The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 286: Call of Duty (Part 1)

"Boom!" Ulysses fell from the sky, and then fell into the water, splashing huge splashes of water.

"Cough! Cough!" Ulysses, who hadn't been submerged in water for a long time, coughed a few times, and then stood up from the water-to be precise, stood up from the fountain.

"Sister!" Standing next to the fountain, looking at the surrounding girls with puzzled eyes, looked at Ulysses coming out of the water in surprise. He suddenly disappeared from here just now, which really shocked them.

"It's you." Ulysses brushed away the hair covering his eyes and looked at the children who had just asked him questions a little embarrassingly.

It seems that the location where he was sent back is not far from where he used to be. Of course, if it can be more precise, it would be better not to be sent to the fountain.

How long did you stay in that place in memory?

From the fact that the girls are still looking around by the fountain, it may only be a few minutes. But for him, returning to that place again, standing again under the big tree that represents fate and sorrow, it seemed that such a long time had passed from the past to the present.

Close your eyes, the flowers there, the air there, the big tree that buried his past, as if it were right in front of him, within reach.

If it wasn't for the jewel that Yayou put in his arms at the end, perhaps he wasn't sure if it was a dream, a beautiful and sad dream.

Ayu's power is really amazing.

"Sister, where did you go? It seems to disappear all at once. We are very worried."

"Yes, after my sister was gone, we looked around here several times. Why did you fall into the fountain, sister."

"It seems that something terrible has been here just now, but it's gone again."

Curious and enthusiastic girls gathered around Ulysses, talking about what happened just now. For them, this is an unforgettable experience. They are still children, although they have had some knowledge of magic, what happened just now was obviously beyond their imaginable range.

"It's nothing, just a friend invited me to be a guest. Don't worry, nothing happened." Ulysses stroked the children's heads, and calmed the anxiety in their hearts with a gentle voice.

These children are good children, and he doesn't want them to be involved in his own affairs.

"Really?" The girl in the lead looked at Ulysses with nervous eyes. She vaguely felt that something terrible had happened just now.

"It's really nothing, am I not here?" Ulysses hugged the most disturbed child, and then dried his soaked body with light magic.

Perhaps because of the cryolite that built this city, the magical elements of light and ice are extremely active. Without much mental power, the light particles happily flew to his side, turning into soft light to help dry his body.

"Wow, so beautiful, sister, you are a wizard!"

"What kind of magic is this?" For the children, it was like a miracle. The soft light immediately captured their hearts.

Among them, the girl who first found Ulysses and asked him questions was completely stunned.

She saw the son, from Ulysses, she saw the light.

In her eyes, although her figure is not tall, she has never had an impressive appearance. Just smiled and stood there, comforting her and her partner with gentle voices. But in her body, there is a brilliance that no one else has.

It is a kind of peace of mind, people will quiet down unconsciously, willing to listen to her voice, and then be illuminated by her brilliance.

From the white robe she was wearing, she could vaguely see pure white fragments. She couldn't see what the fragments really looked like, but she was attracted to them unconsciously.

"Bang! Bang!" The heart was beating violently, and there was a feeling of blood flowing backwards. Obviously it was only an accidental encounter, but she felt that she was attracted by the white figure.

Her eyes, her hair, her face, and the soft brilliance all gave her a strong sense of impact. She even had the feeling that an angel had descended in front of her.

Here, all the children of the Ana family have heard the legend of angels more or less. It is not a fairy tale or a fantasy. In the history of the Supreme Church, there have been records of angels coming down more than once.

In her eyes, the brilliance of this "sister" must be the same as that of the angel.

Just looking at her like that, she felt her heart beating. The pure white brilliance was so beautiful that she was fascinated by her whole person who could not help herself.

"Okay, I should go to other places, goodbye." After comforting these curious children one by one, Ulysses heaved a sigh of relief.

The consciousness is still very clear, perhaps because it hasn't been too intense fighting and mental consumption, it seems that it can be maintained in this state for a period of time.

Taking advantage of this time, he wanted to take a good look at this city, this legendary glorious city. If possible, it would be better to go to the Guanghui Academy.

Glory Academy——This is the school chosen by the Ice Phoenix mother for him as "Uss". But in fact, when he was still in Taji City, he also had illusions about this place. Because the priest's college here is famous all over the continent.

In history, there have been several popes, cardinals of more than a hundred, and many experienced priests study here every year. It is the best prestigious school that wants to pass the priest exam.

It is a pity that he was born in a remote village in the south, and even the cost of buying books has to be subsidized by working in a mercenary group. It is impossible for him to come to this school to study.

It is said that the exams in this school are quite strict and expensive. Unless you have a special recommendation or you are a genius of all kinds, you can enroll without the exam.

At that time, he was just an ordinary light wizard, he could only support himself by making money, and he was not qualified to come here.

Here, for him, it is just a distant dream.

However, if he really passed the priest exam in Taji City and became a true priest. Maybe you can come here to study once in your lifetime. For him, this is the only possible chance to come here in his life plan.

However, the plan for everything he had to do from the age of eighteen to sixty had already been completely shattered.

His life, after meeting them, is like an ocean chaotic by the wind, even he himself doesn't know what will happen next moment.

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