The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 267: The Silver City (Part 1)

"East Side?" Juses stood up from the sled and looked at the city on the other side of the horizon.

Because of the distance, he could only see a rough outline, but that was enough.

In the golden sunlight, the city was shining with beautiful silver light, and it looked like a gem. Even after so far, Juss could feel the beautiful brilliance.

"What a beautiful city." Although only the outline can be seen vaguely, Euses saw such a beautiful brilliance for the first time.

"That's the north, no, one of the most beautiful cities in the entire continent. The silver knight city refers to it." Although it is not the first time that Lufa has been here several times because of the mission, it is not the first time to see the glory, but Still feel relaxed and happy.

It is the beauty of a mixture of architectural art and natural materials, an artificial miracle built by humans in the northern wilderness. After coming out of the wilderness, seeing such a beautiful city makes me feel a sense of relaxation.

"The city of silver knights?" Euses looked curiously at the city that exudes silver brilliance. Isn't that just a natural phenomenon?

"You'll know when you arrive." Lufa didn't mean to reveal the mystery right away. The miracle in the history of that building is so beautiful that only those who have actually seen it will understand.

At this time, the large sleigh controlled by the Iron Knight Don Quixote had already rushed through the last no-man's land, gliding beside the road.

The broad road is no longer empty, and two horse-drawn carriages are advancing on this snow-cleared road. The two groups of cars are separated by a distance, but they seem to be together. When the group of cars in front of you pulls away because of the speed, it will automatically slow down and wait for the group of cars behind to catch up.

In the front are several large sealed carriages with a huge wolf-shaped mark on them. The people driving the car were a few strong fighters, and they looked around with brilliant eyes. The weapon was just beside him, looking full of vigilance.

On the wall of the carriage, shooting holes and **** can be seen. This is a modified carriage that allows the people in the carriage to go into actual combat as quickly as possible. This design is generally used for military transportation vehicles, but mercenary groups often use this kind of carriage. Although the comfort is not as good as the average carriage, but for the army and mercenaries, safety is more important than comfort.

After this group of cars, there is another group of cars with a slower speed.

Several sturdy carriages were driving on the road at a constant speed. It can be seen that the people driving these carriages are quite skilled! There were hardly many bumps. The horses that pull carts are not ordinary horses, but northern thoroughbred horses known for their ability to withstand cold.

This kind of thoroughbred horse is very valuable, and there are very few on the mainland, and almost all the stallions are controlled by some great nobles in the north.

It can be said that an excellent thoroughbred horse is a testament to a great nobleman. It is the accumulation of thousands of years. Those nouveau riche merchants, no matter how much money they spend, it is impossible to get such a purebred horse with excellent pedigree.

And on the sides of the ordinary looking carriages, you can see several different coats of arms. No matter which one, it is the coat of arms owned by the famous noble families in the northern continent.

In the middle one, you can even see the coat of arms of the first power in the north, the royal family of the Slo Empire, which is a sign that represents the noble status of the carriage owner more than any gorgeous decoration.

Anyone who knows a little about heraldry and aristocratic knowledge can tell that the people in these carriages must be the great aristocrats in the north. If you are a scholar who is proficient in heraldry, you can even infer from the heraldry which family these carriages belong to.

However, even though the following carriages are enough to pull the wind in the eyes of people who know the goods, they are not on the same level as the Don Quixote heavy metal sled.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Amid the roar of metal, the huge metal sleigh rolled up snow in the sky.

The roar of heavy metal when the metal runner rotates is mixed with the sound of metal sleigh rubbing against the snow, like a roaring metal beast, and like a violent tornado surging across the earth. It can be said that there will be no more windy means of transportation on this snowy ground.

When it was on the snowy field, the huge momentum created by this sled while it was driving, even the many ice monsters that specialize in winter activities shuddered, not to mention just a horse-drawn carriage driving on the road, two means of transportation. It's not a level thing at all.

"Then, what is that!"

"Is it a monster!"

"Highest alert, ready to shoot!"

Obviously, people who have never seen a Don Quixote heavy metal sled have no idea what it will be. The monsters racing on the snow are probably their only intuitive impression.

Only from the outside, the iron knight Don Quixote, riding a heavy metal mount, dragging a huge metal sled, and racing through the vast snow with a gust of wind and thunder, is indeed a monster with a big boss. As for the real combat power, the team on this metal snow bottle can even sweep a country.

However, the people on the carriage obviously don't know so much. Panicked, they could only stop the carriage desperately, and then a group of swordsmen in leather armor jumped out of the carriage and stood by.

It can be seen that this team of swordsmen is fairly well-trained. In just a few seconds, a temporary position was constructed. And on those carriages, several layers of magic barriers appeared, indicating that there is a powerful wizard who is pressing on the carriage.

However, whether it is the swordsmen who are desperately forming the formation, or the wizard who opens the magic barrier, there is a feeling. If the ice monster is really coming here, then all resistance is unnecessary.

No other means are even needed. As long as the huge shadow keeps hitting it at that speed, no matter what kind of defense it is, it will be shattered.

Near, near, getting closer and closer! Everyone's heartbeat was accelerating, and they would never have imagined that they would encounter such a terrifying monster just outside the fortress city of the Guanghui Academy. Doesn't this powerful monster live only on ice and snow mountains and wasteland, how can it run into the human world!

"Attack!" The pressure brought by the huge monster made the armed personnel of this team nearly collapsed, and all those who could attack from a distance took action together.

Fireballs, bows and arrows, and knives all mixed together and flew towards Don Quixote, the steel knight.

"Huh!" Iron knight Don Quixote passed through the right side of the team like the wind. Those attacks didn't even touch the tail of the sled, and no one could even see him clearly.

Soon after, the legend of a high-speed snow monster began to spread around here.

"What is that?" The swordsmen who were almost ready to fight to the death were stunned at the Iron Knight Don Quixote who was flying away, none of them even knew what it was.

"It's a big weird bird!" said one of them swearingly. The wind-like speed didn't seem to run out at all, it was definitely a flying monster.

"No, I think it's a big snow monster." The other is unwilling to fall behind, how could the big strange bird have such a terrifying power. This earth-shattering impact can only be possessed by the legendary snow monsters that haunt the snow-capped mountains.

"Will it be a dragon?" Someone quickly thought of the world's most powerful race.

"It may be a tornado." The statement of natural disasters also appeared.

All kinds of speculations spread all over this team for a time. However, none of them can associate the thing that hurried away with human transportation, which is beyond their imagination.

"Teacher, what is that?" In the center of the convoy, in the carriage with the royal coat of arms of Slow, a young man dressed in gorgeous clothes, about thirteen or fourteen years old, looked curiously at the iron knight Don Quixote's hurricane. Traces, it was the first time he saw something that could soar so fast on the snow.

"It seems to be...moving magic..." A middle-aged wizard with closed eyes sitting next to the young man opened his eyes and looked at the traces with some puzzlement.

Although the actual age is more than sixty years old, he looks like a middle-aged man who has become a seventh-level powerhouse at about thirty years old. This is also a common sense, the earlier the human beings become the seventh-level powerhouse, the slower the aging rate, so the seventh-level powerhouse can not judge the age simply by looking at the appearance.

Unlike the fussing mercenaries, he was well-informed. When he was young, he had traveled around the mainland and visited many dangerous places. He was not chased by powerful monsters once or twice.

As far as he knows, some monsters can indeed run at that speed or even faster. But the things in the past are not only speed, but also huge magical powers. And, not sure if it was an illusion, he heard the roar of metal.

If it hadn't been for the tyrannical aura of Warcraft, he might have done it just like those mercenaries. The speed and impact of that thing have terrifying lethality even to him as a seventh-level powerhouse.

"Magic? Isn't it a monster or a dragon?" Obviously, this answer was not what the boy expected. He really thought it was a monster or simply a dragon.

For the adventurous teenager, now is the stage of fantasizing that he is a dragon-slaying hero. However, there have been no real dragons on the mainland for a long time. People who killed a two-legged flying dragon and said that they were the heroes of dragon slaying continued to spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

As for those who rush to the legendary Long Island to create a true legend, no one seems to have come back.

"Prince, there are no real dragons on the mainland anymore." Seeing the eager expression of the young man beside him, the magician couldn't help but think of when he was young.

At that time, he didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. He seemed to have similar thoughts, but after being chased by a group of two-footed flying dragons and jumping into a mud swamp for a few days of muddy water, the delusion of challenging the dragon clan has long been gone.

"Isn't there a dragon knight in Agunis? There was the one who had been to our country that time." Regarding this question, the boy who was born in the royal family had reservations. He remembered seeing that terrifying behemoth once when he was a child. It was a beautiful behemoth that combined strength and beauty. But at that time he didn't know what it was, and now thinking about it, it must be a dragon.

"The dragon knight of Agunis does have the blood of a dragon, and the mount is also a subdragon, but that is not a real dragon." The wizard shook his head. After the undead war three hundred years ago, no one has ever seen a real dragon on the mainland.

The last few dragons that lived on the mainland had fallen in that war, and the newly-born dragons were all born on the Dragon Island far away from the mainland. In addition to some contacts with Agunis, the country of dragons, the dragons can be said to have completely faded out of the human world.

Once soaring in the sky in the golden age, many legendary dragons shed on the mainland, but now they are no longer seen.

Although the dragons are undoubtedly the strongest race in the world, their low reproductive capacity and long growth period have greatly restricted their number of races. After many wars, the Dragon Clan found that the multiplication of the race has become a crisis. Finally, the Dragon Clan decided to leave the mainland and return to the hometown of the Dragon Clan-Dragon Island, and no longer participate in the war on the mainland.

Now, humans have replaced them and become the true masters of the continent. And the strongest unit of the knight profession, the dragon knight, who can be transferred through signing a contract with the dragon, has not appeared in 300 years.

In the latter part of the War of the Undead three hundred years ago, the ultimate armour that appeared on the side of the undead, the Death Dragon Knight, was the last legend of the Dragon Knight on the mainland. But it is a dark legend full of horror and death, that is a terrifying monster that even the eighth-level strong can kill.

Although there were not even a single squad, when they appeared, the last advantage of the mainland coalition, the joint front that relied on a large number of griffon regiments to barely maintain, also completely collapsed.

Just like the last straw that overwhelms the camel, the continental coalition forces that have lost the last air force that can transport materials and intelligence have entered the countdown to destruction. The total number is more than 100 million, the high-end units are more than 1,000, and the ultimate units are also beginning to be born! It is a real natural disaster that can destroy everything.

"If it's not a dragon, what the real dragon looks like... I really want to see it with my own eyes." Although I have heard the teacher next to me say this more than once, the beautiful beasts still make the young man fall in love with it. After all, it was something he had seen with his own eyes.

Although he was still young at that time, he was still hooked at a glance. It would be great if he was not the prince of the Slo Empire, but the prince of Agunis, the kingdom of dragons. It is said that the royal family of that country performed rituals on the Dragon Island where the real dragons live during the adult ceremony.

"Prince, you are fourteen years old. You should seriously consider your future. Although your succession to the throne is only fifth, you still have the possibility of inheriting the empire. In order to be a good prince, you must... "Perhaps because he is getting older, the magician has entered the mode of focus and earnestness without knowing it.

He watched the little prince grow up, and sincerely hoped that he could accomplish a great cause.

Unlike the top princes, this little prince has a kind nature. Although this character is not suitable for emperor, but it is possible to become an outstanding duke. He hopes that under his protection, he can become an outstanding nobleman. He is already more than sixty years old, and he has already regarded this child as his son.

"Ah, really, here it is again." Obviously, the boy had heard these words from his teacher's ears.

"By the way, my brother is here too. Is his fiancé really here? That's the magical sister who nearly burned my brother. I heard that his hair was burned." The teenager quickly changed the subject. These secrets are more interesting than boring preaching.

"The fourth prince has arrived a week ago, his fiancee, that grand master's daughter is..." The magician's expression was a little embarrassed.

Unlike the fifth prince who is kind by nature, the fourth prince's character is said to be quite bad. Hearing that he seemed to be unruly towards his fiancée that time, it caused bad luck. At that time, the "Prince Barbecue Incident" caused a lot of trouble and almost turned the face of the Wizards Guild and the royal family. It also caused an outstanding magic genius to leave home and get news from her recently.

After the chaos, the team moved on. After all, whether it is the big strange bird, the dragon, or the tornado storm, it has already passed, and there is no reason to stop like this.

At this time, Don Quixote, the Iron Knight, who was regarded as a big strange bird, a tornado and many other phenomena, had already brought Euses and Lufa to the guardian city of the Glorious Academy.

"Sizzle!" Don Quixote, the steel knight who only started to slow down at the last moment, made a giant slalom drift. A deep mark was drawn on the snow, and the large metal sled steadily stopped.

The roar of metal gradually cooled, and Iron Knight Don Quixote took off his helmet and jumped off his mount.

"Here." His voice was short and powerful. In the past, he can no longer run wildly, and he can be considered to have completed his task.

"Finally here." Zuofei, who was already impatient in the car, jumped down a second and began to move his hands and feet.

Iron knight Don Quixote's ride is not so easy to ride, the feeling of hot and maddening ordinary people may be scared to death. People with heart disease are absolutely prohibited from taking this kind of transportation.

"This is the Silver City." When I look at it from a distance, I can't see clearly, but when I actually get to the front of the city, Euses knows why it is called the city of silver knights and why it is exposed. It would be said that it is one of the most beautiful cities on the mainland.

The city in front of him is indeed qualified to receive such a title.

"Yes, this is the city of silver knights, the glorious guardian shield, one of the last refuges for mankind during the Undead War, and the only miraculous city that has not been attacked by the undead army." Lu Fa straightened her chest to the first. Uses, who came to this miraculous city for the second time, introduced the glorious history of this ancient city.

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