"It's not right to fight like this!" Although he usually looks weak and has a very gentle personality, Euses still works very hard when he needs to act.

The reason why I couldn't stop it just now was because the scale of the battle between Hydra and Helen was escalating so fast.

Hydra will become bigger, Helen will become that form, he never thought about these things beforehand, because this is not in line with common sense at all!

"Then mate with me, now, immediately, immediately!" Hydera was more determined than Eusis. In order to fight for the precious right of mating, the ethical lady of Warcraft will definitely fight for it. Especially for her who has no experience at all, this is absolutely something that cannot be compromised.

"Mating... now..." Juses' face was quite hot.

Can this kind of thing be spoken upright in broad daylight? Is the common sense he learned from books wrong, or the world has begun to change?

"What's wrong! Come on, come on! Let's start now!" Hydra took Juses's hand with interest and leaned against her chest.

There is not much time to use her four-in-one form. Although the combination technique of using puppet fruit has several flaws, it is in combat. According to a certain experience a few months ago, this didn't have much effect on mating, and her body said there was another taste.

"Ah..." Juses, who was a little overwhelmed by Hydra's initiative, quickly touched her breasts.

Perhaps because of the fierce battle, Hydra's chest was constantly rising and falling. When you touch it with your hand, you can immediately feel the pleasure of the rolling mountains and rivers.

But is it an illusion? It seems that the size of the breast has shrunk a little?

This is not Juss’ illusion, Hydra has discovered it himself. Her body was shrinking, and the sensation of something exhausting its power dissipated from her body.

"Huh?" Juss was surprised as he watched Hydra's body shrank quickly when he was pushed to the ground. Three gray fruit-like objects broke away from her body, and then turned into ashes.

After the three fruits disappeared, Hydra returned to her original appearance. That little one can be carried into his arms with only one hand of Juss.

"Ah! The puppet fruit has failed?" Hydra looked at her shrinking body and greatly shrunken chest in frustration. Compared with the disappearing power, the disappearing body and **** made her feel more regretful. For girls, shrinking **** can be more terrifying than shrinking combat power, which is simply a tragedy in a tragedy.

As her body became smaller, Hydra's indomitable aura, as if to overwhelm Euses, also disappeared a lot. The battle with Helen was not easy for her, especially when she barely used the puppet fruit to fight when her stomach was empty, which made her feel even hungry.

She felt that she could swallow a dragon now, maybe two.

"So hungry." After the battle was over, Hydra felt that her stomach was even hungry. It was so sad to fight when I was hungry.

"It doesn't matter if you are in such a hurry. If you're hungry, I'll get you something to eat first." Seeing Hydra, who became a little girl again, Juss relaxed a lot.

Compared to Hydera who was holding a **** spear and gave him a strong sense of oppression, although this little Hydera was equally tough, he felt that he was not so aggressive anymore.

"Then hurry up, hurry up. When we are full, let's do something comfortable right away." Hydra hugged Juss's body, and then couldn't wait to pull the ingredients he prepared to him. The warehouse moves forward.

"Wait a minute." Euses flatly refused Hydra's unreasonable request. He has to take care of more than just her child.

In Hydra's somewhat bulging expression, Juss came to the place where Helen fell as quickly as possible.

It was a large pit about 30 meters in radius, scattered with some blue light crystal fragments that were slowly disappearing, and Helen, who had fallen from the sky, was lying in the middle of a pile of blue light crystal fragments.

Beautiful blue light dots continuously rise from the blue light crystal shards around her, and then fly in the air like summer fireflies, and then disappear silently. Helen, lying in the pile of blue light crystal fragments, is as beautiful and mysterious as the sleeping beauty in a fairy tale.

Juss touched the face of Helen who had fallen asleep with pity, and then listened to her breathing and heartbeat. I confirmed that my breathing and heartbeat were steady, and it was not like I finally breathed a sigh of relief after suffering a serious injury.

"Dad... I'm sorry... Helen... made a mistake..." Helen wrapped her hands around her body, as if having a nightmare, Helen repeated similar words, seeming to be afraid of something.

"I am a great and noble...servant, a weapon for battle."

"I only belong to the great... I will always love you..."

"Now...in the future...you are my only master..."

"I'm... Helen... the strongest..."

With intermittent voices and an expression of restlessness, this was the first time Euses saw Helen who was so scared and hesitant. It looked like a child who had committed an unforgivable mistake and waited tremblingly for his parents to punish.

"It's okay, Helen is not wrong, Helen is a good boy, I forgive you." Although I don't know if it's useful to say that, Euses forgive Helen and Helen.

If she was wrong, she failed to stop the escalation of the battle between her and Hydra immediately. As a result, almost all of this land was shattered by his mistakes.

Fortunately, the luck of the misfortune is that there is no one around here. No, it should be said that you can't even see a living animal (it was used as a food by a certain lady of Warcraft...)

However, Juss still crossed his chest and sincerely apologized to the destroyed land. Although time can heal the scars of the earth, it may take more than ten years.


after an hour.

"This is the Lord Karaal..."

"The legendary undead beast..."

"The real eighth-level monster..."

The trio of the Paladins looked at Hydra, who was leaning on Juses with curious and nervous eyes, and looked at several piles of large barbecues with extremely fierce eyes.

Just now, it was this girl who looked like a little girl, but was actually the enemy of the terrifying beast, and cleanly defeated the three of them and the Iron Knight Don Quixote of the seventh team. In the short and fierce battle, the three of them didn't even have a chance to use the last trick.

However, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is too great. Even if the three of them used their hidden stunt "Holy Taoyuan", the final result would probably not change in any way. The feeling that Hydra gave them was exactly the feeling of Cliff, who had the name "Dragon Blade Warrior", the former head of the Paladins who visited him not long ago.

As a member of the strongest armed group of the Supreme Cult, they are no strangers to the extremely dangerous monsters on the mainland. Among them, the undead Hydra is the key point.

It just haunts the Karaal Mountains all the time, and why this super monster, who has been sleeping most of the time, came to the Northern Continent to rob, this is really unreasonable.

"Isn't it all right? Isn't it all right?" Hydra punched Juss on the back, staring at the piles of large barbecues with increasingly greedy eyes. If the meat hadn't been cooked yet, she might have rushed on it a long time ago.

"It's not good to eat all meat, Hydra." Juses patted Hydra on the head. This seemingly ordinary action made the three of Lufa, Kay, and Zofi on the opposite side feel tight at the same time.

That is Hydra, the ancient giant monster with the most terrifying undead and venom in the legend, as big as a hill, it is said that he has eaten man-eaters who don't know how many humans. Is it really okay for Juss to pat her on the head like this?

Although it looked like it was an armistice, staying with this vicious super monster still made Lufa and the others highly nervous.

Hydra is not an ordinary monster, but a super monster that easily kills all of them and then eats them. Euses can talk and communicate easily with such monsters. This is really too bold.

Even if it looks like a little human girl, Hydra is essentially a real super monster, and it is the legendary undead snake!

In the eyes of Lufa, Kay, and Zofi, Juss is now entangled by a large snake, and his life is like a small animal with candles in the wind. But, for them, he stayed in such a dangerous place so peacefully, with such a dangerous legendary monster, without any fear or fear at all.

These are true brave men, even if they are, it is impossible for them to do that kind of thing.

Looking at Euses, who was trying hard to talk to Hydra for them, the three of them also remembered the meaning of the brave recorded in the priest's canon of the Supreme Theology-the true brave is not determined by themselves, nor is it It is the king who will be appointed by the king, but he is a person who has a strong belief in "fighting for the weak" in his heart. Even if there is no strong power, nor sharp weapons, as long as you have that kind of strong belief, you are the real-brave.

In the minds of the three, at this moment, the brave Juss was born.

And Juss, who has no self-consciousness, is seriously thinking about how to cook more food in a short period of time. You know, Hydra's appetite is not so big.

"I want to eat meaty meaty..." Hydra's voice kept echoing in Juss' ear. Although Euses felt that a partial eclipse was bad, Hydra seemed to feel that he would die if he didn't eat meat.

How much she wants to eat meat can be seen from her expression when she stares at the few pieces of roasted meat with murderous eyes.

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