The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 248: Kay's distress

"That kind of thing...what is it?" From the beginning to the end, Euses, who didn't know the "special course" that Lufa gave Kay and Zofi, looked at Kay with incomparably pure eyes.

"That kind of thing... That kind of thing... That kind of thing..." Under Juss's gaze, Kay's face was so red that it was about to bleed, and the abnormal red color even appeared from his face. The tendency to spread directly to the whole body.

This is not a disguise, Juss will probably never know, for Kay, to meet him alone late at night, and then confess his thoughts, how determined and distressed it was.

For Euses, what happened on the rooftop of the hotel was just a prank by Lufa, and it didn't take long for him to forget it. But for Kay, a girl who is so serious and responsible and full of sacred feelings for her feelings. The phrase he said "like" and that extraordinary hug was a major event that turned upside down.

She was distressed, at a loss, and hesitated. What happened on that wide rooftop was absolutely extraordinary for her who had hardly had similar close contact with men before.

Although it hasn't reached the point where Zuofi's ridiculous and almost unimaginable "sudden marriage and elopement", it is an inevitable fact that his calm and calm heart has been shaken.

What is a male? What is a woman? What is the significance of the creation of these two different genders in the world? What is the natural order taught by the church? Why do you feel flustered, blushing and heartbeat at that time?

For Kaye, who likes to get to the bottom of everything, at that time, that place, the world seemed to have been changed. Many, many things she had never paid attention to before, and had never thought about, all ran out all at once.

After that, the "enlightenment education course" that Lufa gave to her and Zuofei was like adding fuel to the fire, and her heart almost couldn't bear it. Too many unknowns, mysteries between men and women, were all revealed in front of her.

She came from a church school and chose to set foot on the battlefield when others were still learning painting and poetry. She never thought that she would be troubled by such things.

For the first time in her life, she once thought that she would never have anything to do with men. She felt that she was not as mature as she had imagined. Either Juss's "confession" or Lufa's "Enlightenment Education Course" made her feel at a loss and panic.

She has no way not to think about those things, there is no way to not care about these things. All the thoughts like this were piled up in her heart.

Even if it is her best friend, a partner who was born and died together, she is not easy to speak up.

Because, the one who gave her the "Enlightenment Education Course", and acted as the teacher and protagonist, is her best friend, who is almost the same as her sister...

What does that "special course" represent? Multi-angular love? Active guidance? Or is it a hint between sisters? She doesn't know what to do anymore. Unlike Zuofei, who is innocent and doesn't think about anything, she has thought about her feelings very seriously and responsibly.

"Anyway, I can't marry you right away. That's impossible, absolutely impossible." Kay shook her head desperately. This is the answer she came to after thinking about it for a long, long time.

It's strange, it's so strange, it's obviously just a young boy who hasn't met for long, and he looks a lot like a girl, but why both Lufa and Zuofei like her so much.

"I want to marry Juss. If we disagree, we will elope!" Zuofei must be very happy to be able to say this. Her likes are simple and happy, without any other factors, to like is to like. Therefore, when she said "marriage", she is definitely not a joke, she is really determined and will act without hesitation.

Lufa is the other extreme. She never puts "like" on her mouth, but she will gently use her body to tolerate Juss and give him sweet and fiery love.

When she said "like", she had already given everything to Euses, and she did not ask for anything in return.

Kay couldn't understand the way of expressing love. Perhaps that is the way "adults" express love. The realm where Lufa is located has far surpassed her imagination, and she does not even need to use the ceremony of "marriage" to perform.

The gentleness that appeared in her eyes when she looked at Juss was a beauty that Kay had never seen before.

There is love, peace of mind, and tolerance. Her love for Juses can no longer be described in simple love, but includes more and better things.

But she herself was the most clumsy and the most incomprehensible. She didn't even know what kind of feelings she had for Juss. No matter how hard she thinks, she can't get an accurate answer.

However, in the daytime, when Uses was brave enough to face the terrifying undead snake Hydra, guarding the three of them with his not wide shoulders, she felt that there was something warm in her heart. flow past.

At that time, Uss was shy (Uss...) when he said "like" to her, and when she was tired, she sat on the bed and guarded her smile. I don't know why it appeared again. In front of Kay.

At this time, she realized that, no matter if it was annoying or something else, all she was thinking about during the recent period was Juss's. For her, this is something that has never happened before.

At that time, she knew... So, she had to answer. With my sincerity, I answered Eusis's proposal at that time (Usis...).

And the answer after thinking about it countless times and worrying countless times is-no.

Although I did think about some unrealistic things, I still couldn't do it. For her, it was too fast to enter that stage all at once.

Can't get married, this is the answer she can give now.

"Can't get married...can't..." In Kay's ears, Juss' voice gradually became depressed. Yes, he must be very disappointed. He clearly proposed to her with such confidence (Juss...) and has been waiting for her answer, but her final answer was like this.

Seeing Juss's expression gradually becoming lost, Kay became anxious. No, it's not like that. Although she can't get married, that doesn't mean that she totally rejected him.

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