The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 264: Resection plan

The sun has leaped out of the eastern horizon, sprinkling countless soft golden lights on the snow-covered earth.

Although the temperature is still very low, the thick snow does not show any signs of melting. However, after continuous snowstorms, seeing the familiar sunshine again will undoubtedly make people feel much more comfortable.

"Hey...ha..." Zuo Fei carried her black snake spear and was exercising.

The huge snake spear made a loud piercing sound in the air. Although the action is simple, the power contained in it is terrifying. The strong wind rolled up the snow on the ground. It looks like a small tornado.

"Breakfast, breakfast." Lufa, who has the potential of a good wife and mother, hummed a small tune, while preparing the team's breakfast. She slept well last night, and the little injury she suffered during the battle with Hydra yesterday has been fully recovered.


Kay was the only one turning around near Juss' tent. Several times, she tried to open the entrance of the tent, but at the end, she suddenly lost her courage.

The reason for this situation is naturally what happened to Kaye last night. She hadn't even figured out what kind of expression she should face Juss with now. In the initial stage of last night, she was indeed controlled by Hydra, but later...

No, I can't think about it anymore! Whenever he thought of what he had done at that time, Kay had the urge to find a hole to drill down. In that way, did she have a broken head and did that kind of shameless thing.

Ah, I really want to die, forget it.


"Um...ah..." Juses' day was awakened from the fragrance of a young girl in the morning. A lot of things happened last night, but fortunately, it was resolved smoothly in the end. (If that's a solution...)

Because of the exhaustion caused by using that magic sword, he quickly fell asleep. Then he had a good dream, and he had almost forgotten the content of the dream. He only vaguely remembered that he seemed to be sleeping on a snow-white bed with a few very beautiful girls.

Of course, it's not that kind of strange content, it's a very pure dream. We all fell asleep peacefully. Although the girls didn't think much about their appearance, they all gave him a kind and familiar feeling.

By the way, there are songs. In his dreams, he heard singing. That is really a happy and beautiful dream.

Um, it's strange, why did something soft on the lips. This warm and sweet touch seems to have been touched somewhere. More than that, it seemed that he was holding something in his arms. Soft, soft, is it a pillow? But he doesn't remember that kind of thing in this tent, but it seems that the feel of this pillow is somewhat familiar.

With such doubts, Juss opened his eyes, and then saw Helen's face close at hand.

Consciousness is still a bit hazy, but what is in his arms does not seem to be a pillow. This kind of slightly cold skin and silky feel, is it...

More than these two, there seemed to be something sticking to him on his back. The air is full of good smells, this is the smell of young girls' skin.

Huh... Isn't it... Is he still dreaming? Juses' consciousness was a little confused. This scene is a bit similar to his dream just now, but there is a difference. However, the feeling of reality is more impactful than a simple dream. Moreover, in the dream, he was not so close to the other girls.

This...this is...if this is a dream, it would be too real. The warmth of Helen's cherry lips, the softness of her embrace, and the...

"Wow!" Juses blinked, and his body began to recover. Everything that should have been, what should not have been, all restored.

"Um...little lady... are you awake?" Sila, who was held in her arms by Juss, was the first to notice this. In fact, Bingmei doesn't need sleep most of the time, but she feels particularly comfortable in Eusis's arms, and she fell asleep because she was really overwhelmed by her body last night.

"Dad, good morning." As before, Helen's day started with a good morning kiss with her father. Although she had kissed secretly more than once, she still had a fiery deep kiss with Juss in a sweet gesture.

The smooth and tender tongue exuded a sweet taste in Juss's mouth. Although he hadn't figured out what was going on, Juss's body responded automatically, entangled with Helen's tongue.

The entrance of the tent was opened a little bit, and a pair of uneasy eyes took a quiet peek, just in time to see the scene of Helen and Euses kissing, and immediately disappeared at the speed of electric light and flint.

Neither Juss nor Helen or Silas paid any attention to that gaze.

After the deep kiss with her father, Helen felt well. This is thanks to her body has been moisturized, and it is no longer in the previously extremely unstable state. Although only basic recovery was carried out, as long as it was not used too much, there would be no problems.

Of course, if you can get more "that" from Dad, it would be even better. For her, that is a special item that can increase the maximum control ability, and can also supplement the magic power she consumes, and it is the most suitable magic replenishment item.

"Dad... she is..." Helen, who had automatically entered the guard mode, looked at Sila who was a little bit dissatisfied from Juss's arms with a vigilant look.

She didn't have specific information about this monster. Although she could probably confirm what she was, she didn't understand the relationship between her and Euses.

"I'm Syrah...little lady’s pet, or toys. Oh, the little lady is your father...little lady, do you have such a big daughter?" Silas confessed to herself openly. identity of.

"Pet? Dad's..." Helen looked at Sila with a puzzled look. She had never heard of such a thing.

"That's it." Xi stretched a lazy waist and hadn't slept so well for a long time. On the body, it seemed that the temperature of the little lady she liked still remained.

"No, pets or something...Sila is my friend and teacher. Actually..." Juss didn't know how to explain it. He is a super monster from the world of ice and snow, but it's a secret in a secret.

Although he seemed to think of some strange memory fragments last night, there is no doubt that he is not a human being. However, what kind of monster he was, even he himself couldn't figure it out.

"Understood, since it's Dad's friend, pet... then it's not an enemy..." Helen's hand let go. Compared to Hydra, who tried to drive her away from her father, Syrah was at least less dangerous.

She would not doubt Euses, for her, every word of Euses was an order.

Therefore, even if she stops when she is in a state of destruction, she will not hesitate to execute the order, even if it causes magic backlash. (For humans, the magic backlash in the strongest state is fatal. Many powerful wizards in history have died in such accidents.)

Since Euses said Shiraz was his pet, she wouldn't make a move.

However, Hydra is exceptional. She is extremely dangerous and must be eliminated! Helen cast his gaze on Juss's back, where the extremely dangerous figure was.

"Huh...huh..." The famous Hydra, the nine-headed demon snake that can be used to frighten children near the Karaal Mountains, is taking a guest role as a koala. Both hands and feet were attached to Juss, and it seemed that he had no intention of letting go.

"The ladies course didn't teach her such a thing." Seeing Hydra who was holding Juss still, Sila shook her head, hopelessly.

"Huh...huh..." Hydra had no plans to wake up. It looked like he was treating Eusis as a bed. No, judging from the snake’s habits, it might be a tree. In short, it will not be so easy to let go.

"Dad, do you want me to take emergency measures?" Helen raised the hand knife, and a thin layer of light suddenly appeared on the edge of the smooth palm, making her hand knife extremely sharp.

This is not an ornament, but a magic blade made by compressing the mixed magic to the limit, which can easily cut steel. The compressed use of magical abilities is one of the abilities acquired after her body has evolved, and it is a more practical ability than the previous full-attribute magic bombardment.

Using this kind of hand knife to explode with all her strength only at the shortest distance, she is sure to dismantle the unguarded Hydra. All her hands, feet, head, and body were severed in a second. In this way, the "malignant tumor" can be cut off from her father, and the operation is named the "tumor removal" plan.

"Stop! Stop!" Euses knew what she was going to do just by looking at Helen's sharp palm. If she is really scratched, I am afraid that we can see the horrible scene of blood flying all over the sky right away.

He didn't want his back to become the scene of the "Helen Murder". Although Hydra did something wrong, she didn't get to the point of being dismembered.

"I see." Helen regretfully stopped the "tumor removal" plan.

It's a pity, only a little bit. It only takes a second, and she can complete the plan. Her hand knife was only ten centimeters away from Hydra's joint.

Just swipe left and right to cut off her hands. Then put everything up and cut off her head. She promised that her father would not get any blood on her body, and cleanly cut the dangerous hydra into many pieces.

Really, why is their relationship so bad? Juss sighed looking at Helen's hand knife close at hand.

If this continues, the future will be difficult.

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