The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1325: station

Chapter 1325 Station

Open the private letter column -

Steinbeck: I made a new dish, would you like to try it?

2567: Ok, wait for me.


After a simple reply, Qin Ran looked up at the ‘craftsman’, and all the words that had been heard were gone.

Need to ask again?

Not required.

Just a few rumors, even if it spreads to some unexpected degree of terror, what about?

I believe that he still believes in him.

Do not believe him, explain so much.

The ‘craftsman’ knew and asked him.

Explain that ‘craftsman’ does not believe and is looking for an answer to him.

‘Artisan’ knows that mimosa naturally knows.

But mimosa did not ask at all.

Very simple, mimosa does not believe at all.

Unable to ask without any questions.

Obviously, he does not believe it either.

that's enough.

"I need you to help me identify it."

Qin Ran said directly, showing the picture of "The Heart of the Frost" to the ‘Artisan’.

Qin Ran did not ask, let ‘artisan’ feel very surprised.

In the impression of ‘craftsman’, Qin Ran is indifferent to most things, but when it comes to himself, even if it is superficial, it still cares.

Not hypocritical.

Just human instinct.

She is no exception.

Just as in the next moment, the ‘artisan’’s gaze is attracted by the attribute of “The Heart of the Frost”.


‘Artisan’ lowered the voice, but it’s still hard to hide.

The ‘artisan’ who is already close to the circle of true people is very clear about the meaning of this gem.

She looked at Qin Ran, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Is Qinran powerful?


As one of Qin Ran's good friends, Qin Ran did not have more cover in front of the 'artisan', but the ‘artisan’ never thought that the strength of Qin Ran had already entered the circle of the ranks... the peak!

As a gem craftsman, ‘craftsman’ has a good understanding of the rules of gemstone appearance.

A III-order gem, the corresponding character, at least the character above III+.

Simply put, it is close to the IV stage, or the IV stage can have this III-order gem.

What do the IV steps represent in the ranks?

The strongest!

The strongest she knows!

"Are you reaching this level?"

The ‘artisan’ took a deep breath and muttered to himself.


Qin Ran raised an eyebrow.

He did not hear, but did not understand.

"It's nothing."

"My current strength, there is no way to identify this jewel for the time being, you need to wait for some time."

The ‘craftsman’ did not expect Qin to understand her words, so she did not explain.

Some things don't need to be explained.

What is needed is to do it.

"how long?"

Qin Ran asked.


The ‘craftsman’ said to get up and go, just like every conversation before.

Qin Ran looked at the back of the ‘craftsman’ until the other party disappeared. This led to the lemonade in front of him and slowly drank it.

Even if it is free, it cannot be wasted.

However, this made the contempt of Rachel's eyes more and more intense.

"Do you know that a guy like you is definitely not living the next day in the organization I used to be?"

The pub female boss said this.

"So, it was destroyed."

"King is lawless."

Qin Ran raised his glass and gestured.

"I was wrong. If you enter the organization where I was, I will have to be killed on the first day."

The female boss of the pub said that she was not angry. The movement on her hand was not slow. A bottle of wine was taken out of the wine cabinet by her, and a special wine was prepared.

Although not only the first time I saw it, Qin Ran was still attracted by the dazzling approach of the other party.

The chaos does not lose the feeling of elegance.

Even a little pleasing feeling.

Compared to what he saw when he was working in a bar, those techniques that were once amazed by him, really, can go to the trash.


He saw two distinctly medicinal beings quietly mixed into it.

"this is?"

Qin Ran raised an eyebrow.

“Unable to provide for the best.”

The pub's proprietress spoke, and mixed the two medicinal ingredients with a more innumerable technique than before.

The taste of alcohol completely masks the taste of the drug.

The role of the drug has not been destroyed.

Instead, the two are almost complementary.

Through the sense of smell, Qin Ran's [mysterious knowledge] [pharmaceutics] quickly gave a distinction.

But Qin Ran cares more about another point.

"He won't take medicine?"

Qin Ran asked.

"I don't want to take medicine?"

"If it's simple, I don't want to take medicine. He is completely not thinking that he is sick."

The pub boss is sighing.

"You are not saying that you have a solution?"

Qin Ran frowned.

"Is this not it?"

The owner of the pub pointed at the finger

“Not completely?”

Qin Ran brows more tightly.


"But it still takes time."

The pub boss refused.

"Does he have so much time to wait?"

Qin Ran hesitated and asked.

"Although there are some problems here, it has slightly affected his memory, but it is enough."

The owner of the pub pointed to the temple.

"Is this enough?"

Qin Ran’s tone sank.

This result is not satisfactory.

"This is already the best."

The owner of the pub handed the glass to Qin Ran, which is obvious.

"If you need help, let me know in advance."

Qin Ran, who picked up the glass, stood up, and when he walked to the skyless, he followed his footsteps.

"of course."

"Do you think you can run?"

The tavern boss holding her shoulder smiled. After seeing Qin Ran handing over the wine glass to the lawlessness, the latter took the former person’s shoulder and smiled and said that the smile became more and more embarrassing.

She talks to herself with words she can only hear -

"Class III gems?"

"It's amazing!"

"I also need to work harder, otherwise it will be too shameful if it is exceeded."


Refused to the inability to continue to drink a few more cups, Qin Ran pushed the door to leave the harvest pub.

Mimosa is still waiting for him.

He is looking forward to the new dishes made by Mimosa.

However, just as he walked to the class station, it was rare to see a person standing next to the license plate.

The huge cities are extremely empty, and even if there are more players influx, there is no immediate change in this situation. Except for a few places, it is rare to see the situation of 'crowding buses'.

Outside the harvest pub, because of the solitary gathering, there will be many people waiting for the bus or getting off, but ... most of them are acquaintances.

This is a completely stranger, a person that Qin Ran has not seen.


The other party is the entry.

One is far beyond the ordinary level of existence.

With his hands in his pockets, the hem of the scarlet trench coat danced with the wind, revealing dark trousers and boots.

Qin Ran looked at each other, and the other side was also looking at Qin Ran.

Suddenly, a chuckle came from the other side.

"The devil of inflammation?"

The voice has not yet fallen, and a strong **** smell is rushing toward Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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