The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 332: Fourth person

Ulysses had thought about who the fourth girl to come here would be.

Has absolute defense, has not suffered a single injury so far, and is absolutely loyal to his daughter Helen?

Is Hydra who possesses an infinite immortal body and plural treasures, no matter how many times he dies, as long as the core is not broken, he can fight infinitely?

Archeria, the knight of the holy sword, who has the golden holy sword and opened the door to real sword skills for him.

Or Mihalu, who has an apostle contract with him and will always go forward courageously.

He thought about many possibilities. Even Saye, Ayu, and Lasha had thought about it, but what was absolutely unexpected was that she was the last one who appeared in front of him.

At this time, the Mercury Sword, Angela, and Farrie that appeared in this world in response to Ulysses' will have already begun to fight.

It seemed to be an instinctive choice. Angela, who possessed the power of Longyan, directly chose her lifelong opponent, Leilu; the Mercury Sword locked the black knight who had stepped on the faces of many people; and Fari firmly locked the body. The green knight who keeps proliferating.

"Ah ah ah ah!" Dragonlance holding red eye Philip Lu Lu Angela Brady has been full combat capability.

In her crimson long eyes, the amazing dragon's might be like a mountain, like a sea, and burst out unscrupulously like a storm. The shadow of the red-eyed black dragon behind her roared angrily, making a deafening dragon cry.

The red knight, Lei Lu, who possesses one of the four powers of killing power, holds a halberd in both hands, blocking Angela's crazy piercing from the side. The interlacing between two completely different weapons detonated the ocean of lava beneath the earth.

Amid the roar of the earth, the two fell into the magma together and began a flame war with a high temperature of more than a thousand degrees.

In the sky, the mercury sword with its black wings spread out, manipulating the huge twisted magic circle behind it, and launched a high-speed chase high in the sky with the black knight who also controls the mount.

Countless terrifying faces made a desperate voice together. From time to time, a hungry mouth opened in the air, biting the black feathers that were floating around, and then being blown up. But this kind of result can't stop the desire of those faces, this is the power called hunger.

"Eat them one by one, die one by one, and disappear one by one!" The expression on the Mercury Sword was quite terrifying. The crazy eyes seemed to have lost his usual reason.

"The first doll of the Rozen Maiden, the Mercury Sword!" The black wings on her back were twisted and deformed, and then transformed into a black beast, rushing towards the black knight who stepped on the faces of countless people.

The last remaining pair, Farrie and the green knight, remained motionless. Fali's eyes were slightly dull, but the dark holy spear in her right hand pointed motionlessly at the green knight standing on the ground.

Around the Green Knight, more strange things began to appear. His body, like a huge treasure chest, always has new things coming out. However, all of those things have the same characteristic, that is, lifeless, they look chilling, and they don't look like objects used by living people.

In other words, those are all relics and all dead items.

Three different battlefields, three earth-shaking battles. But at this moment, Ulysses was completely unable to focus on these battles. Even the white knight rushing over at high speed and the ‘Uses’ standing on the other side of the earth could no longer give him the slightest attention.

All his spirits, all souls were attracted by the girl who appeared last.

Without the Sword of Mercury, Angela, Fali and the others had such a huge momentum and energy when they arrived. She came gently, as if using a little bit more force, she would pant.

She has no black wings behind her back, no steel lance in her hand, she has never wore a gorgeous bridal gown, nor the abnormal energy that gathers all the evils of the world like the Holy Grail of Darkness.

Her eyes were slightly cramped, but they were firm and powerful. She was smiling, standing there looking at him, saying nothing or saying nothing.

She only wore a very ordinary pink dress with small pockets sewn by her own hands.

He remembered that there was always medicinal herbs in that pocket, and the petals that were carefully packed, so that her body always had a faint fragrance.

She held a small wooden sword in her hand. It was the wooden sword he made for her, and it was the most suitable wooden sword for beginners, and it was the only weapon she could use. Although she had never defeated anyone with that wooden sword until she left this world.

For him, she is the unbearable lightness and unforgettable pain in life. In the distant past, he prayed more than once, and time could go back, go back to the moment before the tragedy happened, and stop her wish.

You Liya, the light of his life, the eternal pain, his unforgettable scar.

You Liya, no longer appearing in front of him, forever sister.

Yu Liya was taken away by Lara, but it was her own choice, her clumsy and useless sister.

Unlike Annie, she is the same as then, and has not changed. It wasn't the way Annie looked when she grew up, but the way she was small and could be gently hugged by him the last time I saw her.

Time seemed to really stop at this moment, and then it flowed back to that day-the last moment he saw her.

At that time, she still had her own will and made a decision that he still couldn't understand.

"" Ulysses held the abyss's convicted hand, not shaking for the first time because of the battle. The sound made is not so much a surprise, as it is panic.

He couldn't imagine that he could still have such happiness and see Yulia again.

If this is a dream, he hopes that this dream can be longer and longer.

Unlike any previous time, this is Yulia who only he, Laxia and the people of Mila Village know.

It wasn't Lara, nor Annie, but the girl who always tried to follow behind him, desperately using that wooden sword to exercise her fragile body.

She is the only girl he has truly loved and wanted to protect. Once, for her, he was willing to give everything he had. One of the original sources of the ideal of wanting to be a priest was also because of the responsibility to her.

He wants to protect her, he wants to heal him, he wants to watch her grow, he wants her to be happy.

Unlike La Xia, she is a very weak and very needy child.

And now, he just wanted to look at her well, even if it was just a small phantom, it was enough.

However, the knight of war ruthlessly tore up his little dream. The white knight who started sprinting again, wielding a huge heavy hammer, passed through the battlefield like the wind and rushed in front of Ulysses.

"Go away!" Ulysses was angry. There is only this time, only this moment, and I will never forgive those who disturb him.

The conviction of the abyss responded to Ulysses' terrifying anger, which belonged to the demon lord's anger. A pitch-black semicircle appeared in front of Ulysses, easily cut off the weapon in the hands of the White Knight, and then exploded with a devastating shock wave, blasting him back.

The white knight did not give up, but summoned a huge black shield, holding a white knight's great sword, and rushed up again.

"Get out!" Ulysses was angry, really angry. The hands that held the abyss of conviction were unnaturally twisted because of too much force.

However, this time, Ulysses had no chance to attack again. Because, after staring at Ulysses for a while, Yulia, holding the wooden sword in one hand, gently folded her hands together and raised the wooden sword in her hand to her head.

Behind her, a red wall appeared, a wall made of red light.

Although it is made of light, this wall exudes an extremely ancient atmosphere, as if it had stood there thousands of years ago.

During the process of lifting the wooden sword in Yu Liya's hand, this wall began to wave like water patterns, and the shadows of some objects faintly emerged from these water patterns.

Those are weapons, all are weapons.

There are crimson spears with the front ends spirally intertwined, like a tuning fork.

There are long and thin white long knives with a length of more than five meters and a long and thin blade.

There was a big sword with dark black magic patterns on the sword which was bound by a chain.

It has a hood shaped like a hat with a sharp twisted blade hidden inside and controlled by a transparent rope.

There is a pair of chains with a triangle at the front end and a circular ring at the front end.

The total number is uncountable, and the types are all sorts of weird. A huge weapon arsenal like a weapon exhibition hall is displayed just like that behind Yu Liya.

"...Finished...projection..." From Yulia's lips, Ulysses' familiar voice came out. It was the voice he had heard countless times and said "brother" to him.

But at this moment, this voice has become the key to a certain signal. Under Yu Liya's order, in the wall behind her, more than one hundred weapons began to fire.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!" This is the sound of numerous weapons tearing open the atmosphere and turning into countless glorious advances.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" This is the sound of the undead body of the war knight who once received Ulysses' black thread cutting. The huge shield didn't even protect him for more than a second before it was blasted into dust.

His body continued to recover, and then he was continuously bombarded. That powerful body and solid armor didn't even have the power to fight back before this terrifying attack.

Absolute power, absolute superiority, overwhelming weapon bombardment. The weapons that flew out from behind Yulia and the blades made of extraordinary iron were not magic weapons blessed by magic.

They are all treasures, each one is, each one is. In the rain of destruction flying all over the sky, every raindrop is a powerful treasure that the powerhouses of this world dream of.

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