The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1196: Noichi

One of the 1196 chapters

In the face of Mary's very unkind words, Perricka nodded.


There is no rebuttal, and there is no debate.

When deciding to ask for help from Qin Ran, the female leader of the snakes had already prepared for her identity and status.

And Mary is frowning again.

She is not the first time to see the female leader of the snake, but compared to the previous sharpness, this time the other party has made her feel more difficult.

The snake in front of you is not terrible.

The horrible thing is hidden in the bushes and shadows.

I will keep an eye on you!

Mary told her with her eyes.

The female leader of the snakes did not respond. At this moment, she did not have the heart to pay attention to this. She knew that what she should do at the moment was to concentrate on Qin Ran.

Warren Palace, not big.

Compared with some royal palaces and palaces that Qin Ran knows, it is like a small aristocratic manor in the countryside, but this is also compared with the nobles. Compared with ordinary people who own one or two wooden houses, it is still Unimaginable big.

Behind Perricka, at the speed of the snake leader, it took about five minutes to get to the destination.

"This is where the court waiters live."

"Ah, Mr. Turner?!"

Mary introduced it to Qin Ran. However, after seeing the snake leader’s leader open the door, the body that climbed on the ground was involuntarily exclaimed.

Then, without waiting for Qin Ran to ask, explain it.

"Turner, my father's waiter, has served my father since I was ten years old. I have blocked my father's dark arrows from the shadows more than once. Later, because of too many injuries, I gradually withdrew because of inconvenience. People's vision, however, will always go to see my father."

"According to what my father told me, their private relationship is very good. Mr. Turner has no reason to murder my father!"

"And, Mr. Turner is very kind. Many people in the palace like and love this gentleman. At least four or five people will visit him every day."

"This kind of person can't be the murderer!"

The underage girl said.

Qin Ran quietly listened, his eyes have already entered the [tracking] vision.

He wouldn't believe that the person in front of him was trying to murder the murderer of James VIII because of Pericakna's statement. Similarly, he would not think that the other person was innocent because of Mary's words.

Everything needs evidence.

Fortunately, there are not many such things, and quite a lot.

Turner was killed in his room.

The murderer used a dagger.

In the way of cutting the throat from the back, let the chief of the ambassador of James VIII be killed, but Turner, who can serve as the chief of the office of James VIII, is obviously not the one who will be jealous.

Even if the injury is too much, the action is inconvenient, but at the last moment, it is still struggling.

Qin Ran lifted the calf of the original waiter and looked at the bottom of the shoe.

A slightly dusty sole, one of which is especially clean.

Obviously, the original waiter's body instinct controls the soles of the feet to step on the other side.

This foot is very powerful.

As a result, the other party limped when they left, and became so conspicuous in many footprints.

Qin Ran stood up and followed the pair of footprints.

Soon, I came to the outer wall of the Warren Palace.

"His Royal Highness, Master."

After seeing Qin Ran and Mary, the patrolling guards immediately respected the ceremony. When Mary waved his hand, Qin Ran had already passed the wall and walked in a certain direction.

Perrikna followed closely.

Looking at the black back, the snake sergeant’s eyes once again surprised.

She knows that Qin Ran must have discovered something.

But she can also be sure that there are no clues in the house that deserve to be concerned.

The traces were erased very clean.

Even the smell has been eliminated.

As for the killing method?

Although the throat is cruel, it is not a secret technique. In the snake school, from the apprenticeship, you will be exposed to this technique.

To put it simply, the core of her snake group is about 20 people, and more than 200 people from Wai Wai can do this.

But immediately, the snake sergeant’s face was dark.

The core of her team is no longer there.

In addition to her.

The other party’s ‘raid’, although she had made enough preparations, she still had a big idea.

Not only is the underestimation of the other party's strength, but also underestimate the number of each other.

That failure, is...

Her mistake!

Repent and hate.

Like a twin-snake, the heart of the snake-snapping female leader, her breathing became so fast, and her face began to appear in front of her eyes.

Not willing!



When these are intertwined, the steps of the snake leader’s leader have become paralyzed.

"I said it, you can't find it, it doesn't mean 2567 can't find it."

At this time, Mary’s voice suddenly sounded, and the serpent’s female leader took a look, and she discovered that she was actually supported by Mary.

"Thank you."

Listening to the sarcasm, the snake leader’s lead was to break free of Mary’s palm, and then she seriously thanked me.

"I don't want to help you."

"Just you just stood next to me."

When Mary said this, her footsteps accelerated and she chased it toward Qin Ran.

The female leader of the snakes looked at Mary and shook her head slightly.

Of course, she will not reveal the speed of the other party. If she does not see her wrong, she will always be with her.

For the goodness of the other party, if it was a few days ago, she must be dismissive.

Can it be now?

Pericina touched her heart.

Feel the sudden warmth of the sudden.

She doesn't seem too cold.

In the darkness, there was also a ray of light.


Taking a deep breath, Perikna quickly chased it up.

Mary, who walked side by side with Qin Ran, looked at the female leader of the snakes who had caught up. The brows were slightly loose, and they were slightly loosened.

She can't figure it out!

Why is the murderer who wants to murder her father choose Mr. Turner as the target?

Although the Warren Palace looked sluggish because of the war, there are still many waiters!

Among the hundreds of waiters, it is unreasonable to pick the most conspicuous Turner!

If it is just an ordinary waiter, at this time, even if it happens in the palace, it will be handled in a rough way. If it is Turner, it will be different.

Turner’s identity is doomed, and once it is discovered, it will cause an uproar.

Moreover, Turner's good popularity is doomed to the other side will be discovered!

"You are curious about why the guy chose Turner as the target?"

Qin Ran suddenly asked in the forward.


"This is unreasonable, Mr. Turner is too conspicuous!"

Mary nodded.


"Turner is also one of his goals."

Qin Ran said faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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