The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 263: The morning here is quiet (part 2)

There were no roars like thunder, nor shadows of swords and swords, but the undercurrents in Juss' tent were already surging like a stormy sea.

Silas, who was favored by Juss (it looks like this in Hydra, Helen agreed) seemed to have forgotten that there were other people in the tent, and fell completely into Juss' embrace.

For her, every minute and every second of embracing her beloved little lady is precious. Compared to this, other things are not important at all.

And Helen, who had reached the highest level of alert, was looking at Hydra and Sila beside Juses with cold and merciless eyes. In particular, Sila, who was held in his arms by Uses like a pillow, had already reached the red alert level.

In her judgment, the monster of unknown origin had entered the final line of defense. If she did any harm to Juss, it would be difficult for her to stop it. If possible, she wanted to immediately pull her out of the position that made her a little envious.

Hydra's thoughts were simpler and more direct, and she couldn't bear it anymore. So, she shot.

Of course it was not a burst attack. In such a small space, a slightly larger movement and energy would harm Euses. Although she is indeed very combative, as a decent lady of Warcraft, she will never hurt her partner.

Her movements are very simple. First, she stretched out the index finger of her right hand and pointed at Helen and Shiraz respectively, and then with her thumb up, she swiped hard and drew out of the tent.

The meaning of this gesture is simple and easy to understand-"you and you, talk to me", or it can be translated as "go out to solve problems".

Sila, who was hugged by Uses, looked at the fierce gestures made by Hyderabad in amazement, and didn't make any response for a while. She didn't remember that Master Ice Phoenix's course for Lady of Warcraft had taught this knowledge.

Facing Hydra's provocation, Helen outrageously stretched out her middle finger. The meaning of this gesture is universal across the continent, and even the fairies living in the forest know what it means, as dazzling as a candle in the dark night.

Hydra stretched out five fingers dismissively, and then broke them one by one. The speed of breaking the finger was unusually fast and direct, and there was no sound even.

This means "I want to kill you as easy as breaking these fingers". It is Hydra's own unique gesture (extremely dangerous, ordinary humans should not imitate it).

Helen frowned. She couldn't break her finger, but she soon found a suitable way to respond. A transparent diamond-shaped crystal appeared on the palm of her right hand, and then a white light the size of a thumb came out from the palm of her hand, silently melting the metal ornaments on the table in the tent into a puddle of molten iron.

Then, she pointed the crystal at her beautiful big silver eyes. The high-heat light that was exactly the same as before shot out from the crystal and hit his own eyes.

She did not use any defensive measures, and simply used her own eyes to receive the high-heat light that could melt steel. Until he pressed his right hand to his eyes, then let go of his right hand, and looked at Hydra with cold eyes.

The meaning of this action is "I only need my eyes to destroy you!" (Life warning, dangerous behavior, please do not imitate)

Hydra squeezed her fist angrily, and did not know where she took out a blood-red long sword at Helen. Then he went upside down and pierced his heart with a sword, and then pulled out the sword inch by inch. The long sword stained with the blood of Hydra's heart exudes a strange red light, illuminating the silent tent.

This means "I'm going to pierce your heart so that you can't die."

Helen also clenched her fists, and transparent diamond-shaped crystals appeared on the backs of both left and right hands. She stretched out her hands, used her index finger and thumb to form a standard square, and then reflected Hydra's figure into this square.

From the two diamond-shaped crystals on the back of her hand, powerful magical power continuously converged into the square formed by her index finger and thumb. However, this time, she was not using high heat or pure energy, but rather dark magical energy.

Soon, a dark black transparent flake appeared in Helen's hand. It was extremely unstable, and it seemed that it would explode in the next second. Then Helen opened her mouth, crushed it and ate it. The cursed energy that can turn the surrounding area hundreds of meters into a place of decay, just like it was swallowed by her as a snack.

The meaning of this one is "I want to eat you", which is quite concise and clear.

Hehehe...Hydra looked at Helen with fiery eyes, and she felt the blood in her body burn. This feeling of high fighting spirit is really comfortable.

Huh... Helen looked at Hydra with cold eyes. Regarding the enemy who almost separated her from her father again, she didn't mind another state of destruction.

In the process of hostility to each other, neither Hydra nor Helen made any sound, so as not to disturb the sleeping Juss. But the two sides expressed the same meaning, and neither was willing to make concessions. If it were not in this tent, maybe a new round of fierce battle would begin again.

Ah, what a demeanor... Sila shook her head in the arms of Juses, then stretched out her hands and hugged the body of her beloved little lady. Sure enough, compared to all the messy things, this place can give her the most peace of mind.

Whether she is a pet or a toy, she doesn't care what identity she uses to accompany the little lady. It would be best if she can monopolize this place.

"Crack!" Helen bit the last dark crystal shard in her mouth.

"Pop!" Hydra almost wiped her neck with the sword in her hand.

Sila's pretentious actions were too arrogant, but her geographical position was too superior, so that Hydra and Helen had no room for action.

Neither Hydra nor Helen wanted to disturb Juss's dream. Seeing the peaceful and relaxed look of Euses when he was asleep, the two of them chose to be silent, and they didn't even make any sound when they gestured.

Although they have different positions and different camps, they are exactly the same in terms of guarding Uss. No, it should be said that all three are the same. They didn't make any sound even during the time when the consciousness of confrontation was strongest.

After thinking seriously and responsibly, Hydra first broke the deadlock and proactively reached out to hug Juss. Although Euses is holding Sila as a pillow now, she at least has the right to hold him actively.

After Helen hesitated for a while, she also got out of her bed and lay a little shyly beside Juss, the position closest to his face.

At the closest distance, looking at the face of her favorite dad is enough for her. She never asks too much. As long as you can, just stay quietly by your father's side.

Moreover, even though he could not hug Juss's body like Hydra and Sila, Helen took the initiative to put her lips on. Like every morning before, she gave her dear father a sweet deep kiss.

It was the same early in the morning, but the atmosphere in this tent was completely different from before. Both Hydra and Helen discovered something more important than fighting. The upcoming battle was subtly resolved and replaced by sweet hugs and even sweeter kisses.

"Bang! Bang!" The tent was still quiet, only the heartbeats of three young girls and one teenager were intertwined.

The heartbeats of the girls are fierce and cheerful, and the heartbeats of the teenagers are even and steady, mixing together to form a song full of youthful vitality. In this narrow tent, only three people heard beautiful music.


Juss was dreaming. In the dream, he slept quietly on a soft and white bed. By his side, there were several female animals he didn't know.

Among them, there are gentle women with snow-white wings spreading light all over their bodies; there are petite girls who wear snow-white suits with a golden bow tie on their chests, and have a sense of transparency; there are those with a long rabbit like a little boy. The girl with pink hair in the ears; and the girl with majestic temperament in armor.

They are all beautiful and lovely without exception. No matter which one is a beautiful girl, they all fall asleep beside him. Just looking at their sleeping faces, Juss felt a sense of peace of mind.

I don't know why, obviously he should have seen them for the first time, but Juss always had an incredible sense of familiarity. It seemed that they had been by his side long, long ago.

The gentle woman who spreads its snow-white wings and emits light all over her body makes him feel very kind and warm. Just looking at her, the mind calmed down unconsciously.

The petite girl with a sense of transparency filled him with pity and love, as if he owed her a lot.

The little girl with pink hair made him want to reach out and hug her, as if he was holding a cute baby.

The majestic Zhan Ji girl gave him a feeling of being guarded. It seems that as long as she is by her side, she can rest assured.

From a distant place, there was a long-distance singing voice, which has been spreading into Juss's heart.

The singing is beautiful and clear, like a quietly flowing stream, like a warm wind blowing in spring, like red leaves under an autumn sunset, healed and nurtured his exhausted body and mind.

A petal with the breath of spring quietly fell! Hidden in his hair like a shy girl, beside the pair of "lucky yellow wrought belts".

The early morning here is still quiet, only the fragrance of petals and the fragrance of the girls accompany Euses, allowing him to dream beautiful and happy dreams.

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