The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1473: Lenovo

Chapter 1473 Association

The black slamming sniper turned into a streamer that annihilated the jumping thunder.


The corpse divided into two fell from midair and then turned into a blazing radiance.

This blazing brilliance is endless electric mans.

They beat and flicker, and every beat and flicker will make the blazing light more dazzling, but the rootless fire is not destined to last.

Just a breath, this blazing white burst into a glimmer of light like a small sun, and it began to dim quickly.

They are unwilling.

But this rule cannot be reversed.

Under Qin Ran's gaze, they gradually changed their shape and seemed to condense into something.

But, the next moment!

On the left hand of Qin Ran, the hand of the brutal Thunder suddenly burst into a silk sparkle on the copper pudding of the four protective joints.

Suddenly, it was a blazing white.


Just like this, regardless of the hand of Qin Ran’s left hand, the hand of the brutal Thunder rushed.

They did not hesitate.

There is no room for choice.

Instead of completely disappearing, it is better to survive in another way.

Qin Ran watched it all.

No dodging, no blocking.

After going through countless times, he is very clear about what happened.

And everything is exactly what Qin Ran expected -


The brilliance of the blazing white just touched the moment of [the hand of the thundering thunder], the large current was excited, the thunder of the thunder rang, and the unconsciously emitted current began to spread rapidly, let Nelson came over and had to quickly retreat.

Fortunately, the entire process lasted less than a minute.

When the thunder disappeared and the current retired, the [Rage Thunder Hand] appeared in front of Qin Ran in a new look.

The shape of the finger mitts did not change much, but the four puddings that protected the phalanx became sharp, and three copper puddings appeared near the back of the hand.

[Name: The hand of the brutal Thunder]

[Type: Gloves]

[Quality: III]

[attack power: III]

[defensive power: III]

[Attribute: 1, lightning strike; 2, Thunder's gun; 3, lightning; 4, Thunder cruel]

[Special effects: thunder]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: After the strengthening of the Thunder's Stone Power, it has absorbed the Thunder Spirit. It has already become another piece of equipment. It is powerful and untamed. When you use it, you need to get used to the current through the body. 】


[Lightning Strike: Each time you hit an opponent, you will have a Level II electric shock.]

[Thunder's Gun: Shooting a Thunder's Gun that is determined to be a Level II electric shock to a target in the field of view. When hitting an opponent, there is a chance to form a Level I lightning strike that jumps 6 times (the lightning jump target interval must not exceed 30 meters). When the lightning chain attack is concentrated on a single target, the Thunder's gun attack level +1) 3 times / day]

[Thunder: A Thunder that is judged as III by attacking any target in the field of view, 2 times/day]

[Thunder brutality: When killing 1 target, the next attack, lightning strike power +1; when killing 2 targets in a row, the next attack, Thunder gun attack power +1, and will trigger the lightning chain; When killing 3 targets in a row, the attack power of the glove is +1, and the lightning attack is +1]


[Thunder: Every time you use a mine, you will suffer a strong level of electric shock. 】


Qin Ran’s eyes swept through the description of [Thunder] and his expression was calm.

In fact, when the blazing electric mans appeared, Qin Ran knew what would happen.

With the description of the old book, Qin Ran understands that the original **** of Thunder became the **** of Thunder, because it touched the blazing electric mans.

Just like the book that the old book touched.

When the **** of the Thunder is behind, the blazing electric mans will appear again and dissipate quickly.

As for why?

Old books don't know either.

He only knows that after dissipating, it is death.

Therefore, if the blazing electric awn does not want to die, there is only one choice left: it is placed on something that matches its own.

And pinned on people?

That is impossible.

The choice is placed on the living body. There is only one chance. When you use it, only the items are left. The same is also an opportunity.

When these two opportunities are all used up, they will be dissipated directly, and there is no possibility of re-signing.

"It's a little worse."

Qin Ran touched the copper willow on the hand of the brutal Thunder, and his heart whispered silently.

He doesn't believe that the raging Thunder's hand that has absorbed the blazing white electric awn is only III, think about the **** of thunder, and the other person who has not healed the wound can burst the power of III-IV. So how strong is the 'core' of the other party?

At least, it should not be III!

Although the third order is already beyond the imagination in the eyes of ordinary people.


Qin Ran subconsciously looked at the "very late night" marked with 'not awakened'.

Obviously, the two have a similar picture before.

But it is different.

Recalling the appearance of the blazing white electric awning that was about to condense into something under certain force, Qin Ran picked up his eyes.

No doubt.

Qin Ran is very sure that when the blazing white electric awn is condensed, it will definitely be a brand new prop.

"After condensing the strength of each other, we begin to be figurative..."

"Is this the origin of props and equipment?"

Qin Ran has always had doubts about the appearance of props and equipment.

Those props and equipment that are already on the other side do not say, but appear out of thin air?

Despite previous speculations, until after seeing the scene, Qin Ran can be sure that these props and equipment appearing out of thin air are not the figurative of the killer.

And because of this, the more powerful the enemy, the more powerful props and equipment will fall.

Because, to a certain extent, this is the epitome of them.

Of course, there should be so-called 'evaluation', just like the power of these props and equipment, all from the huge cities, have been hidden in the bodies of these players, until special circumstances will trigger, and ... 'The Witch's Gift' is similar.

Naturally, when I think of the ‘Women’s Gift,’ there will be some unsatisfactory associations in Qin’s mind.

But right away, he took these ideas out of his mind.

Not suitable.

He is still too weak.

Not enough...

Will it be more hearty?

It may be, but with Qin’s cautious and careful personality, after discovering something, it will never be too big to ignore it.

Therefore, Qin Ran quickly looked at the huge ‘Devourer’ body.

He needs to divert attention.

Let your brain completely empty.

And what better is better than the ‘devourer’?

You know, this is the biggest benefit of this trip!

Not to mention, the gluttony inside is constantly sending a message to him -

He ate...supported.

(End of this chapter)

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