The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 293: Lufa's Confession (Part 1)

In the glorious city, in front of the Bison Bar.

Lufa and Ulysses stood together in front of the bar, and then unanimously reached out and pushed the door.

Inadvertently, the hands of the two directly touched together, and their hearts beat at the same time.

"Ah..." Ulysses was stunned, then cast his gaze on Lufa beside him.

"Huh..." Lufa was stunned, and then cast his gaze at Ulysses beside him in the same way.

The expressions and movements of the two were unusually similar, as if they had made an appointment.

"I'm sorry!" Ulysses apologized first.

"Why do you have to apologize?" Lufa blushed and looked at Ulysses. Really, it's just a trivial matter.

Do not know what's going on! From now on! She felt a little weird. Obviously, it’s just ordinary walking together, ordinary contact, but it feels easier to speed up the heartbeat than when hugging each other.

Could it be that she was drunk? But the blue carnation is obviously a very mild wine, even if you drink five or six cups, it is not that easy to get drunk. But this kind of heartbeat and blushing feeling is what's going on.

Euses was still the usual Euses, and nothing changed. But she just couldn't help getting fever all over her body, what went wrong in the end. Wouldn't she have become strange herself after entering this strange city full of girls.

"Because..." Of course Ulysses apologized for his guilt towards Lufa. Although he didn't realize this when he was "Uss." But after the memory came back, he knew better than anyone how much he had done to Lufa.

Unlike Sila and Helen's situation, Lufa's time was really a complete accident. He had never thought that things would develop into that way, as if he had fallen into it naturally according to instinct.

He who has no memory, it is too much to not agree with Dao, especially for Lu Fa who has almost just met. So, after recovering his memory, he always wanted to apologize to Lufa and apologize for what he did.

However, since his chances of regaining his memory are not under his control, until now, he has not been able to apologize to Lufa, or to apologize for the sins he committed at that time.

"At that time, I did too much to you." In the end, Ulysses decided to apologize and apologize seriously.

Since you have made a mistake, you have to apologize properly. This is not something that can be perfunctory. No matter how Lufa punishes him, he will definitely accept it while his memory is still alive.

"At that time, when was it, a very excessive thing?" Obviously, Lufa didn't realize what Ulysses was talking about for a while.

"At that time, it was..." Ulysses flushed completely. Just thinking about what happened at that time made him feel embarrassed that he really wanted to find a hole to get in.

Lufa's smooth skin, slender waist, and chest that smelled like a white peach under the blue sky all left an extremely deep impression on him.

The hot breath, the dazzling sunlight, the slowly flowing stream, and Lufa's soft and tolerant body made what happened that day was full of dreams and hazy beauty.

That feeling was so good that as long as he recalled the events of that day, that vivid picture would continue to appear in his mind, even if he wanted to forget it.

"Ah!" Lu Fa seems to have a special talent for this aspect. When she observed the strange look in Ulysses' eyes, she instantly understood what time he was referring to.

At that time, she was so bold that she could not even imagine. Thinking about it now, even though she thought she was going to die at that time, she took the initiative to develop to that point in one breath with Juss, who had only met for the first time. It was too fast.

In fact, she also thought about walking and holding hands with the people she likes, and then gradually went to date, travel, and then combined into one in a room with a view of the sea. However, at that time, she had already noticed that her physical condition had deteriorated, how could she have that time.

I don’t know if it’s better to be deceived by the body’s instincts, or to be attracted by the true and warm temperament of Euses. She couldn't believe it herself.

Speaking of which, at that time, she thought of Juss as a girl...Ah, this kind of thing, I feel embarrassed when I think of it, it's like being made a big joke by fate.

"You don't need to apologize, I forgive you." Standing in front of the bar, Lufa smiled and said what she felt.

Yes, she forgave Euses for everything she did to herself, and accepted everything from him. In this matter, there is no victim. She never regretted what happened at that time.

"But..." Ulysses hesitated, thinking it shouldn't be like this. Obviously he couldn't control himself first, Lu Fa just...

"I said, Uses, I like you. So, what happened at that time was not your fault." Although it is a bit strange why Uss still cares about what has happened now. But Lufa's mood remained the same as it did at that time. It should be said that after this time of getting along, I like it more.

However, the time to get along is always short. She is a soldier of the 13th Squad of the Paladins, and she probably has to perform a new mission after she finishes her outfit change in the Glorious Academy. I don't know when I will meet with Juses again, or, it is possible that I will never see him again.

The thirteenth squad, but a squad that specializes in performing dangerous tasks, while enjoying the highest level of equipment use rights and other privileges, it also has to take on more responsibilities. Even she herself didn't know if she could come back alive in the next mission.

The time of happiness is always so short, as if I only met Eusis yesterday, and I was about to part with it in a blink of an eye. Therefore, she cherishes this short time together.

This is the same for Kay and Zofi. So when on vacation, the three of them were happily doing their favorite things together. Going to the small town to take a bath was also a temporary intention, but I didn't expect that they would meet Juss from the sky there.

"Like." Ulysses looked at the girl next to him blankly. It was not the first time he heard this word. But every time I heard this word, I always felt shocked and couldn't calm down.

Aya, Lasputin, Mihalu, Helen, Shiraz, Angela... They all said "like" to him, and they didn't just talk about it. Hydra didn't specifically say such things, but her mobility was more terrifying than they combined, and she often moved in groups.

But as for him, has he really liked anyone? After Yu Liya is gone, except for La Xia, who has an extraordinary meaning to him, has he really liked a girl sincerely and wholeheartedly?

Not as a father, nor as a brother or a companion, but as a man from a male's point of view, purely with no other idea to like which girl.

That answer...

"Ah, really, Ulysses, you don't have to think about such complicated things, it's not like you!" Lufa, who felt Ulysses' complex and disturbed emotions, actively grabbed his face, and then squeezed There was a smiling face.

The frowning Juss was not good-looking at all, she still liked the cheerful and gentle Juss. Of course, if he could be more proactive, bolder, and understand her intentions better.

"Smile, laugh more. No matter how difficult things are, you don’t have to put on such a worrying look. With such an expression, if Zofi and Kay see them, they think I have done too much to you. What happened."

"Uh..." Ulysses, whose face was strangely made by Lufa, showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Yes, I just want to laugh like this. I, even when I am going to die, I must die with a smile." Lufa talked about her own personal experience not long ago with a relaxed expression, and even Ulysses did not find her. In fact, it is talking about things not long ago.

At that time, she could clearly feel the approach of death more clearly than anyone else. Even in his sleep, he can vaguely see the black shadows starting to erode his body.

It was a very strange feeling, as if one's body was being bitten off slowly. Start with the feet, and then continue upward. It wasn't very painful, but the feeling that my life was fading was clearer. Every day, the part being eaten will increase, and she can even roughly calculate how much part is being eaten every day.

At that time, she actually understood that she hadn't been in this world for long. She also knew why this happened. This was the price she had to pay in order to catch up with Kay and Zofi, who was not a real genius.

But she does not regret what she did. The joy of fighting, traveling, and participating in festivals with Kay and Zofi, as well as the three people working together to study the incomplete inherent enchantment that can be used by the three of them, is her most precious memory. If she didn't use the power of her heraldry, she would have been left behind by them and would never stand in the same line with them again.

People always have to pay for what they get. This is the law of this world, and it is also the truth. She was willing to give her vitality in order to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness. She has already embarked on the road of fighting with her partner, if she is left behind, it will be the real misfortune.

If there is any regret, I probably went to my death, and I never had a relationship before—until I met Juss.

It was a wonderful and unbelievable encounter, and Rufa still thinks so.

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