The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1150: Half true half

Chapter 1150 is half true and half false

The devil's inflammation bursts and the fire rises to the sky.

In the raging flames, the body of the ‘the **** of the multi-city’, which was twisted by the first time, quickly vanished.

However, the other party did not die!

Instead, it has changed from a physical body to a kind of ‘light’.

It is like a laser shot from the other side, but it is more like a halo, no matter what it is, the other party is still suffering from unimaginable pain and injury under the devil's inflammation.

After all, the greatest characteristic of Devil's inflammation is to burn souls and devour life.

"‘Stop the dead bird!'

It seems to be a light group of the "God of the Multi-City" that drives the shaking of the air and sends out a shout like a human.

There is shock, incomprehension and grievance in the voice.

He was shocked by the layout of Qin Ran.

He does not understand the power of Qin Ran.

As for the blame?

The hatred of ruining the body is enough for the other party to regard Qin Ran as the enemy of life and death, although at the beginning the other party is holding the idea of ​​putting Qin Ran to death.

"go to hell!"

Another scream, the ‘the **** of many cities’ that became a light group was desperate.

The ‘God of the Multi-City’ will not beg for mercy.

Because the other party knows very clearly that the war between the gods and the gods is not captured.

Maybe a mortal can escape a life.

But the gods themselves have only one way: stronger or fallen.

The hundred city gods began from the end of the era of the demon, and this is the same cycle.

The old **** is fallen.

A new **** is born.


perish together!

The light group burst.

The brilliance of the glory drowned the devil's inflammation, and even Qin Ren was also shrouded in it.


The will of the ‘God of the Multi-City’ is arrogantly pronounced as a just judge.

In fact, when the brilliance bursts, the solemn, orderly atmosphere is filled with it.

These breaths are pervasive and interrogate all creatures.

Nature includes Qin Ran.

Or, Qin Ran is the first to bear the brunt.

In front of his eyes, the street has long since disappeared. There is a court, and the ‘God of the City’ sits on the judge’s seat.

And he?

Standing on the dock, with a metal scorpion in his hand.

On one side are the plaintiff seat and the jury seat.

Everywhere is full of creatures.

Some people also have monsters.

They looked at Qin Ran with a bad eye.



These people and monsters screamed loudly without waiting for the judge to pronounce.

Hey, hey!


The judge's raft was knocked twice.

Suddenly, the entire court was quiet.

The judge nodded with satisfaction and looked at Qin Ran who stood in the dock.

"Can you sin for the dead bird?"

The judge screamed and asked.

Qin Ran did not answer, but looked at the surroundings with a kind of interested eyes.




"I feel so real whether the illusion or the illusion can't make the spirit reach III."

For his own spiritual attributes, Qin Ran has absolute confidence.

Perhaps on the other side's site, the other party can influence his spirit with the help of ‘the geographical advantage, but the other party can never do this.

Otherwise, the other party does not need to make a lot of troubles to make all kinds of layouts, just hit the door directly.

You must know that on the surface, he is a ‘弑神者’ who does not care for the earth. It is not a true native god.

For such a "God", the other party is careful.

Apart from being cautious, there is only one reason: the strength is weak.

And the scene just confirmed this.

The other party did not notice his arrival.

There is also no effective means to resist the devil's inflammation.

Hey, hey.

Qin Ran raised his palm and knocked on the wooden fence in front of him.

Then, I touched the texture of the metal handcuffs with my fingers.

Finally, Qin Ran looked at the plaintiff and the jury.

"These are all true."

"But those should be fake..."

"Is the mystery of true and false confusion?"

Qin Ran whispered to himself.

This voice was not concealed and passed very clearly to the judge's ear.

The ‘God of the Multi-City’, who served as a judge, changed his face.

He did not think that in the state of 'sanctions', Qin Ran not only remained awake, but also guaranteed his own calmness.

‘God of the Multi-City’ does not know how Qin Ran did it.

But he knew that the situation at hand was very bad for him.

Therefore, in the next moment, the ‘God of the Multi-City’ was simply sentenced.

"‘Stop the dead bird’, 亵渎 亵渎!”

"Sentenced to death!"

The loud and thunderous verdicts echoed in the courtroom, and the plaintiffs, jury members, and monsters instantly boiled.



They and their seemingly bloodthirsty beasts looked at the two scorpions dressed in black, with a sickle, and the legendary death scorpion came out and came to Qin Ran.

Hey! Hey!

Two loud noises.

The two knives were cut straight down.

But the two sickles have not yet landed on Qin Ran, and the two prisoners were kicked by Qin Ran.

One flew to the plaintiff seat.

One flew to the jury seat.

The people who were still cheering at the last moment, the monsters, were all pierced through the body, and they, they all disappeared into the eyes of Qin Ran.

Even the court has disappeared.

Everything is like Qin Ran’s guess.

The mystery in front of me is relying on half-truth and half-false, to make a real mess.

Of course, not only are certain items true.

The order and the breath of judgment are also true.

Those are the breath of the will of the ‘God of the City.’

It changes with the will of the ‘God of the Multi-City.’

At the moment, they have finally changed -

A chain of chains, bundled with Qin Ran out of thin air.

A long gun appeared on the top of Qin Ran and fell down.

A voice, echoing in the ears of Qin Ran.


"The sin is unforgivable!"


"Get forgive!"

With such a voice, Qin Ran's retina began to appear as a tidal wave.

No doubt, all passed.

Not only passed, but Qin Ran’s counterattack also began.

If there is no sulfur, the smell becomes clear.

Confusion and embarrassment followed.

The scorching began to fill the rundown court.

Hey, hey!

A chain is broken like this.

A long gun was melted like this.

And that sound?

When the throat is caught, no one can say anything.

The gods are no exception.


The neck was twisted again.

The devil's inflammation ignited again.

Everything in front of me returned to the street.

The body of the ‘God of the Multi-City’ has been goldenly radiant, pouring into the body of Qin Ran with pure and specific power, and once again igniting the secret runes in the body.

But about a tenth of the glory, but out of the expectation of Qin, flocked to his backpack.

[Judges Scorpio]!

(End of this chapter)

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