The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 294: Lufa's Confession (Part 2)

Looking back, that day, I really felt like fate. If it weren’t for Zofi’s sudden desire to eat the barbecue in that small town, they would not go to that town; if it weren’t for Kaye that the three of them hadn’t bathed together in a long time, they wouldn’t be able to go to the public bathhouse; the timing was right. Gathering together by accident gave birth to that shocking encounter.

The girl who fell from the sky (...), met like fate, embraced, nervous, and restless, feeling the heart tightening and feeling overwhelmed for the first time outside the battle. Even if she pretended to be nothing, her attention was still drawn to the girl in her arms.

Later, and later...beside the missed Taoyuan, by the stream she liked very much, everything happened so naturally.

It was not that she had no choice. At that time, Juss was actually not very powerful. As long as she thinks, she should be able to break free, and she should be able to stop everything. Even, such an opportunity is more than once.

However, in the end she chose to accept, accepting everything about Juss and accepting his "bullying" of her. There may be more than one reason, but if I think about it now, I can't remember the thoughts at that time clearly.

The answer is really ambiguous and vague. However, maybe I like that feeling. It just takes a simple opportunity, one smile, one holding hands, the thread between the two slowly connects into one, and finally entangles each other and becomes the red thread of love.

If you like it, you just like it. Why do you have to find such a detailed reason and have such a clear goal? Everyone's love is different. She chose such a sudden love, like being hit by the stars in the sky.

Moreover, this kind of love is not bad at all. Since meeting Juss, everything seems to be getting better.

On the night before meeting him, she had already felt the approach of death more deeply. That is the fear from the deepest part of the soul, the trembling of life's instinct. No matter how you don't think about it, your body will automatically tremble with fear.

Death is a terrible thing, death is eternal darkness, and death will take everything away. Even if she had chosen such a result, she would feel uneasy in the deep night.

After she died, Zofi would definitely cry. Kay would definitely comfort her while asking her aloud, why did she die like this? Didn’t she say that she would die in the same year, the same month, and the same day? Just thinking of things like that makes me a little sad.

However, there is no way. This is the inevitable result. She is getting closer and closer to the edge of death, and she can even figure out where her limit is.

Once, twice, probably, and then fight with such full force a few times, the emblem of the Supreme Emperor Dragon will extract all of her life, allowing her to die without pain. Even if she no longer uses the power of the Supreme Dragon's coat of arms, she probably won't live for a year.

She didn't want to see the sad faces and painful eyes of Zofi and Kay, so she didn't say anything, and would not deliberately suppress the power of the Supreme Dragon's coat of arms. She was waiting, waiting for the arrival of the final battle, and then dying in the battle.

Fighting with your most trusted companion until the end, this way of death is really not bad. It's better than lying on the bed feebly and going to another world in the painful eyes of your companions.

Then, she met him, first misunderstood that he was a girl, and then it was the first time that it was hot and hot, and it made people feel hot when they thought of it.

At that time, she was indeed in an unstable state, so she was more easily shaken than usual, and she had no resistance. The reason why it was so easy to be overthrown by Euses, maybe because she was confused at that time.

She never told her companions about her physical condition, nor did she want them to worry, she wanted to keep hiding it until she could say goodbye to them with a smile. But the guilt of deceiving her companion still made her feel uneasy, and she was about to shake several times.

When she was most hesitant, Juss appeared and needed her. Then she chose him and accepted him.

When the two bodies merged into one, it was the first time she had forgotten everything else. The physical condition, the hardship of the battle, the fact that life is slowly dying, are completely immersed in that kind of happiness.

It's really a happy feeling. Someone is with me and feels everything about me.

The bodies of the two people are united, regardless of each other, and become one.

When the body was filled with Juss's hot liquid, that warm feeling dispelled the breath of death around her, making her feel that life is so wonderful. And since then, everything has become better.

When she first discovered it, even she herself felt unbelievable. But it is true that I no longer feel the depression of death imminent, nor do I dream of the nightmare of being eaten by black when I fall asleep, instead I often dream of the blushing dream of my body being overwhelmed by Euses. It seemed that Juss had driven away the **** of death who was approaching her and gave her a new life.

This is probably the true portrayal of "love can produce miracles".

The life force surging in her body was even stronger than when she had just broken through the limit and became a seventh-level powerhouse, and she didn't feel exhausted at all. Sure enough, love is a very beautiful thing. After you have someone you like, the world is different.

So, now she can smile here, smile from the bottom of her heart, smile at the person she likes, and then hold the hand of the person she likes and say to him:

"Like, I like you, you are my favorite person, from now on, always been."

This is Lufa's confession, simple and sincere. This is her purest voice, what she wants to say to the person she likes.

It doesn’t matter if it’s late, it doesn’t matter if the order is wrong, as long as you want to say it, you can say it whenever you want.

From now on, no matter where she is or where she goes, she can smile and say such things.

"Lufa." Ulysses looked at the girl in front of him with a little surprise. This is not the first time he has been confessed. However, in front of so many people, in such a place, the exposure of such words to him seemed so cute and brave that he didn't know what to say and how to answer.

She held his hand, and the body leaning against him was so soft.

Here, in front of the bar on the edge of the square, he was confessed by her.


"No, no, no, no, no!" After Ulysses was confessed by Lufa, a miserable howl came from the corner of the white central square.

It sounded like a lone wolf who couldn't find a mate on a moonlit night, wailing in the energetic night.

The distinctive sound even traversed the entire square and spread far away, causing many girls to stick their heads from the windows, wondering what kind of animal was making such a painful wailing, it sounded like someone was there. Cruelty to animals.

"Prince, please pay attention to etiquette. You came here to study on behalf of the Slow Empire."

"Yes, if you are not honest, we are very embarrassed. His Majesty the King has ordered that while studying abroad, we will be responsible for your misconduct."

"Hold down! Hold down! One, two!"

In the wailing corner, several rough-handed maids were pressing down on the fourth prince of the Slo Empire who was in a state of extreme jealousy and unbelief.

"It can't be like this! It can't be like this! I actually lost to that guy, that little girl with an undeveloped breast! This is unrealistic, unrealistic! I am the fourth prince Alexander of the Slow Empire, in the future Will become the great royal family of the Grand Duke!"

The prince who had just confessed to Lufa, but was rejected tragically, waved his hands in grief and indignation. Under the suppression of the maids who didn't know the severity, his original neat clothes were messed up, and the decorative knife didn't know where it disappeared, and it didn't look like it was when he was full of spirits just now.

"Prince, the temporary law in this city stipulates that you can't mess around at will. This is not our country." After a while, the maids who took charge of the life outside the prince's school took advantage of the loopholes and hurriedly pressed tightly. Alexander who is tumbling. If anything goes wrong here, it is really a national scandal.

"Leave me away, the law can no longer stop me!" With the help of the love-breaking power, Alexander exploded with the power of the giant lady, abandoning all the maids holding his body in one breath, and then showed a fierce look. He came to Ulysses who was kissing Lufa and I (in his eyes).

"Duel, duel! I want to fight you, bet on the reputation of Alexander, the fourth prince of the Slow Empire, and I must defeat you! Let this beautiful and charming lady understand that you are not my opponent at all!"

"Alexander's announcement spread throughout the square. For him who was broken in love, there was nothing more saddening than the beautiful girl he had just confessed to others immediately. This incident even hit him more than before. The time when all of his hair was burned."

Damn it, that time he just prepared a kiss on the cheek according to the etiquette learned in the book. In the age of ancient magic, isn't that the standard etiquette for fathers to daughters and sisters to younger brothers? What's wrong with using it with my fiancée!

Forget it, it's just a political marriage anyway. What he really likes is girls with big breasts, such as this beautiful and charming woman in front of him. The shape and size of the **** were perfect, ten times better than the flat breasted and violent fiancee in my memory.

If the size of the chest is converted into combat power, her fiancee can't even reach the standard value of 100, and the one in front of her has a combat power of over 10,000!

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