The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1326: Sinner

Chapter 1326 The sinner

Viscous like a colloidal liquid, not only to block Qin Ran's breathing, but also to make Qin Ran discomfort is mixed with silk toxins.

Invisible toxins are mixed in the smell of cockroaches. When there is still a step away from Qin Ran, the invisible becomes tangible.

A huge foot with a house-sized green **** appeared in front of Qin Ran, opened his mouth and made a silent roar.

It seems to be consuming the Qinran.


The lava arm stretched out.

The seemingly huge green dragonfly was pinched in the palm of the lava.


After the crisp sound, the green dragonfly instantly breaks.

Everything is nothingness!

The huge green dragonfly disappeared without a trace, and the faint smell of the air ran away with the wind, blowing the cloak of the Crow feather of Qin Ran.

The figure standing under the license plate is a glimpse.

He knew that the first hand could not affect Qin Ran, but he did not expect that it would be so easily broken by Qin Ran.

Moreover, what he even missed was Qin Ran's simply.

"Good, it doesn't matter..."


According to the original plan, the other party wants to say something that can close the relationship with Qin Ran.

But he does not understand Qin Ran.

Do not understand, in the eyes of Qin Ran, the stranger started the definition of the enemy.

The strong and the strong are the same?


Qin Ran only recognizes one: the more powerful the enemy, the more it should die.

Kicking on the other side's chest.

The invisible force field permeated, making this fatal blow a little pause.

After the next foot, the invisible force field is completely shattered.

"Wait for me……"

The other party still wants to explain something, but Qin Ran simply did not pay attention.

It’s another foot.

This foot became faster and more awkward under the blessing of [Besica kicking].

Moreover, it blends with the strangeness of the [snake-shaped legs].

Hey, hey!

Among the piercing snakes, the sideways dodge, and they thought that Qin Ran’s leg would fall, and Qin’s leg was turned in midair.

One leg with unrelenting strength kicked in the arms that the other side hurriedly lifted.


The hurriedly constructed defense collapsed at one foot.

The side of the sole of the foot is entangled and condensed.

next moment--


Just like the sound of a sword scabbard, an invisible blade is so straight into the neck.

[foot knife]!

Looking at the invisible blade that is close at hand, the other person's face changes and no longer hides.

The blood color flashed in midair.

An oval **** scorpion shield is placed in front of the invisible blade.

Just the moment of touch, the invisible blade is broken in the air, and the **** shield does not change.

But the other person was short of breath and sweating on his forehead.


The hot air flow swept the earth.

The radiance of the flames shields the sun.

In the low devil roar, the devil's inflammation came out.


In the explosion, the flames rose and the waves raged, and the rich sulfur smell filled the streets.

The figure hidden in the shadows came out immediately.

They looked cold and murderous and rushed to Qin Ran.


Counting low and drinking, it should be like thunder, but it is suppressed when it appears.

It was suppressed by a piece of snake.

A stout, pre-existing venomous snake was drilled from the ground and squatted.


When the unicorn snake was drilled underground, the whole street fell into silence.

The assaulted rushers were not able to move in the same place.

They were struggling and panicked by the face hidden by the system.

But the struggle of hard work can only be futile and useless under the absolute suppression of Qin Ran.


The devil's inflammation condenses on the left hand that Qin Ran raised.

Different from the usual appearance, this group of demonic inflammation has become a fierce sword with the change of Qin Ran's mind.


The huge flame giant sword made its own roar.

One figure after another was split into two.

One after another, the white light dissipated.

The battle ended almost at the beginning.

When there is no such thing as a weapon, there is nothing left in the middle of a messy street.

"Is those guys?"

I can't ask without any reason.

"A bit like."

Qin Ran answered like this.

"A bit?"

This kind of description makes it impossible to understand.

"Running a guy, and these guys happen to happen."

Qin Ran simply described the guy who first appeared on the station card and then disappeared.

The surprise of those raiders is too coincidental.

When Qin Ran was about to launch a killing move, these raiders appeared, as if to cover the guy's retreat.

"According to your description, the chance to run should be..."

"The sinner!"

Unable to report a name without a day.

“‘The sinner’?”

"One of the top ten supernovas?"

Qin Ran raised an eyebrow.

"That guy."

"But this guy has always been alone, more exclusive than our ‘Lonewalker’, and it’s impossible to show up unless necessary.”

"This guy is looking for what you want to do?"

I can't frown.

"do not know."

"However, just ask, it will be clear."

Qin Ran said that he waved his hand and refused the request that the lawless people followed.

"Don't forget our plan."

"You are so fanciful, but it will make us fail."

"not to mention……"

"Compared to this guy, I am more interested in the auction of my equipment items."

Qin Ran shrugged his shoulders.

This reason convinced the lawlessness.

In fact, as long as you don't say that your strength is not good, it will drag down words like me, and lawlessness is the easiest to be convinced.

Of course, there is a premise that you have to be a lawless friend.

It’s hard to be a lawless friend.

In fact, it is very difficult.

After all, this guy who has no heart and lungs, with Qin Ran, who can't wait to sleep, blinks, and Rachel, who kills people who never look at them.

I want to pass this two people.

What is needed is not just luck.

Unable to bring the people back to the pub, and Qin Ran went to one side.

In the ‘tracking’ field of vision, clear traces emerged on the ground, passing through the streets and alleys. When the traces disappeared, the two figures appeared in Qin Ran’s field of vision.

One is a 'sinner'.

the other is……


Looking at Qin Ran from the end of the street, the two people who are talking in a low voice are a glimpse, especially the ‘the sinner’ is even more incredible.

He has already overestimated Qin Ran as much as possible.

He knows that Qin Ran will catch up, but how could it be so fast.

"It’s really beyond my expectations, you..."


The words were not finished, and the ‘the sinner’ was kicked again.

Bohr is still standing there.

It’s not Qin Ren’s mercy or his good feelings for Bohr.

But when he saw Qin Ran appear, Boer threw the backpack with weapons and equipment on the ground and raised his hands high.

(End of this chapter)

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