The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 287: Call of Duty (Part 2)

"Sister, which child of the Ana family are you, can I find you?" When Ulysses turned around and was about to leave the square, the girl who asked him the first question couldn't wait to ask.

"I'm not from the Ana family..." Ulysses shook his head, and the kind figure of the great priest Anad flashed past him.

"I'm a student in Guanghui Academy, and..." Ulysses looked at his clothes. It's really strange. It was just so wet by the water, but it didn't deform at all, it was only the outside that got wet.

"...I'm not a big sister either!"

"It turns out that my sister is a student!" The girl who knew this important secret held her hand tightly. As long as you know this, everything will be easy.

"Then, goodbye, and may God bless you." Ulysses smiled and patted the girls on the shoulders, giving them their sincere blessings.

"Goodbye, sister."


After bidding farewell to the girls, Ulysses walked casually on the streets of Glory City, staring at the surroundings with curious eyes.

This is the city he has longed for many times, a city with a glorious history, and an ancient city that can be traced back to the origin of the High Gods. Walking on the old streets, it seems to have walked the long river of history.

Buildings of different eras and styles pass by one by one. Every step I take, I can feel the historical atmosphere of this city more clearly, an incomparably heavy and vicissitudes of life.

In the past, how many people have been here and then walked out of here? How many great men have been born in the glorious college guarded by this city? In the war three hundred years ago, what kind of mood did the people guarded by this city wait for the end of the war?

Just thinking about this, I can't consciously feel the greatness of this city. It has spanned countless times, encompasses all races, has been here from the distant past to the present, silently guarding everything.

"Haha, today..." Several girls in beautiful uniforms smiled and walked past Ulysses, seeming to be talking about today's weather.

"Here, it's a good city." Ulysses looked at their smiles and felt that he became happy too. Although they didn't show their smiles for him, the beautiful smiles and youthful vitality made people unconsciously relax.

Walking across the street and entering a small road, Ulysses continued his journey. He didn't know how much time he could remain conscious. Before he changed back to "Uss", he hoped to take a good look at the city.

Of course, it would be better if you could meet Alzeria. Unfortunately, he didn't know where she was, and he couldn't find it.

Half an hour later, Ulysses came to a strange place, and there was no one around.

He is now at the end of a closed alley, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time. He also walked into this place by mistake before realizing that it turned out to be a dead end.

To get here, you have to walk a maze-like distance. He himself wondered how he would take the path and finally walked into such a dead end.

At the end of this road, there is only one wall and one very old wall.

There are obvious traces of time erosion on the white walls. It is probably a long, long time ago, and it may even be a heritage from many centuries ago. And now, it was in front of Ulysses, within his reach.

There was something left on the wall, it seemed to be a handwriting. However, as the years passed, the original handwriting there was no longer clear.

You can only see the shape of a slightly crooked umbrella, and under the umbrella, different names are written. One is very fuzzy, while the other still has some traces. That was the name written in the ancient language of the magic age. Except for the genealogy of a handful of great nobles, there will no longer be such a name.

"...Ji?" Ulysses unconsciously read the remnants of the names remaining on the wall. It's a pity that because of the passage of time, it is already very reluctant to be able to read these, and the rest can't be seen clearly.

What is strange is that under this umbrella pattern, right under the names, there are clear handwritings that are completely different from the above, which does not seem to be traces of the same era.

Unlike the simple and slightly immature handwriting above, the handwriting engraved below has an unshakable firmness and is deeply carved into the wall. It seems that after a thousand years, ten thousand years, it will never disappear from this world.

"Why don't you tell me anything!? Why don't you tell me anything!?" Ulysses read the words on this wall word by word.

It's a bit difficult to read because it uses ancient words from the magic period. Fortunately, it was not a complicated word, he could barely translate it.

"Just tell me, just one look in your eyes; no matter where you go, no matter who you are against, whatever you want to do. As long as you want me to go with you, I will go with you."

"You showed me to hell, and then you rescued me from there. Then, why don't you need me? Why don't you call me? Why do you leave me behind?"

"I will find you, no matter what method or method is used. As long as a trace of your soul, a trace of fragments are still in this world. Then, even if I reach the end of this world, I will find you. And find out the answer."

"Thrown away by you..."

It's strange that only the last name was crossed out. It seems that the person who wrote this, with considerable hatred, destroyed that name. Only that kind of grief, anxiety, and doubts remained on this wall without reservation. Even after not knowing how many centuries, Ulysses was still shocked.

Despair... Ulysses could feel the despair of the author when writing these words. It seems that the child who has lost the most important thing, betrayed by the most trusted person, is crying desperately and venting his grief.

That kind of strong emotion, not at all eroded by time, still remains on this wall. Like a child abandoned by his father, like a girl abandoned by her lover, crying and shouting.

"Is this child lost like me?" Ulysses stared at this wall, grief and despair permeated the ancient writing.

It was the same feeling when he lost Yulia. The surrounding world has lost its color. In his eyes, the world has become only black and white. At that time, he even thought he could no longer survive.

In the end, he forgot, forgot everything, and escaped from that sadness. He still couldn't understand whether this choice was right or wrong. When he personally pierced the abyss into Lala's body, everything really ended.

Killing his former sister with his own hands is an unforgivable sin for him. He confessed such a sin and did not escape it anymore? Choose to face all of this. Therefore, he can better understand how sad it is, that the lost things will never come back after all.

"May you find the one you lost." Reaching out and holding the magic gem from Ayussen, Ulysses lowered his head and sincerely blessed the person who wrote the handwriting under the wall.

He didn't know who this person was, he didn't know his gender, let alone who he was looking for. Just simply, bless this person and find what he has lost.

People who have goals are always happier than people who don't. What he lost will never come back. Therefore, he hopes that the person who left the handwriting here can find the person he wants to find.

Holding the warm magic gem in his arms, Ulysses had a little unrealistic expectation, really, just an extravagant wish.

If, if Yu Liya can appear in front of him again, he also wants to ask her a question, a question he still can't understand.

"Yuliya, are you happy?"


Soon after Ulysses left, after many, many centuries, it seemed that the walls of this place would continue to stand in another ten thousand years, and suddenly began to tremble violently.

Along with its trembling, the surrounding buildings began to produce strange changes, each building slightly deviated from the original place a little bit! In the end, the alley where the wall was located was completely sealed, as if it had never existed.

"Crack! Crack!" One after another cracks appeared on the solid wall, extending to the surroundings. In just a few seconds, the ancient wall itself began to enter the stage of collapse. It seems that something terrible is stretching out its paws inside it, tearing this monumental wall to pieces one after another.

"Boom!" Finally! This ancient wall collapsed suddenly, leaving only the symbol engraved in the center of the wall and the writing underneath still intact. However, at this moment, it has become a slate, an ancient square slab.

Among the ruins, the stone slab emits a cold light, and it is completely invisible that it has gone through a long time. It seems that it has just been placed here, but there is no time to take it back.

Slowly, the stone slab began to sink, sinking deep underground, where it would never be seen by anyone. On the ground, only a pile of fragments of indistinct purpose were left.

In the process of sinking, under the umbrella-shaped symbol, the damaged part of the end of the handwriting was incredibly restored to its original appearance. It was someone's name.

That is the name engraved on this eternal stone slab by its owner with the greatest hatred, with incomparably deep despair, with absolute unwillingness and anger.

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