The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1116: Items of interest

Item 1116 Concerned Items

Why is ‘the dead bird’ here?

Shackley was full of doubts in his mind, but then he once again put his gun on his forehead, but he didn't have time to think about it.

"Hello of Ethan Hunter, all this is an accident!"

"I do not know either……"

"You want to say that you don't know why the ‘the dead bird’ is here?”

"So can you tell me why the two consecutive times, the person who is your thorns is not hurt in his hands?"

"As far as I know, the person who slays the dead bird to face the thorns of the thorns will not be merciless, but you are an accident?"

“Does this indicate that you are not in a relationship with him?”

When Shakeley’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by Qin Ran.

The heavy handle of the handle on Sakri’s face not only knocked out one of the other’s teeth, but also affected the other’s brain.

Then, Qin Ran picked up the other party and said in a cold voice: "You said that XXX just used the other party, and there is no danger, I will cooperate with you, and now you messed up everything!"

"I think I should hand you over to the thorns of the thorns, and then tell the other person everything."

"At least this will make up for some of my relationship with the thorns."

"I think they will be very interested in you."

"The companion of 'death bird'!"

Qin Ran calmly put the other party into his own camp, just as he just calmly threw Ai Bei Nai's 'black pot' to the other side.

For the enemy, Qin Ran will not be merciful.


Qin Ran will treat them separately.

Just like Sakri!

The other party’s words and deeds have already shown extraordinary places.

Perhaps Ai Bun has a value far beyond that of Shakeley, but Qin Ran will not give up Sakri in control.

More than as good as it is.

Qin Ran is very clear about this truth.

So, he killed Abu Nai and forced Sakri to do so.

Qin Ran really wants to know what the other party has hidden, and then let the other party dare to ignore some rules of the thorn through.

Is it 'big marsh?'

still is……

Other gods?

Qin Ran guessed at the bottom of his heart.

As for the rest?

It is impossible for the aborigines to see, because only the gods can fight the gods.

And in fact, the same is true.

Facing the persecution of Qin Ran, Sacrament smiled

"I am from Lincheng."

"The ‘dead bird’ is estimated to have found something wrong with me. I will let me go twice. He has already provoked the sacred thorns, and naturally he will not be provoked by another.”

"Trust me, this time I said it is true."

Sakley said, he would break away from Qin Ran’s palm, but he was given a shot by Qin Ran’s backhand.

"You said that you are the **** of Lincheng?"

"What about the evidence?"

Qin Ran asked coldly.

"I was sent by my majesty, lurking in the spurt of the thorns. For security, any information about me has been deleted."

"If not, it will not be the one in the thorns."

"Even if that person was seriously injured, he could not face any of his majesty, but compared with us, that person is still unattainable."

Shackley continued to smile.

"That is, no?"

Qin Ran said poorly.

"I don't have anything to prove my identity."

"But I can tell you what you want to do through the thorns, and use this to prove my identity..."


Sakri tried to explain, but Qin Ran did not listen to it at all. When the other party had not finished, he was shot again on the face of Sakri.

"I don't want to know what the thorns are going to do!"

"I just want to keep my life!"

"do you know?"

While squatting low, Qin Ran seemed to vent as he slammed the face of Sakri.

In a short while, Sarkley was bruised.

To be sure, if Shakeley is not a half demon, this time is definitely dead.

However, even a half demon is painful.

Sakly licked his teeth and sipped the cool air, but he tried to say in a gentle tone: "With the death of Ai Bun, now you, no matter what you do, will not let you go."

"It's like this..."

"We are better off!"

"And, just that I have a plan!"

Sally, who was swollen in both eyes, looked at Qin Ran and was ready to say his plan.

If there is still a bit of hesitation before Shakeley, with the shock of Qin Ran, Shakeley is more willing to believe Qin Ran.

Because, he clearly felt the feeling of anger in Qin Ran!

It is not because of the so-called experience, but his blood has given him such perception.

Therefore, Sakri recognized that Qin Ran is real.

The real one is angry again for the ‘the dead bird’ to kill Aibu Nai.

The real one is angry for himself falling from the peak to the bottom of the valley.

This kind of anger is really wonderful.

At least, he can temporarily add a real ally.

"what's the plan?"

"You will say it first, if you can, I will choose!"


"I would rather go to escape!"

"Damn Ford, it gave me such a mess."

Qin Ran gasped and gasped, staring at Sakri like a wounded beast.

"of course!"

"We are a ship now!"

“Remember the auction I said?”

Shackley once again mentioned the so-called auction.


“I don’t think an auction will change my status!”

"And, do you confirm that the auction you are talking about now is the same as the auction you said before?"

Qin Ran frowned and looked at each other.


“It’s the same from start to finish!”

"I am not talking about lies!"

Shakeley said very seriously, when he saw the hesitation in the face of Qin Ran, he immediately threw out the cards he had mastered.

“An auction will certainly not change your current situation, but it will give you the opportunity to change – especially when it comes to the items that ‘Maluma’ is concerned about. What do you think will happen?”

Qin Ran’s eyes are a glimpse.

Items that ‘big marsh’ is concerned about!

When the other party said this sentence, Qin Ran had been confused about his problems and instantly solved it.

Why is ‘big marsh’ so laissez-faire that these people are on their own territory?

It should be the item mentioned in the mouth of the other party.


"What is this item?"

Qin Ran asked straight.

"This item is..."

Unconsciously, Sakri stretched the tone.

(End of this chapter)

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