The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1195: Residual

Chapter 1195 Remnants

On the wall on one side of the room is a painting of a half-man high.

The green lawns, white round tables and gatherings of people in the paintings, even as Qin Ran who did not receive professional education, can also see the happiness of the characters through the brush.

Undoubtedly, this is a great painting.

"2567, what happened?"

Mary whispered.

"Now change your father's room."

When Qin Ran said this, he went to painting.

Mary was a bit puzzled, but according to Qin Ran, she recruited the court maid and lifted James VIII out of the room with a soft couch.

After doing all this, when the underage lady went back here, Qin Ran had already taken the painting off the wall.

"Is there a problem with this picture?"

The underage girl is not a fool, and Qin Ran’s behavior is enough to tell her everything.


"It is poison."

Qin Ran nodded.


"The Warren Palace may not be as strong as the 'one enemy, one army', but the experience accumulated over the centuries in the palace has long allowed it to have the most rigorous process, not to mention poison, even some unknown. Secret surgery is also impossible."

Earl Hilin shook his head and did not believe it on his face.

"So, these guys use a very clever way."

Qin Ran turned over the painting. Behind the painting, some mildew spots were scattered on the canvas.

"The painting itself is no problem."

"It may be moldy, some of the pigments, especially the Scheler green mixed with arsenic, will emit toxic substances of arsenic."

"do you think so?"

"Perry Kna."

Qin Ran said, his eyes looked out of the door.

A figure came out of the shadow with such words.

"I didn't expect you to be so proficient in poison."

The snake-haired female leader, Perrikna, flashed a surprise in the light gray eyes.

She is not surprised that she was discovered.

She was surprised by the degree of Qinran's understanding of poison.

You know, even if she is smelling the special taste, the body is slightly paralyzed, then it is reflected, and Qin Ran?

Obviously, I only noticed when I smelled it.

Although some were not convinced, Perekna did not entangle in this matter, her eyes swept over the count of the enemy, the Earl of Xilin, and smiled softly.

"I am not an enemy."

"Look at the 2567 and our princes, their reaction is normal."

Perekna said, his eyes crossed the Earl of Hilling and looked at Qin Ran.

"The person who placed the picture..."

"No, exactly who said that the water scattered behind the canvas was caught by you?"

Qin Ran asked.


"Although I really want to hold some chips and talk to you about cooperation, but the guy was killed when I arrived - very professional, and there is no trace, smell."

"I have no choice, I have to appear in front of you."

Perekna said that he took out the flying knives, daggers, etc. on both sides of his waist and placed them at his feet to show that he was not in any danger.


"Our last cooperation was not pleasant."

Qin Ran said this.

"I can compensate you."

"Do you want the mystery of the snakes?"

"Or do you think that my limbs are in the way? You can take away some of them, even if I take them all away, I don't mind."

"Or do you think that my looks make you uncomfortable? You can't resist it, I won't resist."

Perekna said faintly, as if it was not himself, but everyone else.

It’s just the content in the words, but it makes people shudder.

The young Earl's brow was slightly wrinkled. He didn't know what was going on before he let the other person make such a choice.

The same frown, and the underage of the king, she saw some clues, but she did not ask much, but gave everything to Qin Ran.

"Include your life?"

Qin Ran's tone is more indifferent and indifferent than Peri Kenna, and the strong-snung snake-haired female leader trembles. However, when she thinks about the current situation, the woman leader who has no choice has nodded.


"As long as you... whether you are willing to cooperate or not, I am in front of you, and I am determined to hold on to death."

"Some of the snakes' bastards, I think they are dead, but the guys who are still alive have appeared. They attacked us."

"No one but me escaped alive."

The female leader of the snakes quickly retracted the original words and spoke at a lower speed and at a faster pace.

"Residual snakes?"

Qin Ran’s eyes are a glimpse.

Of course not because of Perakna’s words, but because of——

Side mission!

At the moment the other party speaks, the system prompts appear.

[trigger branch task: residual snake pie]

[Remnant Snakes: The genre that should have been destroyed by Holly not only remnants of Pericna, but also an unknown branch, and their appearance brought unexpected destruction to Periquena. With death, in the face of the help of the serpent female leader, your decision will become especially important...]


The appearance of the branch task determined that Qin Ran would not give up at will.

He examined Perikna.

Such a gaze made the serpent female leader feel guilty, but did not tremble again.

Even people who are not afraid of death.

What are you afraid of?

With a calm look, Perrikna responded to Qin Ran.

Then, Qin Ran walked out.

Of course, he would not believe the other side's words. Even from the sideline task, the other party did not lie, but who knows if the other party is hidden?

Fortunately, he is not lacking such people.

Qin Ran, who had the same vision as the Raven, saw two people appearing outside the palace.

"We have guests coming."

"Count, Hilin, I hope you will call me first."

Qin Ran said this.


"What about you?"

The young count asked with a curiosity after a little head.

"Look at the guy who was ruined."

Qin Ran replied, then turned to Perikna and said: "Lead the way."

Faced with such an order, the female leader of the snakes did not have the slightest resentment.

Instead, she has only a surprise.

Because Qin did not refuse.

Although there is no immediate agreement, as long as there is no rejection, there is still hope.

And this is the last straw for the female leader of the snake.

Fighting, she has to catch.

Therefore, the attitude of the serpent female leader to Qin Ran immediately became completely different.

"His 2567, please forgive me."

"There is really no valuable clue there. The other party is very professional, not only killing, but also erasing the traces."

Perekna was not slow, and her voice was softly suggested.

Qin Ran shook his head as he walked.

"There has been, there must be traces."

Mary, who was on the sidelines, said very rudely: "You may not find it, but it does not mean that 2567 has not found anything."

(End of this chapter)

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