating, she had decided to take responsibility a long time ago and take good care of this partner whom she had only found so hard to find.

No, there is no time! Reluctantly, Hydra desperately ignored the danger of her body's sudden splitting, and tried her best to stretch out her hands, put Juss's hands together, and opened a bright red shield of light.

The destructive blood light, and the light shield of Uses, were incredibly fused together, and turned into a huge **** cross light shield, erected on the ground.

"Ka Lei! Lend me the power!" For no reason, Hydra called out the name of the person she trusted the most.

The part of the power of the dark December that was hidden in her body responded incredible to Hydra's wish. From the ground to the sky, the bright red light submerged all the other colors in an instant, and finally guarded Juss's light shield, forming a strange blood-colored cross standing on the almost fragmented ground.

"Boom!" The blue beam of light hit the blood-colored cross, and the huge energy pressed over like a huge wave.

However, in this terrifying flow of energy, the Scarlet Cross Light Shield erected by Juss and Hydra did not waver at all. Like a hard rock, standing on the ground, the bright red color, like a flame of hope, blocked the cold and ruthless blue light from being swallowed-in Hydra's expectation, it should be like this.

But in fact there is no such thing. In fact, for Hydra, there would be no better shield than Eusis.

"Helen, stop."

Euses' voice was not very loud, but for Helen, the first apostle of the blue diamond crystal in the multi-layer defense, who was transformed into a super-destructive weapon, it was an order that was absolutely not allowed to disobey.

Whether it is body or mind, she can't refuse such an order, because it is an order from her father to her.

"Dad... Order... Absolutely..." The rotation of the huge blue diamond-shaped crystal stopped, and the magic energy drawn by the four days of holy spirits began to turbulence. Even if no order is given, the attack cannot go on.

The apostle can't attack the demon king-this is the core rule. The moment Uses stood in front of Hydra, Helen's attacking energy began to self-destruct.

"I am a great and noble... Demon King's... servant... a weapon for battle."

"I am... the strongest... the scariest... the destruction..."

"I only belong to the great demon... I will always love you..."

"Now... in the end... you are my only master..."

"I am... Helen... the strongest First Apostle..."

Intermittent voices came from Helen's mouth, but Juss, who was too far away, could not hear Helen's voice.

That is the most core command embedded in her body when she was created, and it is a command that overrides her own existence. At first, what Aiya wanted to make was just such a weapon. Powerful and ruthless, it will destroy all weapons that may cause danger to Ulysses without hesitation.

However, I don't know where the error occurred or what kind of force it was affected by. Helen, who should have no extra feelings, eventually became the current Helen. Although there is a slight error in the power control and technique and the prediction, but he has obtained the infinite possibility of Helen.

"Attacking Dad... Not allowed... Destruction..." Helen's eyes, who had been empty, recovered, and then realized what an unforgivable mistake she almost made when she lost control just now.

Because at this stage she couldn't feel the breath of her father by virtue of the power of the contract, she released the attack energy indiscriminately, and she was just about to attack her father.

Even if she destroys herself, she will never do that kind of thing!

Silently, the blue light stream that was supposed to destroy everything disappeared, and the blue diamond-shaped crystals that surrounded Helen also fell from the sky.

"Good opportunity!" Hydra was overjoyed after suffering a big loss, and then immediately raised her scarlet spear to prepare to pursue it.

"No!" Uses did not hesitate to turn around and push down Hydra, preventing her bad intentions. Let her blood spear attack directly shot into the air.

"Which side are you on!" The frustrated Hydra protested, solemnly!

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