The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1114: ‘fit’

Chapter 1114 'Coordination'

"and many more!"

"You can't do this!"

Tharkley screamed and began to struggle.

Qin Ran looked at the two men silently, and after giving a few hits to Sacrifice, he said to Shakeley, who was crawling on the suffocation almost because of the pain: "Of course I can do this!" From the time you first prepared to escape, I didn't kill you, just interrupted your leg and I can do anything for you. You should be happy for my kindness."

"after all……"

"I let a person who has deceived me for a few days still lived for so long."

The tone gradually became cold. Qin Ran took the pistol from his hand and leaned over, slowly lifting his muzzle and topping Shakeley's eyebrows.

"I can explain!"

"I don't mean anything to deceive you!"

"Everything I said is true!"

The tone of Shakeley became impatient.

Because, he felt the killing, from the killing of Qin Ran.

The cold, bitter killing made Shakeley shudder from the bottom of his heart.

No one wants to die.

Takli is no exception.

Even, to a certain extent, he just did to get to the point where he lived.


"I really want to hear your facts."

Qin Ran sneered a sigh, the muzzle in his hand was lowered by a point, and the force on the muzzle pressed Sakri’s head back.

At the same time, the breath from the devil, once again leaked out.

Chaos, burning, the smell of sulfur began to roll in front of Sakri.

Shakeley’s breathing began to get cold.

Qin Ran is further pressured.

If you can, Qin Ran naturally does not want to use this 'stupid way'.

However, when it comes to 'God', the use of [Messley's Ring] is limited. I have seen that the 'God' is very clear about the 'believers' means, once he uses [Messley's Ring] What happened.

Perhaps the ‘God’ of the ‘through thorn’ does not reach this level.

Or maybe because of the difference in the world, there is another possibility.

But no matter which one, Qin Ran will not take risks.

It’s hard to take advantage of it, and Qin Ran won’t let it go.

Therefore, this is destined to suffer a lot from Shakeley.

Qin Ran raised his gun and waved at the two men.

Immediately, Shakeley was again framed.

"Give you another chance."

Qin Ran sat back in the chair and looked at Shakeley, the muzzle in his hand, if he pointed at the other side's key.

Feeling that Qin Ran had not faded, Sakri couldn't help but smile.

He knew that he needed to fight for it.

But he can't say anything at all.


He has other methods.

To this end, Shackley is grateful for his habit of making a complete plan every time.

"The auction I said will definitely appear."

"And, you will be the biggest beneficiary!"

"And about the secret medicine you want to find..."

"You go ahead."

When Shakeley’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by Qin Ran, and Qin Ran gestured to the two men.

Shackley fell to the ground again.

The pain is natural.

Can Shakeley is a smile.

He knew that he could not die for a while.

And this is enough for him.

He believes that the **** will act.

Even if they are not in harmony.

But is it because the other party will act because of disagreement?

Everything went back to his plan again.

Sakri looked at Qin Ran, who was eager to hide, but tried to hide it. He continued: "Those secret medicines are called 'tearing secret drugs.'"

"Extremely useful to ordinary people."

"But for you, Lord Ethan Hunter, these secret drugs are useless, even if you find more 'tearing secret drugs'."

"You need something else!"

Taking a deep breath, Sarkley tried his best to say clearly.

Because, Sakri’s neck was caught by Qin Ran and he was kneeling in front of him.

"It seems that you and my men are very familiar with each other."

"However, I don't care about this, I just want to know..."

"Where are those secret medicines?"

Qin Ran said, the palm began to tighten gradually.

The feeling of suffocation once again appeared.

And Shakley did not worry any more.

He has another feeling of mastery.

"I need to make a call."

Despite the difficulties, Sarkley said in a relaxed tone.


The note in the hand made Ai Bun’s brow wrinkled.

The text on the note makes the member of the ‘through thorn’ feel a little angry when thinking about the response.

He never thought that his plan would be disturbed by a guy who didn't know how to get out of it.

"Do you really think that the waste of Yancheng will let you go, can you be unscrupulous?"

"I will tell you what is the rule!"

Aibu whispered to himself, and the palm of the note was spread out. Immediately, an invisible force lifted the note in his hand and then followed Ai Bei’s move. The strips burned out of the air and quickly turned into a ash.

Jingle Bell!

Just as Aibu Nai was about to leave the door, the phone suddenly sounded.

Aibu Nai came back without hesitation and picked up the phone.

This phone number is known only to a few people.

And these people will not call him under normal circumstances.


What a big deal happened.

Such a thing can be different from the plan that he made just to cover up.

It will be about the whole!

As for his plan?

The destruction of his plan is a small accident, even if it fails, it is harmless.


With a lot of guessing in the bottom of his heart, Abu Nai picked up the phone.

"It's me, Shakeley."

The sound from the earpiece made Ai Bray a brow, and there was a surprise and anger on his face.

"How do you know this number?"

Aibu Nai asked.

"This question is over and I will tell you now that I have a very important thing."

“I found a better collaborator.”

“A candidate who can make your plan run smoothly and bring about better changes, and you only need to pay an advanced version of the ‘tear secret medicine’.”

The sound of Shakeley in the microphone is very easy, but Aibu Nai is more and more angry.

"Tell me, how did you know this number?"

Ai Bun asked again.

"I said it, I will finish it later."

Shackley still answered easily.

Then there is silence for more than ten seconds.

In the end, Aibuin spoke up.

"I agreed."

"where are you?"

Abner said calmly, but on his face was a murderous spread.


Damn it!

That so-called collaborator is also damned!



"However, we need some preparation."

"His temper is very violent."

Sackley hangs up and twists his head and looks at Qin Ran with a smile.


"I will make him calm."

Qin Ran cooperated with the other side, sneered, and the heart issued an order to the senior evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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