All of a sudden, Lufa's eyes looked different at Sila. On this continent, humanoid monsters are still such a beautiful and lovely type, and their value can no longer be simply measured by money...

Ordinary people can't see how precious Shiraz is. Probably only after reaching the level of the seventh-level powerhouse, can we see the essential difference between her and human beings.

"Uss, is this really your pet?" Even though Sila admitted it herself, Lufa felt unbelievable. This is Ice Charm. Although she knows there is such a monster, she has never heard of anyone who can treat such a beautiful and dangerous monster as a pet.

"It should be..." Although Euses had never regarded Syrah as a pet or toy. But Silas seemed to intend to use such an identity by his side and stay with him in the human world.

Although high-level monster pets are rare, they are not uncommon. It's just that maybe even Sila doesn't know how rare Ice Charm is in the human world. In terms of rarity, she is more precious than dragons. After all, there are many dragons on Dragon Island, and the King of Ice Charm is the only one.

"It's really true." Lufa looked at Sila beside Juss with envious eyes.

Silas, who looked like a juvenile, had the ability to unconditionally capture the eyes of women. The small size and snow-white skin make Lufa feel more and more lovely as she looks at it.

"Can I give it a hug? It's all you need to do." Lufa pressed Juss's body with her great breasts, using the natural ability of all women to "tempt".

"This... if Silas wants..." Juses felt the "pressure" was huge, really, very big, very big.

"Come on, let my sister hug." Lufa, full of maternal love, stretched out her hand to Xiaoxi. After confirming that she is Eusis's pet, Lufa, who has no resistance to cute things, is completely infatuated.

Really, so cute.

Sila smiled and accepted Lufa's hug.

"It's a bit icy, so soft, almost weightless, is this the larva of Bingmei?"

Lufa holding Shiraz feels so happy.

I don't know what the reason is, almost no one has ever seen their larvae. Being able to hug the cute little Bingmei like this is like dreaming.

Moreover, it is completely different from the cold and compelling feeling in the imagination. Little Syrah's skin is only a little cold, but the soft feeling is like soft jade, she is worried that she will break her with too much force.

"It's really an accident. Euses actually has such a precious pet. Kay, aren't you surprised?" Zofi looked curiously at Sila, who was hugged by Lufa, who was overwhelmed by her mother's love. From the outside, it was really small, even smaller than her.

"..." Kaye looked at Sila, remembering what happened last night. When she was about to fall completely and entered the arms of Eusses, it was this ice charm that took away Euses who had been out of control and let her escape.

If it weren't for her appearance, I'm afraid she had already... but what happened after that?

"Kay, what's the matter with you, his face is strange..." Zofi shook his fingers in front of Kay. She's been weird since just now, turning around Juss's tent, did she drop something.

"Ah..." Kay shook his body and finally returned to the real world from the strange delusion.

No, it can't be like that. In any case, Syrah is too young and still a pet. Although it is almost identical to humans, she is a semi-elemental body, no matter how you say it, it is impossible to be like humans, and Euss...

Euses... When thinking of that possibility, Kay mustered the courage to look at Euses. Just in time, Juss also accidentally turned his gaze to Kay's side.

In an instant, the eyes of the two met.

Then the two of them blushed together.

Juses remembered what happened last night. Although not with Hydra, Sila broke through the final stage like that. But Kay, who was controlled by Hydra (he didn't know that Kay was out of Hydra's control later) and him did a lot of things that ordinary couples would not do.

It can be said that even if he didn't break through the final stage, Kay did something more ashamed than that. At this time, how should he tell Kay. When obviously going for a walk together, she said "she can't marry him".

Kay thought things were worse than Euses. After all, she witnessed the "mating" of Hydra and Juss at the closest distance. And before that, at the stage when she was controlled by Hydra, she was so and like that she was barely allowed to enter her body by Juss.

For her, who had to think about hugging Juses for a long time, the first half of last night was simply a nightmare in a nightmare. And what happened later, even thinking about it, she would get fever all over her body.

If, if Silas hadn't taken Usis away, I'm afraid, I'm afraid... I can't think about it anymore, the shameful thing is simply the temptation of the devil.

Although the two didn't say anything, the look in each other's eyes had revealed a lot of things. The blushing coincidentally made the two people full of ambiguity. In just one short night, the relationship between the two seemed to have become completely different.

Relying on her lovely body shape, polite attitude, and lady's smile, Sila joined the group silently. Unlike someone whose interpersonal relationship is so bad that one can't help but want to play a black hand, her method is much smarter.

In this way, Shiraz joined the team as a "rare ice charm pet". And the fiercely famous Hydra is now incarnation of a "Hydra-type" backpack, occupying the space behind Juss.


When the big sleigh held by the Iron Knight Don Quixote set off again, it was already around eight o'clock in the morning.

Originally due to Hydra's existence, both the three-person team of Lufa and the Iron Knight Don Quixote felt great pressure, but Sila's success relieved the atmosphere.

Smart and virtuous (...), she has the qualities that can make people happy without speaking, and she always smiles to make the atmosphere of the team suddenly relaxed.

At this time, Juss was trying to get the "Hydra-type" backpack from himself more peacefully.

He carried a skewer of meat that Lufa had just roasted in the morning. Although there is no spice, the skewers still exude an attractive fragrance.

"Hydra, it's time to get up and eat." Juses dangling around with the skewers, trying to wake Hydra from sleeping.

"Hmm...Hmm..." Hydra shrugged her nose, as if she could smell the scent of barbecue, Juss even heard the sound of her appetite from her mouth.

"Get up, if you get up, I'll give this to you." Juss guided Hydra in a seductive voice. He doesn't like violence, and it would be great if Hydra could be awakened in this way.

"Hmm...Hmm..." Hydra moved, and the hands and feet that had held Juss firmly began to move.

Move, move, when Euses thought she was about to wake up, she suddenly stretched out her body from the side of Euses's shoulder and bit the meat skewers in his hand.

"Hmm... Gu..." She swallowed the silky meat skewers directly into her stomach without even biting, and then licked Juss's hand with great enthusiasm, returning to the original position, becoming Created a "Hydra-type" backpack.

During this process, she didn't open her eyes, all her movements were just simple instincts. Like a poisonous snake spreading its wings, like a bird spreading its wings. When Juss discovered that the skewers were missing, she had returned to her original position.

"Ha...Haha..." Although I knew that Hydra was a terrible beast. But seeing her cute side, Lufa and Zuofei couldn't help but laugh. And Sila, who had been Hydra's lady etiquette teacher for a while, had nothing to say. She thought it would be better not to admit that Hydra was her own student.

"Dad, really don't think about emergency measures?" Helen's eyes were serious.

"Forget it, she will wake up." Euses had nothing to do with Hydra. After the meat lure plan failed, there were no suitable props. Try again when you have lunch.

"Understood." Helen turned her head, stretched out her five fingers, and then swiped in the air.

The magic power condensed into blades was released from her hands, forming a sharp claw mark in the air. It looked like it had been across the water.

Just now, as long as Euses uttered the word "Yes", Hydra would be quickly and effectively decomposed, and Helen even thought about the way to dispose of the corpse.

It seemed that Hydra's attempt to reconcile Helen and finally found her father to dismantle her was really making the weapon girl angry.

"Oh..." Juss sighed. Judging from Helen's appearance, she seemed to dislike Hydra quite a bit.

It's no wonder that Hydra almost shot her to a place where she didn't know how far. She must be so angry because of this.

As the sled was advancing at high speed, the surrounding scenery began to change unconsciously. Unlike the uninhabited areas that I walked through a few days ago, human villages can now be seen, and a large number of chimney-style cabins unique to the north have also appeared on the route.

This means that this is no longer a wilderness, but an area ruled by people.

A few more hours later, when it was almost noon, the surrounding roads had widened, and there was even a road cleared of snow.

"Uses, we are almost here." Lufa, who held Sila in his arms, stood up suddenly and cast his eyes on the gradually clear building on the horizon. "There is one of the guarded cities of the Guanghui Academy, the fortress city responsible for the defense of the east-Dongcheng."

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