The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1151: Unpacking

Chapter 1151 Unpacking

The flash of brilliance in the secrets of Qin Ran’s body quickly melted those chaos and darkness.

Qin Ran, who has had an experience, has no panic.

With a look down, he looked at the rapid melting of chaos and darkness.

Looking at the brain from the brain once again, to fill the chaos, darkness of the body, unconscious, a question appeared in the heart of Qin Ran.

"What are these chaos and darkness?"

From the Qin dynasty, you can discover the secret rune in the body. These chaos and darkness have always existed, and it is in the body with a gesture that makes him instinctively disgusted and disgusted.

Even at the moment when the secret spells in the body are all flashing, it is still lingering like a skeleton.

Moreover, Qin Ran can be sure that he will still deal with these chaos and darkness for a long time in the future.

Because the power contributed by the ‘God of the Multi-City’ has been exhausted.

The power from the "God of the Leaf City", under the premise of the original sin's food, faced with these chaos and darkness, could not afford a trace of the storm.

It can even be said that by adding the powers of the two gods, the power of chaos and darkness consumed is only a slap in the face.

This makes Qin Ran more curious, what is chaos and darkness?

What kind of power is tyrannical to such a degree, but it is not discovered by itself on weekdays.

Doubt circling in Qin Ran’s mind.

However, Qin Ran did not forget to check the abnormality.

[Name: Judgment Tianzhu]

[Type: Sundries]

[Quality: above the legend]

[Attribute: Trial: 1/1]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirements: 1, the heart of the ruling; 2, 2567 (binding users)]

[Remarks: The God of Judgment is the last legacy of the world, it is very powerful in the face of sin, it is very weak in the face of goodness]


[Judgement: The sinful man will be punished! 】


In the hands of [Judgment Scorpio], there is no change in appearance.

The attributes are also similar.

In addition to the improvement in quality, there is more than one binding.

However, with the limitation of the ruling heart, Qin Ran still can't use this seemingly powerful prop, which makes Qin Ran's brow pick.

In the end, Qin Ran could only put it into a backpack.

As for discarding?

Do not make jokes.

There is no such operation in the devil.

And selling?

Before the binding, Qin Ran did not have such an idea - Qin Ran, who had already got rid of the rookie status, is very clear: in the underground game, the known is always the price tag, and the unknown is the most valuable.

"The heart of the ruling..."

Qin Ran whispered the noun, but he walked toward the temple without stopping.

After solving the troubles around him, he couldn't wait to really want to go to the treasure house of 'The God of Lincheng'.

Of course, before this, Qin Ran contacted Hayden.

Those who came to see the battle here may be able to clean up the battlefield and repair the paved roads and houses.

I want to send out to deal with the two cities of 'Yecheng' and 'multi-city', but it is not enough to see.

Even, to a certain extent, Hayden O is not enough.

At least the slayers like ‘Lian’ have the qualifications and abilities.

However, Qin Ran immediately had a choice when he thought about what might happen later.


Through the hills and hills where many gold and gems are piled up, Qin Ran came to the private treasure house belonging to the 'God of the Forest City'.

The excitement in my heart did not make Qin Ran lose the calmness it deserved.

He checked it again and confirmed that there was no danger, then raised his hand and pushed the door of the treasure house.


The glaring green brilliance made Qin Ran have to lift his palm to block such light.

One after another, the rack of items is filled in this private treasure house, and one piece of magic level items are placed on these shelves.

Qin Ran roughly counted.

There are at least 40 pieces.

Snoring, snoring.

Qin Ran, the soul of the ghost, began to boil, and he couldn't help but breathe out. His gaze passed through the green glow that was almost rich to the essence. Looking inward, the footsteps were involuntarily moving.

The display rack in the treasure chest is placed in a ring shape, leaning against the same ring-shaped wall, and a door is used as the entrance and exit.

The outermost is the magic level item.

Inside, nature is more advanced.

Qin Ran, who had such an idea, was a glimpse after pushing the door open.

Because, he only saw two rare grade items.

Subconsciously, Qin Ran once again pushed the next door.

There is only a shelf and nothing.

This situation has made Qin Ran's heart sink.

With a sly heart, he pushed the next door again.

This is the most central location of the ‘Fort of the Forest’.

There is only one item rack.

There is a box on it.

When he saw the lock on the box, Qin Ran sighed slightly.

The lock is locked.

Prove that there is something that is extremely important and precious, or there will be no more locks in the treasure house.

"Fortunately, it is not empty."

Qin Ran said this, turned and quickly picked up two rare-level props, and then returned to here again.

These two items are an armor and a long sword.

[Name: Heavy Steel of Xigang]

[Type: Armor]

[Quality: Rare]

[defensive power: strong]

[Attribute: 1, physical relief; 2, element exemption]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirement: Strength B+]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Note: This is one of the immature works of a craftsman in the era of the demon, but it still has outstanding defense. Of course, you need considerable strength to wear it.]


[Physical reduction: When you are physically attacked, you will get the advantage of defense level +1, 2 times / day]

[Element Exemption: In the face of fire, ice, and lightning, you will receive a special element shield that will resist you against elemental damage under a stronger level, 1 time/day]


[Name: Xigang's Sabre]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Rare]

[attack power: strong]

[Attribute: 1, Feng Rui; 2, Swift]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirement: Strength C+, Cold Weapon. Long Sword (Proficient)]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Note: This is one of the immature works of a craftsman in the era of the demon, but its sharpness is reminiscent, but you need considerable skill and strength when using it.]


[Feng Rui: When you swing the sword, you will get the advantage of attack level +1, 2 times / day]

[Swiftness: When you swing your sword, you will gain the advantage of agility +1, 1 time/day]


Two props with similar names naturally attracted Qin Ran's attention.

"Because it is the predecessor of the craftsman, so even if they are combined, is there any magical effect?"

"The commemorative value is greater than the actual meaning."

Qin Ran’s evaluation, the eyes looked at the locked box.


After the routine inspection, the lock was easily opened by Qin Ran.

Then, Qin Ran opened the box.

(End of this chapter)

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