The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1113: The sorrow of Shakeley

Chapter 1113 The sorrow of Shakeley

Two nights later, a group of people on the streets of Yancheng were gathering.

When the crowd gathered, the leading Cray jumped on the roof of a car, holding a wax-sealed pill and yelling loudly.

"Do you see this thing?"

"What adults want is this thing!"

"Take your people, go to those places and find something to find, or find something that you think is related to this thing, person."



"Yes, Cray's head!"

These big and small. Help. Pie. Head.

Although the sound is not uniform, but the momentum is eye-catching.

Not to mention, the next scene of the scene. Fight.

All the night scenes in Yancheng are like being ravaged by the wind. It is like breaking into a monster and rampaging inside.

In fact, two days ago, Qin Ran’s pseudonym, Ethan Hunt, already had the so-called ‘monster’ title.

Very unreasonable.


These are the impressions that Ethan Hunter gives to everyone.

And before Qin Ran killed all the leaders of the opposition forces one by one, the title of 'Monsters' was already settled.

Because Qin Ran is tearing those people alive.

For those who use cruel means to get rid of those who are full of evil, Qin Ran does not have any psychological burden.

Just as those people used cruel means to kill other people.

This is a change in hunters and prey.

Very normal, isn't it?

However, Qin Ran absolutely does not want to be a prey.

Unless it is, he deliberately.

Sitting at the desk, Kaili reported to Qin Ran about the big and small things that happened in recent days.

It's very complicated, but it has become clear in the finishing of Carey.

The most important thing is that everything is true.

"Adult, roughly this is the case."

"Our people have already controlled the 70% of Yancheng. The rest is just a matter of time. There are no big ones in Piske. You are the real king of Yancheng."

Kaili looked at Qin Ran with a look of adoration and femininity.

As a Ford, Kaili is not a person who has never seen the market, but because Kaili has seen some market, he has made this famous gang in Delin Street. Terrible.

first name!

Just report the name of the man in front of you and you will be able to pass through the underground world of Yancheng.

That feeling is what Carey has never tried.

In the past, those big men who are high above, now see him are humble.

The place that I didn’t dare to set foot in the past is now welcome to him.

All this is because of the man in front of me.

‘There is order during the day. ’

‘At night, there is only one voice there. ’

‘That’s mine. ’

In the meantime, Kaili once again remembered the words that Qin Ran once said.

Initially, he only thought it was a motivational word.

And now?

This sentence is gradually becoming a fact.

Unquestionable facts.

Therefore, the extremely clever Kerry knows what to do.

Not only do you have to do your best, but you have to work diligently.

He will not hide anything from Qin Ran.

That would not have any benefit to him.

Only after the adult is in front of him will he get everything he wants.

As for the exact death of several big cockroaches in Piske?

At the beginning, some people raised doubts, but now they have been left behind by people, especially when Cray grabbed a few guys who cheated their tongues and sent them to several big gangs in the city. Understand where your position is and what should be done.

The only thing that makes Kaili unfortunate is that Cray’s brain is a muscle bastard, and he will be as docile as he is, completely without the unrulyness of the past.

"It's a smart bastard!"

In the bottom of my heart, the former competitors, Kaili smile more and more charming, since he has made up his mind to follow the adult behind him, Kaili naturally can not let Cray specialize in the front, he stepped forward, depressed The voice said: "Adult, you let me inquire about the news."

“The Dead Birds have been continually attacking several strongholds that are considered to be “through the thorns”, but the ‘through thorns’ seem to be totally unconcerned.”

Carey frowned with doubts.

For Kaili, who is a gang. Out of the body, the site is the most important thing. Nothing can be higher than the site.

Once the site has been attacked, not even an attack, as long as there is a lack of intention to approach, it is a battle of your life and death.

Qin Ran glanced at Kaili and did not explain more.

He won't tell the other person about the demon, just as he won't tell the other person what his real plan is.

"Continue to ask about the ‘the dead bird’.”

"and also……"

"Prepare a lunch for me."

Qin Ran told him.

"Okay, grown up."

"This time, I promise you that I will definitely find the best cook in Yancheng!"

Carey said seriously.

For the adults in front of us to like to eat this, the people of Delin Street have already learned in these days, not only the appetite, but also very picky.

Although it will not dump bad food, but the dissatisfaction makes Kerry understand that if he wants to sit in the current position, it is best to really make a little achievement, otherwise, I don’t know how many **** are tight. Staring at his seat.

"I have found the best chef back!"

"You guys are crazy!"

After Kaili’s heart smirked, he went to Qin Ran and turned and walked out.

During the time waiting for lunch, Qin Ran was not wasted. He raised his hand to indicate the men at the door.

"Bring our guests to me."

"Okay, grown up."

The man at the door quickly stepped away.

About two minutes later, Tharkley, who had several more gunshot eyes and several deep visible bone scars, was put in.

Sakri’s legs have been interrupted.

It is impossible to go.

“It’s great to be able to see you!”

"I thought I would die in that dark cellar!"

Many of the injured Shakley still maintained the grace, as if there was no pain in their own injuries, nor did they have any resentment against Qin.

This feeling is strange.

Let the two squadrons of the squad, the squadron, and the squadron.

In the eyes, the speculation is uncertain.

“Do you think this guy is terrible?”

"I think it should be done right away?"

Qin Ran looked at the two men and asked.

"Yes, adults."

The two men nodded in no secret.

It was really uncomfortable for Sackley to give them a feeling.


"Then kill him."

"Remember, shoot at the temple."

Qin Ran nodded.

The two men will act immediately.

This time, Sarkley finally couldn't hold the calm look. He looked at Qin Ran incredulously. When he confirmed that Qin Ran was not joking, Sakley's face changed.

(End of this chapter)

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