The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1115: Fixed target

Chapter 1115 Fixed Target

Abner walked quickly into Delin Street.

Feeling the unsatisfactory gaze around, the singer's thorns were sneer in the bottom of my heart.

He already has plans.

Including the Shakeley, Ethan Hunter, the guys on this street don't want to escape.

Although Shakley is a companion, he has already committed the biggest taboo of the ‘through thorns’. There is no need to leave it, and the collaborator in the other side of Sarkley’s mouth?

Nature is also killed together.

This is the style of the thorn through.

It is also what Abu Nai insists.


In front of a house, the guards outside the door. The party members shouted loudly to the close of Ai Bun.

"I am Ai Bun!"

"I have an appointment with your boss, Ethan Hunter!"

Aibu’s patience was too long to wait, and the murder was overwhelming, but it remained calm on the surface.

"Let's wait."

One of the gatekeepers, the gang, and the squadron, said, and picked up the phone behind him. After a few seconds, he turned back and looked at Ai Bun and said, "Go in!"

Said, the door was let go.

Aibu Nai went in, but there were two gangs behind him. The squadron followed closely, and the hand held the gun without any disguise.

The muzzle was straight against Abu Nai's back.

"Go ahead, don't look back!"


When Ai Bun looked back, one of them was a threat to the party.

Ai Bun nodded and walked straight ahead.

This kind of obedience, so that the two gangs behind the party. Cheng members issued a burst of laughter.

Aibu Nai did not care.

Who will be angry with a dead person?

Or to be precise, who will be angry with a group of people who are about to die?

Aibu will not.

Qin Ran will not.

Sitting in the office, Qin Ran lit a cigar and looked at Ai Bei Nai, who was approaching the door. The smoke in his mouth swallowed out, not only shrouded Qin Ran’s face, but also filled the office. And, it continues to spread toward the corridor.

For cigars, Qin Ran has not been excluded from the omnipotent ‘persuasion’ of his friends. He even learned to taste.

Just like the one in his hand, the taste of tobacco is almost obscured by the taste of cocoa. If Qin Qin’s tongue is not sensitive enough, I am afraid that the smell of tobacco will be ignored.

However, when you have a sensitive tongue, you will find out how lucky it is.

The taste of tobacco mixed with rich cocoa flavor is really horrifying, just like the dark brown of the cigar itself, making it unforgettable.

Undoubtedly, this is a great cigar.

It is also a great prop.

Qin Ran, who swallowed the clouds, watched Saclay greet him.

After changing his clothes, Shakeley, who was well treated, was limping as he walked, but his body was recovering rapidly.

The half demon is itself a creature that is different from ordinary human beings.

Even if they all have human appearances and speak human words, their essence is different.

Simply put, most of them will not recognize the so-called human beings.

Human beings are food and toys in their eyes.

Aibu is like this.

Looking at the coming of Shakeley, I felt the **** smell, the iodophor, the drug smell on the body, and Ai Bun cracked open the mouth, and the black and the face of the cross was stacked with layers of pleats, as if A python that wants to molt, and when the scarlet tongue sticks out, Ai Bun looks more like a snake man with limbs and walking upright.


This kind of noise can not help but sound from the other side of the throat.

The silk flame floated around the other side, as if it were a sharp arrow, and it shot at the back of the two gangs. The squad, the squad, and the two of them did not scream, and they turned over and fell to the ground without sound.

And Aibu Nai?

Even when the flame arrows were shot, they rushed to Sakri.

The limping Shackle rolled on the spot and returned to the office. Then the door of the office was closed.

"Stupid Shakeley, you thought..."



Ai Bu Nai sneered again and again, but his sarcasm has not finished, and the continuous muffled sound came from his feet.

Then, a cold chill that was frozen into the bone marrow spread in the corridor.

Liquid nitrogen?

Aibu had a sigh of relief and his face changed dramatically.

He turned and smashed the wall on the side of his body to get out of the 'cold ice cage' filled with liquid nitrogen, but the explosion appeared when Abu hit the wall.


In the roar, Aibu Nai was blown up.

The pungent sulphur is mixed with the broth of the herb, and under the influence of the explosive, Ai Nai is spattered.


In the painful cry, Abu was full of pressure.

But this did not weaken the corrosion of those medicines on his body, and the diffuse liquid nitrogen also constantly consumed the power inside the body.

Aibu Nai wants to resist.

It can be cold, only let him want to fall asleep.


"Why does Shackley know about my weaknesses?"

At the moment before the confusion was blurred, Aibu was constantly asking himself.

Thracley is too unusual.

"Is it..."

A fierce speculation appeared in Ai Bei Nai's mind, but before he could completely understand, Aibu Nai was stunned.

After a few minutes, the gangs who were wearing anti-freeze suits began to handle the cylinders filled with liquid nitrogen – they were put into a cement pool that had been built long ago, and the same Aibu Nai was among them. And one by one liquid nitrogen cylinders are constantly being added to it, so that the frozen Aibei, no longer have any resistance.


The office door opened.

Shakeley walked out with a smile. He looked at Ai Bei Nai in the pool and his smile grew brighter.

"Ai Bun, you are too big."

"Would you still get used to your own strength, how come you think that it is not the dark, chaotic era?"

Shakesley pretended to sigh and shook his head, then turned to look at Qin Ran.

"You see, as long as the strategy is right, it is easy to deal with a powerful half demon."

Sacrek said like this.

"What are you reminding me?"

"Is still predicting me?"

Qin Ran sipped a cigar and asked coldly.

Although it is no longer necessary to cover the taste of those herbs with the smell of cigars, Qin Ran thinks that it is a waste to discard this cigar.

And he is not used to wasting.

"of course not!"

"I just feel it!"

"And, your purpose has been achieved!"

“Abu Nai is the thorn through,” one of the heads of the Yancheng operation – he not only has the secret medicine you need, but also something you can’t imagine.

"His value will exceed your imagination."

Shackley said with a smile.

"Do you want me to 'sell' him to the 'burial agency'?"

Qin Ran seemed to be tempted.

"He is yours now."

“What you want to do is your freedom.”

"Even if you want to kill him right away, it is..."


When Shackle’s joke-like words were not finished, they were interrupted by gunshots.

In the sound of guns, Ai Bei Nai, who was frozen and unconscious, his head was so blasted.

In the crowd, a silhouette flashed.

"‘Stop the dead bird!'

Looking at the fleeting figure, Sakri, who was still smiling at the last moment, was already alive.

(End of this chapter)

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