The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1112: tie

Chapter 1112

Becky got into the car, squinting in the back of the engine in the roar of the engine, recalling Ethan Hunter who he had just seen.

Manic, ignorant, and greedy.

Apart from strength, it is basically nothing.

"I can do this kind of thing... it’s **** it."

At the thought of his man, Becky couldn't help but provoke.

Then, I quickly sneered.


"I am dead, I am just able to clean up a large group."

"The claws of those **** really stretched too long."

The idea that emerged from the bottom of my heart made Becky mention the driver's back with his toes.

"Speed ​​is faster."

Becky said this.

The driver immediately reached the limit of the speed of the car, did not care about the so-called red light, and drove all the way into the underground parking lot of an office building.

Becky from the dedicated elevator above the top floor of the conference room.

A few people who had been waiting for a long time, when Becky entered the meeting room, he looked at it.

These people have accumulated for many years, and they are in a high position and their own strengths complement each other. The momentum that they develop, with the eyes coming, is instantly pressed on Becky.

Half-truth, Becky showed nervousness, and cold sweat began to fill his forehead.

These big men are obviously very satisfied with this point. After looking at each other, one of them is open.

"how about it?"

The voice is low, but extremely powerful, giving people the feeling of a metal weapon.

"Returning to the adults, everything is as expected by the adults. Ethan Hunter is not an ordinary person, but a half demon."

Becky was covered, his hands were overlapping, and his head was high above his head. He spoke very quickly, but he said clearly.

"Half demon?"

A sharp, slightly dissatisfied sound.

"What happened to the half demon?"

As soon as a scream of madness appeared, the entire conference room blew a gust of wind, and a sizzling glow appeared in the conference room.

"not so good!"

In the cold cold tone, the cold wind began to wreak havoc, and the temperature in the conference room was immediately lowered, and even decreased.

Call, call.

Becky's mouth and nose have appeared.

But Becky is not strange, the whole person is standing like a wooden tire clay, it seems that the whole person is frozen by the cold.


A scorn.

The **** smell was suddenly filled in the conference room, and the coldness of the past moment was raging, and this moment was overwhelmed by the blood of the sky.

Not only the chill itself, but also the source of the cold.

At the same time, three different forces have begun to emerge.

That huge power made the conference room, which was reinforced by mystery, start to falter.


"Don't forget your identity!"

"You are no longer representing yourself, but representing Averyel."

A low, powerful voice screamed.

The meeting room was quiet immediately, but it was not because of the speaker, but because of the ‘Averyel’s squatting’ in the speaker’s words.

Or, to be more precise, ‘big marsh’.

"How is your investigation through the thorns?"

The low and powerful voice asked again.

"Everything is in control."

Becky, who was squatting, continued.


"Put them!"

"I want to know their every move, I want to let this group of daring guys understand that what is called life is better than death!"

The low and powerful voice slammed up a syllable, like a beast guarding the land, and began to squat.

And a few who were still in the tit-for-tat, and at this time also echoed each other, and the few sneered out.

It seems that in their view, the thorns of thorns are dismissive and can be squeezed to death.

Becky maintains a respectful posture.

It was only after the five emotions in front of the audience were all stable that they continued to speak.

"The adults, there is one more thing."

"I saw 'Death Bird' in Ethan Hunter - he seems to be fighting the thorns of the thorns, and one of the targets I noticed was attacked."

Becky seems to be clear, but in fact it is vague.

Not only did the whole process be hidden, but the name of Sakri was deliberate.



The man with a low, powerful voice nodded and then waved at Becky.

Becky kept in a squat posture and slowly stepped out of the conference room until he entered the elevator, and then slowly stood up straight.

"I know it!"

Becky said slowly, and on the surface, he remained indifferent. Without the nod of his peers, he would nod his head.


Ethan Hunter’s rapid rise in Yancheng did not turn up any waves.

Because ordinary people don't know about this change.

The person associated with the demon is completely attracted by the return of the 'dead bird'.

Under the propaganda of the people, Qin Ran has completely become an unruly ‘provocative person’, and launched a mortal charge in the face of a thorn-through thorn that can be called a giant.

In this regard, some people sneer, some people disdain, and some people worry.

The sneer, a sneer.

Disdain, a look of pride.

Worried, anxious.

Tanya is the last.

The other party who has already completed the suspension of study has temporarily lived in the Luosheng Temple for safety.

When I heard Kna bring back news about Qin Ran, Tanya stood up straight from the crystal ball.

"Sure enough, it is the king's knight!"

"Glory is your armor."

"Like praise for your sword."

"You will sacrifice for the final victory."

"But this king will never allow you to suffer any harm, my knight, please accept my blessing, please... oh, it hurts!"

On the top of his head, Tanya, who was kneeling on the ground, shouted.

Then, looking at Kna with tears, pouting and shouting loudly.

"The daring people, the king's 100,000-strong army will level your home... Don't hit me, I won't dare any more."

However, when Kna raised her hand, Tanya immediately pleaded for mercy, but Tanya asked for mercy while she was drawing circles on the ground.

"what are you doing?"

Kna asked, frowning.

For the acquaintance who has problems with the brain, if it is not because of the classmate relationship, plus the ‘dead bird’, she definitely does not want to have any contact with the other party.

"It's nothing."

"This is my blessing."

"Are we going to give 2567 help?"

Tanya quickly shifted the subject.


"Are you sure you are going to help, not messing up?"

Kna glanced at Tanya.

"of course!"

Tanya said confidently.

And, I took out one thing from my hand.

It was a small, tattered scarecrow, covered with traces of years, and the ropes of the weeds were broken.

"Catch the grass?"

Kona, who had a little hope, had lost her patience completely. After shaking her head, she walked out.

As one of the guardians of the Luosheng Temple, she knows how ridiculous and unreliable this kind of thing is.

Looking at Kna’s back, Tanya opened her mouth and tried to yell at each other. In the end, she gritted her teeth.

"This is my heirloom!"

“Mom said it was meant to help the most important people!”

"Mom won't lie to Tanya!"

Tanya said to herself with an unremarkable look.


A silver needle appeared in the hands of Tanya, and the shackles were tied to the Scarecrow who wrote the name of the thorn through.

(End of this chapter)

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