The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 333: Death and Rebirth (1)

This is the rain of destruction that is not at the same level as the rain of gems released by the heroic king Yuke. It is the rain of destruction that exceeds the thunderstorm in its destructive power.

For ordinary people, treasures that are like mythological weapons, in a huge number and extremely fast speed, crazily poured out from the red light wall behind Yulia.

The white knight who possessed the power of war was beaten out of this terrifying treasure pouring. The tall body has been penetrated dozens of times, revealing one after another horrible blood hole.

But he was still fighting, and he was fighting without the slightest sign of defeat. Facing the terrifying light and rain, he gave up his mount and used his speed to choose the most unexpected moving route, as much as possible to reduce his attack surface, and at the same time sprint towards Yulia.

Yu Liya didn't move, but the weapons in the red light wall behind her increased again. Countless treasures unfolded in the space behind her, waiting for her command to turn into bullets, bombarding the enemy.

The ground has been fragmented, but there is no shadow of the fallen treasure. After these treasures landed, they disappeared naturally, like a phantom.

Facing the terrifying rain of treasures, the movement of the war knight was like a small tree in the storm. No matter how he finds a route, he will only find that the road leading to Yulia is a dead end.

Arms increased, and the rain of ruined treasures fell quickly. Every treasure has hidden the ability to kill. Every treasure has unique attributes. No one can be immune to such an attack. This is genuine. Full attribute metal storm.

Moreover, the attack trajectory of these treasures is definitely not just a straight line.

The blood-stained spear that was pierced from the front, the sickle that was cut from the left, the hammer that fell from the head, and the boomerang that was cut in a weird way. Even a fighter with more combat experience is helpless in the face of this compound attack.

Skills and experience all become secondary at this time. To dodge these attacks that are almost impossible to dodge, it takes intuition and prediction beyond the senses. These war knights have all, but they were unavoidably pierced through their hands and feet. Not only did they fail to advance, they were even forced to retreat for a certain distance.

In this short instant, rolling, jumping, gearing, and bombing, the war knight has almost reached the limit of mankind, but it still can't match the rain of treasures shot by Yulia.

After retreating a few meters, he didn't even have a chance to rest, and he saw the desperate reality.

Behind Yu Liya, more and more terrifying weapons were continuously emerging from the red light wall.

There is a paper knife shape, but the model is big enough to break the city. The whole knife is simple in shape and exudes cold air, and it seems to be still shaking slightly.

There is an ice-blue two-handed big sword whose body is entangled in ice and snow. There are sharp thin blades on the left and right sides of the blade of the big sword. The hilt is the face of a demon with horns. On the body of the sword, there is a cursing inscription "Therefore strength, therefore despair, and those who hold this sword will be cursed for eternal life".

There is a whole body of bright green, which emits green light even in the dark, and a one-handed sword with the shadow of the emerald whelp is faintly visible on the sword.

The blade is thick and heavy, the back is dark and shiny, with deep dents, the blade is extremely sharp, and it exudes a big sword that cuts all monsters.

The sword is extremely soft, even if it floats in the air, it will continue to be twisted, like a long snake-like soft sword.

The number is one hundred, and the type is incalculable. The red light wall behind Yulia is as if it is connected to another world. Endless weapons are rushing out of it.

It's just that the war knight dodges for such a short time, and the more and more terrifying weapon group has once again escaped from the red light wall.

The war knight jumped and moved with all his strength, he couldn't find the direction to move forward, and even dodged he needed to exhaust all his strength.

If he didn't use this explosive and irregular movement, he would be pierced by countless treasures in the next second, nailed to the ground, and there would be no place to bury him.

The battle situation was completely lopsided. In the rain of treasures, the armor of the war knight was shattered, the guards were pierced, and there was no even a good protective gear all over the body. The rain of terrifying treasures poured down from the air like a ruling, pushing the war knight to the end step by step.

It is no longer possible to resurrect, and if he is killed this time, there is no possibility of fighting again. This was felt by the war knight instinctively.

Therefore, he did not give up, but desperately supported his body.

"Ding! Ding! Happiness!" The weapons of war at his disposal were destroyed one by one, and he bought him a little time to observe the opponent's attack methods, looking for even the slightest chance.

It is a pity that there is no such opportunity. The rainstorm composed of countless treasures is the kind of thing that can make people lose all hope. In the face of absolute power, experience, skills, and strategies have all lost the need for existence.

There is no doubt that he will die-the war knight feels his end.

Now he has used up all his hole cards, and there are not many weapons of war that can be used. As long as ten more seconds pass, his body will be torn to pieces by the rain of unreasonable treasures.

The green knight and the black knight who were confronting Fali seemed to have noticed this, and unanimously released the puppets to support the white knight in the hard fight.

About a thousand "something" was separated by the black knight's face underfoot, and turned into a thousand human heads with different expressions. They open their mouths, seeming to be longing for something, some of which are powerful, have begun to build their bodies.

At the same time, the relics that continue to proliferate around the Green Knight are about ten pieces separated and integrated into the ten heads of the thousand heads that completed the body remodeling first.

Ten corpses with different relics appeared, their eyes were slightly dull, but their bodies moved instinctively, and then led the remaining companions with incomplete bodies to join the war knight's domain.

After having a certain number of subordinates, the war knight's momentum suddenly rose. The biggest characteristic of his ability is not to fight alone, but to lead the army and destroy everything.

In other words, the more fighters gathered under his banner, the stronger his power. When the quantity exceeds a certain level, the quantitative change will lead to a qualitative change, raising his power to an extremely terrifying state again.

When more than a thousand subordinates gathered around the war knight, his temperament changed, from a single rider, a knight sprinting forward, to a marshal in command of the army, sweeping everything.

Behind him, a banner appeared, with a sword and shield crossed on one side, and a banner stained with blood. At the same time this banner appeared, his figure suddenly became taller.

That is not to say that his body has grown bigger again, but that his temperament has changed. Degenerate from the knight to the "master" level. Although the number of this one thousand subordinates is not very large, there are ten powerful men who can control such treasures and weapons, and nine hundred and ninety soldiers with strong desires.

For a knight who is in charge of war, such an army is already a strong enough army, an army enough for him to display his special abilities.

"Ah!" For the first time, the knight of war shouted. That is the soul of the army, the voice of the army soul when summoning his subordinates. It was the cry of stepping on countless battlefields and never compromise until the final victory arrived.

His voice hasn't fallen yet! On this land that had already begun to die, the wind was blowing. It was a hot and dry wind like a scorching desert. The sound of the wind roared, almost concealing the cracking sound of the many treasures when they ejected.

The earth was shaking, and the incomplete bodies of the thousand people gathered behind the war knights were rapidly taking shape.

War brings famine, killing, and death; war is a part of famine, killing, and death. As the source of disasters, the Four Horsemen of the Doomsday are connected to each other until they bring about the real doomsday.

A certain powerful force condensed on the war knight's body, quickly repairing his horrible body that was penetrated by countless treasures. The armor on his body was also beginning to change, and a blood-red cloak appeared behind him.

Behind him is the army, the real army. Something that was not even in the shape of a human, evolved under the power of war knights and became a real army, and it was an elite unit among the elite.

The hot wind continued to blow, and the war knight, who could barely dodge under the rain of treasures, had already raised his chest. The white war knight, supported by the green knight and the black knight, was finally able to use his strongest power.

But at this time, Yulia's rain of treasures stopped without warning. She slowly put down the wooden sword in her hand, showing an expression of pain.

The hot wind blows across the ground, with a little sand, and the crimson flag is flying high behind the war knight. With him as the center, the world began to twist, from the bottom of the sea where there were still traces of mountains, to the plains most suitable for large-scale battles.

That powerful force even changed the sun in the sky. The shining sun from the central sky turned into a setting sun like blood. Under the shining of the blood-red sunset, the army behind the war knights showed signs of infinite extension. The images of those fighters who were originally obscure are closer to real people.

In the beginning, ordinary soldiers wearing armor and holding long swords were ordinary infantry recruited by any country. It is also an indispensable unit in any war.

Then, wearing heavy armor, making a dull noise while moving, warriors equipped with huge weapons appeared. These armed with heavy steel armor and huge weapons are the strongest unit of infantry, and the only ultimate unit that can stop cavalry-heavy infantry.

After the infantry appeared, the cavalry began to appear. The first were light cavalry, wolf cavalry used for reconnaissance and fast running. This kind of cavalry, which can only be driven by extremely light knights, is an indispensable scout in all countries. It can also perform assaults when necessary. It is a cavalry with a wide range of use.

Next came the regular knights with the most aristocratic classes among the common arms of various countries. These people are the main force of conventional warfare, and at the same time they are responsible for command and charge. In this unit, countless heroes have been born.

And when the strongest heavy cavalry in the conventional army also appeared, the unconventional and more terrifying army arrived.

The heavy elephant soldiers of the humans, the wolf soldiers of the orcs, the two-footed dragon cavalry of the air king. These special arms, which surpass the conventional ones and cannot be used on a large scale, are constantly appearing under the power of war knights.

Although the organization and equipment of these armies are different, these fighters with strong bodies and sophisticated equipment all show the strength of the army, and they are undoubtedly true fighters.

Not only the appearance, but also the soul, but also the real warrior. Under the leadership of the war knights, these arms are perfectly mixed together, forming a war division that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In the end, there were ten arms left, seven on the ground and three in the air. And the leaders of the ten armies are the ten strongest men, that is, the ten men who have obtained the relics.

They have been fully resurrected and become weapons of war knights and heroes of the army. The relics in their hands also began to sparkle with the unique brilliance of the treasure. At this moment, they have gained a new life.

Like a king commanding thousands of horses, the war knight once again sat on his mount, full of pride and pride, and pointed his finger forward—that is, where Yulia and Ulysses were.

"Oh!" No order was needed, just an order from the war knight, and the army behind him moved.

The ten men who obtained the relics automatically controlled ten arms with the strongest strength. Under the orders of the war knights, the war began.

One is an army sweeping the world, and the other is a girl who is so weak that she can't even hold a wooden sword. The strength of the two sides, if you look at it only from the outside, there is almost no need to fight to determine the victory or defeat.

"Yuliya!" Without any hesitation, Ulysses took the initiative to stand in front of his sister, ignoring his scarred body, and firmly grasped the abyss in his hands to convict.

At this moment, he was fearless, and he felt that his strength was growing rapidly like a storm.

Don't be afraid, what an enemy of this level is! This time, he absolutely must protect Yulia!

"Brother... I'll... protect you..." Yulia did not stand behind Ulysses. In Ulysses' incomprehensible gaze, she held Ulysses's hand tightly. Then he came to him and raised the little wooden sword.

"Oh!" The army, reborn under the power of the war knights, was shouting frantically, assaulting forward with the momentum of flattening everything. Behind them, a large amount of **** dust was rolled up, almost covering the sky.

Looking at the past from the sky, an army of destruction, which combines the three forces of war, hunger, and death, is rushing to the stage of decisive battle under the leadership of the war knight himself.

In front of them, there were a boy holding a black magic sword and a girl holding only a small wooden sword.

This is a war, a war waged to destroy the enemy, a devastating war with the participation and execution of the army.

Domineering, fanatical, and indomitable, the army led by the war knights has reached the pinnacle of cohesion.

In the process of sprinting, the domain of the war knights has gathered the power of these thousands of people together, burning all of these souls, and turning them into the power of this war.

He is not alone in the fight, just as one person cannot start a war.

Now he is the real war knight, the knight who leads an army to sweep everything and destroy all enemies.

Where his hand points, where his flag wants to reach, no one can stop him!

"Boom! Boom!" The raging waves roared, and the army of mixed arms rushed over.

"Ok... terrible..." Yu Liya's body slowly trembled, and the weak girl's body seemed to be unable to withstand the terrifying war pressure, as if she was about to fall down.

However, she didn't fall down, or even took a step back, but just as desperately stretched out her hand and stood in front of Ulysses.

wrong! This is! Ulysses felt something went wrong. His body seemed to freeze and he couldn't move. In this way, watching Yu Liya, his most beloved sister, raised the wooden sword in his hand little by little.

Facing the army led by the war knight alone, Yu Liya had a distressing radiance on her face. It was like the last sunset glow, beautiful and heartbreaking.

"Last wish...Thank you..." Yulia smiled, looked at the army rushing towards herself and Ulysses, and then raised the wooden sword in her hand.

In her slender hands, that ordinary wooden sword was rapidly deforming and turned into a weird weapon. In other words, this wooden sword itself is part of that weapon.

With the wooden sword as the core, the flow of gold and red metal is constantly proliferating. The red part has become a sword divided into three pieces. The golden part turned into a cylindrical sword hilt. In terms of sharpness, this is probably not as good as an ordinary two-handed sword.

In the end, Yulia held the weapon, which I didn't know if it should be called "sword". The three cylinders are tightly connected, and the unsharp blades are twisted into a spiral shape. The three cylinders are slowly wound together like chains, and they spirally spread out.

"Betrayed..." For Yu Liya, it seemed that the simple act of raising the sword exhausted all of her physical strength, causing her to start gasping for breath. The weak body seemed to faint in the next second.

In contrast, the cylindrical sword in her hand began to rotate.

The three sword blades started to turn slowly, facing in different directions. The red energy vortex that can be seen even with the naked eye is brewing in this sword.

Accompanied by the sound of the three blades rotating at high speed, the crimson light burst out from the cylindrical blade, and then revolved around it at high speed.

The hot wind spreads around with this rotating sword as the center. Under the crimson light, Yu Liya's pale and firm face.

The three sword blades screamed and revolved rapidly, drawing all the surrounding wind in, creating a red storm that straddled the sky and the earth. The magic power condensed by the vortex of the atmosphere reached an incredible number in an instant.

The flashes of destructive eyes, accompanied by the ear-covering storm, converged into a devastating red vortex, gathered beside Yulia. The rotation of the cylindrical three-segment blade directly leads to a huge force like the movement of the earth's crust at this moment.

This power whizzed and whirled on this sword, and the huge magic power that rolled out even twisted the world where Ulysses and Yulia were standing.

It seemed to be aware of the fatal crisis that was filling the air, and the army led by the war knights sprinted more quickly. At the same time, the treasures in the hands of the war knights and ten captains gathered enormous magic power at the same time.

In contrast, Yu Liya strenuously lifted the sword in her hand above her head. The spinning blade began to accelerate, and it made every turn faster and faster.

"Boom!" In the sound of galloping horses, the projection of weapons, and the sound of eleven treasures erupting at the same time, along with the roar of the red hurricane, Yu Liya swung down the cylindrical sword in her hand.

A huge magical power erupted from the high-speed rotating blade, tangent to the assault army. No need for a sharp blade, the power of this sword itself is enough to destroy everything.

The sky was shaking, the earth was trembling, the world was screaming, and the whole world began to collapse because of the wind rolled by this sword.

There is no need to aim at anyone at all, and this sword is not aimed at any "person". As if to separate the entire sky from the earth, the magic power that swelled to the limit rushed out of the sword, creating a fault, a fault that divided the world into two.

That is an abyss, neither upside down nor left or right, cutting the world abruptly.

The abyss is infinite and far-reaching, as if it leads directly to another world, a dark world completely swallowed by chaotic and twisted forces. The army led by the war knight fell into the abyss together with himself and the ten heroes who had treasures.

In the blink of an eye, they were swallowed by the huge fault. The power of treasures, the power of the collective, the power of the army, and the power of war have no meaning at all in the face of the power that divides the world into two.

The earth and the sky have lost their meaning before this fault plane. The fault stretched to the place Ulysses could not see, turning into an empty world. The fault caused by this sword named "Deviation" has already blown all the substances that dared to block Yulia to the end of the void.

For Yulia, who is weak, this attack is obviously the most suitable. With one blow, not only the earth, but the entire world including the sky were cut open, and then a huge fault swept everything away, plunged into the vortex leading to nothingness, and disappeared.

With one sword, the world separates, and everything falls apart. This is a realm that Ulysses has not yet reached. His body simply couldn't bear the output of this level of Abyss Conviction.

There is no need for the number of people, strategies, skills, etc. at this level of power. The sky broke, the earth collapsed, and everything fell into nothingness. Before that huge fault plane, only the sword in Yulia's hand still exudes brilliance, symbolizing the destruction of the world and the rebirth of the world.

"Pop!" After a sword sent Ulysses's enemy, the war knight who almost gathered the power of the three knights, into the eternal void, Yulia's body fell softly, and the one in her hand was still spinning. The growling cylindrical sword also fell to the ground.

In front of the two, the war knight and his army had completely disappeared. The whole world suddenly became calm.

"Brother...Did I protect you..." Yulia fell into Ulysses' arms, with a wish-fulfilling smile on her face.

"Yuliya...enough...I...I should protect you!" Ulysses hugged Yulia's body tightly. This body is so cold, as if it has lost all of its blood, without a trace of temperature.

"I have a dream... now, this dream has come true." Yulia raised her little hand gently, and looked at Ulysses with a smile.

The look in the eyes, there is no sadness or depression, is what Ulysses likes, the look in the eyes of Yulia who is smiling and working hard. He knew it, his only sister's eyes.

She seemed to want to say something, and she wanted to tell Ulysses. However, everything seems to be over. The complete defeat of the war knight, and all the influence of Yuria that divided the world, soon appeared.

Balance, broke! The other three knights, as well as the Mercury Sword, Angela, and Farrie that were summoned by Ulysses, all showed signs of instability. Then, the world began to shake.

At the same time, Yulia's shadow in the arms of Ulysses began to slowly disappear!

At first it was the hair, then the shoulders, like foam on the sea, Yulia's weak body disappeared bit by bit in front of Ulysses.

"No! It shouldn't be like this, wait a minute, wait a minute!" Ulysses hugged Yulia's body hard, trying to keep her.

He couldn't do it, there was no way, no matter how desperate he tried to prevent this from happening, he was still powerless.

"Goodbye... brother... I..." Yulia raised her hand, seeming to want to touch Ulysses's hair. However, when her hand was one centimeter away from Ulysses' hair, her figure had completely disappeared from the world, leaving only the faint fragrance of herbs familiar to Ulysses.

As Yulia disappeared, the Mercury Sword, Angela, Farri, and even the other three knights also disappeared.

In the end, only Ulysses remained alone, and closed his eyes, ‘Uses’ who seemed to be recovering magical powers remained in this world that was close to destruction.

It must be painful, using such a weak body to use weapons unreasonably, and doing such things. Yulia, fighting is not for you at all.

It must be very hard, I don't know what made you here. But it's my brother's fault to make you encounter such a painful thing.

There are also the Mercury Sword, Farrie, and Angela. I'm so sorry to have brought you in.

If I can go back, I will apologize to you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

Ulysses stood up, his body straight, his eyes no longer hesitating. He no longer hesitated or wavered, and firmly pointed the sword in his hand at ‘Uss’ who was wearing a white robe on the opposite side.

"You are not Juss, absolutely impossible."

"What made you make such a judgment?"'Usis''s face returned to a little blood, and he looked at Ulysses with a confused expression.

"Because Euses is me, myself, not someone else. It's just that there is a difference in memory, you are not me. Either I or Euses will never hurt Yulia, absolutely not!" The voice of Ulysses, the black chain crawled out of the eyes of the convicted demon in the abyss, pierced into his body, and became one with him.

At the same time, the other chains were broken. The gray chain that he used to bind himself, and to distinguish himself from the one who lost his memory, was torn off by himself.

The source of the chain was the last battle in the underground space, which came from the sadness of Yulia and the abandonment of the world. When Yu Liya appeared again, when he found a reason to return to this world, these chains could no longer restrain him!

Apart from Laxia in this world, there is only Yulia, who will give him such determination.

Regardless of the past and the present, they will be his irreplaceable people.

There was no confusion in Ulysses' golden eyes.

He made a decision, made a choice. Therefore, there will be no more hesitation or confusion. Even if what he is going to do next is wrong, he will never regret it.

"I've said that I'm just close to Uss. Indeed, I am not Uss. But I am indeed him, your ideal him. This is your own ideal, isn't it?"'Uss 'In turn asked Ulysses.

"My ideal?"

"Yes, to be a priest, with the power of magical magic. Isn't the Euses you want to be like this? Why do you feel wrong." ‘Uss’ said solemnly.

"No! It's not like that, Usis... I didn't want to be like you." Ulysses shook his head. His ideal is not in this form, absolutely not.

"But after you have the talent of priests, you will definitely look like this in the end. Because for you, it is very simple to use the power of the Supreme God. And the ultimate attack magic of the divine art system is that I give you Look at the apocalypse. If you are really looking for the power of priests, then this should be what you want."'Uss' said with certainty.

"As long as you are killed by me, then you can become such a priest, the most powerful priest. With complete magic power, no matter what you do, isn’t it simple? If you want to be a priest , You don’t need to resist. Being one with me is very comfortable and easy."

"I never thought of becoming like you!" Ulysses raised the abyss in his hand and convicted him. The priest he wants to be is definitely not the opposite.

What he wants to be is just an ordinary priest who can teach people knowledge and give people spiritual comfort.

It’s okay if you don’t attack divine art, and it’s okay if you can’t become a great person. What he likes is the warmth of the light and the feeling of helping others. Before possessing the power of the Demon King, that was the only path he wanted to take.

No matter what he chooses in the future, he definitely doesn't want to be that way.

"After the seal is lifted, you have no other choice, nor do I... Therefore, we must be divided into birth and death."'Uses' eyes were also very firm. Then he whispered, "Who told you to be...otherwise..."

"I want to kill you!"

"I want to destroy you!" The two people with different voices and almost identical faces began the final battle.

"Every day the sun will rise from the ground. Even if I am surrounded by merciless darkness, I will use my incomplete body to crush it for you."

One, two, three... Behind ‘Uses’, countless white light spots began to emerge, and the number quickly exceeded a thousand.

At the same time, another slightly larger ball of light appeared in his hand. All the white **** of light that emerged from his back moved at a constant speed around the tiny **** of light in his hands.

The trajectory of this movement is a beautiful elliptic curve. In a world that has begun to become chaotic, he is like the sun, and the ball of light around him is countless stars.

"You and I don't have time. This time, someone will die!"

When something happened, after Ulysses did something, it was an inevitable choice. There is no escape, no silence. The battle that takes place here is destined to have a victor.

This time, Ulysses stopped defending, and even gave up the matter of defending. He is flying, flying at high speed, spreading the light wings behind him, flying at a speed that breaks through everything.

"Roar!" On his sword, the black dragon shadow revolved and roared, and along with the eruption of the black light wings, it directly pushed Ulysses' speed to a terrifying level.

A wonderful black arc appeared in the sky, which was the afterimage of Ulysses' wings blasting through the atmosphere. Under Ulysses' extreme anger, this time, in this world, he once again entered the realm of zero, which is a world where the speed of sound is regarded as nothing.

The huge shock wave even caused the air to churn abnormally, producing a deafening sonic boom.

"So fast!" In the eyes of ‘Usis’, there was a feeling that Ulysses could not be captured at all. Although this world is already very good and super long to exert its strength, but it is fast to this level, but it is not the level that ordinary people can bear.

It was too late to lock, the countless white **** of light surrounding ‘Uses’ began to accelerate, and then accelerated. Even as it is now, in the total amount of power that can be used, he is still ten times that of Ulysses, and it is not his own power anyway.

Angel scale-molecular movement starts!

"Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!" The continuous impact sounded throughout the world. The white ball of light that moved in a circular orbit in the cabinet started to accelerate wildly, and it directly turned into an irregular dance.

The sphere of light that surpasses a hundred times the speed of sound and has indestructible characteristics directly envelops the entire world. This is the gap between Ulysses and Ulysses. There is no need to specifically lock it, he can also attack him.

As long as the first hit hits, then Ulysses is waiting for ten combos, fifty combos, one hundred combos, one thousand combos...a billion combos.

However, "Uses" could not hear the sound of the light ball of the angel scale hitting the opponent. When the light ball first began to dance, darkness had already fallen.

He heard the sound, the sound of the beginning and the sound of the end.

Fall, use that pride, use that sorrow, to get the ultimate truth! The light of fallen angels!

Die, forget all sorrows, and destroy everything! Hell of death!

Sinking, hold everything you want in your hands! Demon fighting spirit!

Open up, the ultimate desire is unlimited freedom! The realm of infinite desire!

Ulysses had mastered this power, but he had forgotten it. But when he faced loss again, faced the kind of helpless grief and pain, the method of using this power came back naturally.

The door of taboo opens again. Not only the power of the abyss conviction, but also other powers all came out together.

Darkness, darker than the bottomless abyss, darker than death, madly spread around Ulysses, and then swallowed all the light. Take away all the light that ‘Uses’ relies on to perform all the magic arts.

No sound can be heard and no flashes can be seen. Silently, everything was swallowed by the darkness, even the tiny light ball that had gathered countless lights in the hands of ‘Uss’ was also swallowed by the darkness, leaving no trace.

Then something started to spin, twitch, and cut off.

When the darkness disappeared from the chaotic sky, the single-winged black angel held a weapon he was not familiar with and penetrated the chest of the young man in white.

"It hurts... Can't you use that sword..." At the end of the end,'Uss' was still laughing, as if finally letting go of something.

"Yuliya hurts more than this." Ulysses turned his face expressionlessly, and the cylindrical sword with three blades—the last thing that Yuliya left behind completely pierced the'Ulysses'. The body brings out the rain of blood

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