"It's okay." Juses smiled slightly.

Although it looked terrifying, after getting familiar with it, he realized that Kay was not so unkind, but just unexpectedly obsessed with some things.

Lufa, Kay, and Zofi are all very kind people. It is very grateful for Juses to meet them and become friends. Without them, he who left the Ice Phoenix mother and Teacher Cavendish, the sage of water, really didn't know how to get along with other people.

The encounter with them must be the so-called destiny. Although the encounter was accidental, the next trip made him understand many, many things, things that are not in the books, and only things that he will know when he has experienced it.

For him, they are both friends and teachers, teachers who teach him how to live in the human world. So he is actually very grateful to them.

"That...this...actually, I am looking for you because..." Even though he had already mentioned the utmost courage, for Kaye, who had never had similar experience, what he should say at this time was not well organized.

However, even so she must answer. This is not only for herself, but also for everyone. If this continues, she doesn't know what she will become.

Thinking of his dismayed look in recent days, Kay felt that he should find a hole in it. Is it really her who can hit a tree and fall into the same pit continuously?

In this case on the battlefield, she would have died a hundred times.

So, it’s not okay if you don’t decide, it’s okay if you don’t make an answer. It absolutely can't go on like this.

"Uses!" The determination was made, even if the sky fell, Kay could not be stopped. Although she didn't know if this was correct, it was probably a mess. However, it must be answered, answering the questions at that time.

"I can't marry you!" Under the bright moon, on the top of the high cliff, in the cold night breeze, Kay gave Juss his own answer. After countless thoughts, I answered seriously and responsibly.

"Knot...knot...get married?" This time, Juss's turn was dumbfounded. He didn't know what Kay was talking about, was it "married"?

Marriage is called marriage formation. Refers to the solemn act of establishing a relationship between husband and wife in accordance with prescribed conditions and procedures, and assuming the rights, obligations and other responsibilities arising therefrom.

Get married and swear an oath before the all-knowing and all-powerful Supreme God. Two people who love each other join together. For love, for a better life, love each other, understand each other, and go on forever.

Whether it is poor or rich, whether it is health or disease, they cannot be separated until death separates them.

Marriage, fiery mating, give birth to healthy and lively offspring, and become a qualified lady of Warcraft. (...)

Wait a minute, why do you think of these aspects? Fundamentally, this is too weird. Has he ever proposed to Kay, has he?

Probably not. I remember that on that rooftop, he was teased by Lufa, and then he hugged Kay without knowing the situation at all, as if he even said the word "like".

At that time, what Kay said.

"Then, marry me! I want to have three children, two boys, one girl, and a big dog... The wedding must be held in a formal church. But you don’t need a big church, ordinary It's good, there is a respected priest to help with the ceremony... "Uh, isn't that kidding? It can't be true, because even Kay himself denied it next.

"No...no...it's not like that! Lufa! I definitely didn't say anything about getting married. I wanted to have three children, two boys, one girl, and a big dog. I didn't say anything at all! Right, Juss!" Kay’s denial is still vivid. Euses can't remember it wrong, it was just a misunderstanding caused by Lufa's joke, and no one would take it seriously.

By the way, Kay's attitude towards him has indeed become weird since then. Could it be that Kaye didn't see that it was Lufa's prank, and she has been thinking about it seriously?

Kay felt very sorry to see Eusis's shocked expression. However, this is also no way. In any case, she can't skip all the traditional stages and enter the final step like Lufa.

It was so bold that she never even thought that Lufa was such a proactive and enthusiastic woman. For her, who had no experience with men and women, she just watched Lufa's "course" specially and felt that the whole world had been subverted.

Really, it's not an exaggeration at all. When she saw that Lufa's soft body took the initiative to accommodate a part of Juss, the shock was fatal to her who was studying hard at the church school and making progress every day.

The church school would never teach that kind of thing, and when she was a teenager, she chose to enter the Paladin reserve team to fight various monsters and cult groups, and she had no chance to get in touch with this knowledge.

So, until that day, in that library-like room, she didn't understand what the so-called final stage of the union of men and women was. Seeing the familiar Lufa with such a sad and happy expression, and the snow-white body exuding unprecedented beauty due to the intense stimulation, she was truly shocked.

She can't do it, absolutely can't do such a thing. Marriage or something is really too far away for a girl like her incomprehensible.

She thought of this kind of thing too simple, and when Juss confessed, she would think so simple. But in fact, just thinking about what Lufa and Juss did, she blushed and her heart beat, and her whole body was so hot that she didn't know what to do.

"And... it's not that I hate you or don't like you... It's just... it's just... that kind of thing... to me..." Kaye didn't know what to say at this time, and what to show The expression is good.

Similarly, Juss didn't know what kind of expression he should show at this time, or what kind of answer he should give.

For a time, two people who blushed and were at a loss stood on the high cliff just like that, looking at each other. I don't know what to say next, what to do, what kind of expression to show.

"Huh! Huh!" As the north wind roared, the top of the icy cliff was full of slightly hot temperature, which is the temperature of fools who don't know what love is or how to love.

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