The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1474: opportunity

Chapter 1474 Opportunity

Eat the gluttony?

Most of the time, 'gluttony' is always hungry, even if it is swallowing a lot of delicious food, it will slow down the feeling of hunger a little, if there is a slight satiety and satisfaction, it is very Rare, not easy.

It is Qin Lu’s first time to see the support.

He hurried to the ‘Devourer’.

If you are not close, try using the [Dr. Dolce's Nest] and the "Devourer's Shadow" to test whether it can trigger a similar scene.

But it is a pity that there seems to be a lack of 'users' and neither of the two items responds at all.

This made Qin Ran have to use the backup plan.

He raised his hand and signaled that Nelson had left.

The head of the Aiyah post did not hesitate to implement it.

The scene that just happened has already made the post of the post firmly stand behind Qin Ran.

The conspiracy of the **** of thunder.

Fallen gods.

Stop everything, force the arrogant demigod.

With the knight's philosophy, Nelson, looking at Qin Ran at the moment, unconsciously emerged in the eyes of fanaticism.

Qin Ran is really in line with everything he imagined.

The imaginary person is the goal he has followed in his life.

"Everyone, all left!"


Nelson shouted, the knights around him acted quickly, the civilians did not resist, and the rebels did not.

When the ‘Devourer’ appeared, the rebels were in a panic, and they were completely confused about what happened.

But they know how powerful the ‘half god’ Ryan, who can kill the **** of Thunder.

How can mortals fight against the gods?

Therefore, these rebels who were born in the temple were obeying orders than those of the civilians.

The surrounding swiftly swept away.

After Nelson once again bowed to Qin Ran, this was the last one to leave.

When it was determined that Nelson had left a long enough distance, Qin Ran had a heart.

‘arrogant’ heads out.

‘lazy’ is behind.

'Greed' 'angry' '嫉妒' 'color. Desire' is distorted, not drinking low or big, but when the 'arrogant' eyes are swept, they immediately become awkward, shrinking one by one. The neck is not afraid to suffocate.

They are already different.

From the initial opportunity, it became him.

Moreover, the strides forward, standing in the position where they can not be expected.

Especially when the ceiling is broken, even if they are still ignorant, according to instinct, they also vaguely know something.

Obedience is the best choice.

"Is that guy stupid?"

“Do you really dare to eat anything?”

"Not afraid to support yourself?"

‘Lazy’ yawned and muttered, but his hands were fluttering back and forth in front of him, with the calculation of his heart.

He is very clear about what the ontology is for them and for them.

In the same way, he doesn't want that guy to have anything more.

That was the luck before.

This time he will not be naive to think that there is still such luck.

What's more, he is more accustomed to relying on himself to do his best.

This book was born with some emotions of Qin Ran. Although these emotions affect themselves, some things in essence are exactly the same.

‘lazy’ has never been serious.

He spoke very quickly.

"Let them go!"

"No need for control, arbitrary destruction, according to their ideas, this may be an opportunity for them!"

"You go to the top of the head."

"I am going to the middle."

Said, ‘lazy’ suddenly a meal, turned to look at Qin Ran.

"Boss, you will feel bad in a while, I suggest you find something to block your mouth."

"Of course."

"Just a suggestion."

Under the gaze of Qin Ran, ‘lazy’ immediately changed the rhetoric.

“Is the harvest going to be big?”

Qin Ran asked faintly.


‘lazy’ said affirmatively.

"So... I am not afraid."

Qin Ran said one word at a time, the whole person's breath began to condense, pull high, and quickly pulled up to a point that is daunting.

Some of his qualities began to burn and boil.

More hot than the devil's inflammation!

"Hey, boss, you are happy."

‘Lazy’ shrugged his shoulders and looked at the stinking scent. The high spirits that had just emerged from the ‘Devoters’ eyes were slightly disgusted.

"Do you think I want to be like this?"

"Not because of that guy?"

"I will be dragged into the intestines?"

Higher evil spirits snarled.

"For now, I will hand it over to you."

"Others we can't believe."

‘Lazy’ said directly, the high evil spirits of the cockroaches immediately shut up, and it squinted at the corner of the mouth, a very reluctant look, “I know, which one is not relying on me at the end?”

When he said it, he waved his hand.

"Go back soon!"

Then, the higher evil spirits went to the side of Qin Ran, watching the old book standing on the side of Qin Ran, trembled with a very disdainful eyebrow.

"Listen to me, understand?"

A veteran of a higher evil spirit faces the appearance of a new person.


Old books that must be white are nodded.

Although, until now, he did not know what happened, but the **** of Thunder knew that the devourer knew it.

What he knows better is that no matter which one he can't provoke.

But in this case, one is being killed, the other seems to be eaten by...

Although he knew that the people he followed were very strong, the old books did not expect to be so powerful.

Suddenly, the old book found that he had made the most correct decision in his heart for centuries.

A thriving golden light, the incomparably thick thigh has already appeared in front of him.

So, what else is hesitant?

A long stick made of black walnut wood appeared in the hands of the old book. He stood solemnly on the right side behind Qin Ran, and kept the high evil spirits on the side of Qin Ran. 'Prideful' 'lazy' and a group of original sins disappeared.

The night wind is blowing.

The night winds in the south are not the icy bones of the north, the taste of the jungle plants, and the warm feeling, which immediately makes people feel a little guilty.

But Qin Ran did not have such a sense of arrogance.

All he felt was: pain!


With a cold sigh, Qin Ran trembled slightly.

In the distant jungle, a group of guys hiding in the shadows have all this in their eyes, and their eyes quickly become hot and greedy.

"Our opportunity is coming."

The owner of the walnut tree said this.


"Our opportunity is here!"


The owner of the Dal Creek water, the owner of the Dolder Cave, chuckled.



The palms of both hands passed through the chest of the owner of the Dal Creek water, the owner of the Dolder Cave. In the incredible eyes of the two so-called 'God', the high evil spirits threw their hands and threw two bodies, splitting their mouths. The owner of the walnut tree showed a very kind smile.

"What do you want to do with my contractor?"

"I didn't hear it clearly?"

"Do you want to say it again?"

(End of this chapter)

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