The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 246: Kay's determination

It didn't take much time before Hydra ate all the roasted meat, and then showed a very regretful expression.

This amount was less than one percent of the ingredients she prepared, and it was not enough for her to eat. And after eating the fragrant barbecue, she completely despised the rough meat without adding anything.

Fortunately, she doesn't just know how to eat. She can eat food for a hundred years in one breath, or she can not eat anything for a hundred years.

Now that you have found the person you want to find, there will be opportunities to fill your stomach in the future.

Now that he has finished eating, then... Hydra looked at Euses with a dangerous gaze, and began to consider whether to clear the field first, and then start a fiery mating.

However, it may be because she was hungry for a long time, then fought a battle, and ate a lot of food all at once. She felt a little tired and fell asleep in the arms of Juss. Ignore the existence of other people.

"Huh." Seeing Hydra sleep peacefully in Juss's arms, it was not only Juss who felt relieved.

For Lufa, Kay, and Zofi, the feeling of imminent disaster finally disappeared, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.


Because of the unexpected encounter with Hydra, the originally scheduled itinerary was naturally completely finished.

At the moment of life and death, a powerful force broke out, but the Iron Knight Don Quixote, who was beaten by Hydra into the mountain wall, needed a rest, and Helen, who had temporarily fallen asleep, also needed a rest. Hydra could not be left alone. Under Juss’ proposal, the team decided to take a day off.

Soon, night came.

At the corner of the canyon, three tents were erected. The one on the far right belongs to Don Quixote, the Iron Knight, the one in the middle belongs to Lufa, Kay, and Zofi, and the one on the far left belongs to Juss.

In a large tent designed to the standard of a small team, Juss was gently watching Helen who was still sleeping. Compared with that in the afternoon, her expression was much quieter, and she didn't say anything strange. It seems that he fell asleep just because he was tired.

With his right hand stroking Helen's silky long silver hair, Juss felt quite guilty. If he could stop her and Hydra from escalating earlier, things wouldn't be like this.

Speaking of Hydra, Juss looked at the other side of the tent. Hydra was sleeping soundly and could not see any troubles. Just looking at Sleeping Face, probably no one can connect her to the famous Undead Beast.

Although Lufa and the others had repeatedly warned him of Hydra's danger and her sordid reputation, Juss always felt that Hydra's nature was not as terrible as they said. If it were the same as what they said, they would have been eaten long ago.

Euses didn't think that Warcraft was such a terrifying monster. He didn't tell him, Mother Ice Phoenix and the friend in the lava sea were both very friendly monsters. Although Sila is a bit teasing about him, she is actually a very good girl. It is wrong to look at people only by race.

"Uses!" A familiar voice rang softly at the door of the tent, awakening the pensive Euses.

It's so late, who is it?

"It's me." The voice was smaller than before, but Juss still heard it. It was Kay's voice.

"What's the matter?" Juses asked strangely.

Among the trio of the Paladins, Kay was the most rude to him. When she was first discovered that he was a male, she did not hesitate to move the knife, and almost never sent him to see the great Supreme God.

After the accident on the rooftop, she almost never spoke to him again. As long as he speaks, her face will become very strange, and then she will try her best to leave ten meters around him, as if he was carrying some deadly plague.

He felt that he might have been completely hated by her.

"Are they asleep?" I don't know if it was Juss's illusion, Kay's voice seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

"Well, I fell asleep." Juss answered sincerely.

Hearing this answer, Kay outside the tent breathed a sigh of relief. After a few seconds of silence, she mustered up her courage and told Juss her purpose of coming here.

"If you can, can you go out with me. I have something to say to you, Juss."

"This..." Juss looked at Helen and Hydra who were sleeping, and felt that it wouldn't matter if the time was not long:

"No problem, wait for me."


The wind of the cold winter night blew across the icy cliffs, making a whimpering sound. In the distance, you can faintly see the red light of the flame burning. It was the remains of Helen and Hydra during the daytime when Helen and Hydra fought, and the traces of deep underground flames gushing from the earth are still burning.

Juss quietly followed Kay, followed her through the gorge, up the hill, then over the hill, and then into the gorge...

"Uh...Kay...Where are we going?" After climbing onto a cliff that looked like "Dangerous Places, Don't Suicide", Euses finally couldn't help but speak. Because if Kay goes down, he will probably have to jump off the cliff.

Although there are often legends in the story that people who jump off the cliff can obtain treasures, Euses still can't watch Kay marching towards the void where there is nothing. He can be sure that Kaye does not have the ability to shatter the void.

"Ah..." Kay looked in front of him blankly. Then I found myself walking a few steps, and then I could walk through the clouds, and then try the classic vertical acceleration movement.

"Hug... I'm sorry... I'm a little lost..." Kay's face turned red after realizing that he had done something stupid.

Of course she didn't want to jump off the cliff, but she unconsciously wanted to stay away from the camp as far as possible. But before she knew it, she lost her mind and thought of other things. If it hadn't been for Juss' prompt reminder, she would have fallen.

It's not like her, it's not like her at all.

Among the trio that unite and cooperate with each other, she has always been the calmest and the most disciplined and rule-abiding one, and she will never let her emotions affect her judgment easily. Since when did she become so undecent, she is Kaye, the heraldic envoy who holds the crest of the dragon!

Sure enough, it won't work if you don't make a decision, it won't work if you don't confirm your own thoughts. Just waiting like this, if you hesitate, you won't get any results.

Then, take your feelings and thoughts seriously. No matter what the result will be, I will never regret it.

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