The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1491: Dark gaze

Chapter 1491 esoteric gaze

Amy Deer 009.

The huge dome clock tower stands in the middle of the road, and the passers-by are all attracted by the appearance of the building, but that was a long time ago.

However, with some recent rumors, more people are starting to pay attention to it.

Or a clear or dark sight makes the members of the Guardian feel unbearable.

"These guys are really annoying!"

"They should be taught!"

Yalquino, wearing a robes, said with a low voice.

Several guardian members around nodded slightly, which is the default discourse of the companion.

After all, no one wants to be a shimmering monkey.

"I will teach them once!"

With the approval of his companions, Yalikino could not help but say, and went outside.

"The leader let us gather..."

"Do not worry!"

“It’s just a little irrelevant role, it’s not much time.”

Yalikino waved his hand in disregard.

The guardian member who dissuaded the opening thought for a moment and did not say anything.

You know, they are guardians!

The Guardian in the name of that adult!

Ordinary player?

Really not being looked at by them.

Feeling that there was no strange change in the atmosphere behind others, Yalino was relieved and he began to accelerate his pace.

Must leave soon!

Otherwise, it’s too late!

When Alikino thought of the words of the man just now, the whole person was anxious.

He almost thought of it subconsciously, and what his collaborators said did not provoke the other's words.

But immediately, Alikino shook his head.

He will not admit his failure.

Because, in his opinion, he did not fail.

At most, luck is not good.

That's right, it's bad luck!

Wait, then!

One day, one day, I will make you regret it!

When Alicino thought of the insult he had received before, the pain of the whole body being bitten seemed to appear again, and his breathing became rushed, but, immediately, his breathing was a stagnation.

In the direction of the gate, a black hooded cloak with a silvery pattern on the corner and a long sword standing there.

"Inspecting makes you."

After identifying the opponent's weapon and confirming that it was not the most difficult one, Yalino Ma went up.

"What are you going to, Yalino?"

Asked the other party.

"I am going to teach the peepers outside the door."

"They are really annoying."

Yalikino answered truthfully.

He did not find another reason, because he knew very well that since the other party appeared here, his previous words were absolutely heard by the other party.

At this time, I will find another reason. It is really no different from finding death.


"Then go back soon."

"The leader is already convening everyone."

The other party waved his hand in disapproval.

"Yes, sir."

As soon as Alicino walked, he walked out quickly. It seemed that he was really ready to go back soon. However, after crossing the gate of the dome clock tower, Alikino was striding in one direction. .

Here are a few people who are on the dome clock tower.

Without hesitation, Alikino rushed up.

Those who saw the emergence of Yalikino fled.

Alicino picked the one that ran the fastest and chased it up.

The runner is very fast.

Almost reached the level of advancement, this scene made the guardian members in the tower shine, but then shook his head.

Since someone has shot, then this unexpected wealth is naturally impossible to snatch.

The guardian also has his own rules.

They were only able to watch asailino chasing behind the man and quickly disappeared into the street.

After confirming that his sight disappeared, Alikino did not stop. He followed the person in front of him and crossed another street, which stopped at the same time.

"I need help."

As soon as he stopped, Yalino said directly.

"So, I am coming."

"What happened, tell me."

The other party said coldly.

Yalikino immediately began to tell, of course, it was a beautified and disguised story, which highlighted Qin Ran’s good fortune and his bad luck.

This is not deliberate, but he thinks so.

So, it looks very real.



After the voice of Alicino had just fallen, the other side slammed into the face of Yalino.

Without any reaction, Yalino was so fanned to the ground.

"I told you."

"Don't go and provoke 2567!"

"He is not what you can provoke!"

The tone of the other party is getting colder and colder. Under the sound of the extreme cold wind, it can't be heard of anger or killing, but it makes Yalikino's defense in the throat.

He climbed up in awkwardness and lowered his head.

He needs to hide his grievances.

He can't be exposed.

At least, not now.

He still needs each other.

"Go to that place, I marked it in a private letter, where you can get the best protection."

"Now, leave."

The other side said this.

Then, the cold-eyed man looked at the back of Yalino.

"I haven't seen enough yet?"

"Of course not."

"I have been guessing who is behind him, I didn't think it would be you, Eckert."

The keeper of Sabre patrolled and turned from the corner of the street, smiling.

"I thought I would attract other guys. I didn't think it would be you, Lee."

The voice of the man known as Eckert did not change, and it was still cold.

“Everyone has something more important.”

"I am naturally the most suitable one."

The patrol approached as he approached and his hand rested on the hilt.

The sword is not squirted, and the sharp breath has already come.


The split air turned into a sword and directed at the Eckert, but it was blown away and frozen by a cold wind when it was not close.

But in the next moment, the two breaths collided again.


In the dull sound, Yalino seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure, and retreated backwards, but under the cover of the system, the smile on his face could not be hidden.

let's hit! let's hit!

Only when you fight, can I get the most benefit!

The dark heart of the heart, let Alicino quickly send a private letter to another collaborator, then turned and ran.

However, Yalino did not go to the address given by Eckert.

After he circled a circle, he quietly returned.

He hid in the shadows, watching the battle in the field, waiting for another collaborator to send a man, waiting for his upcoming harvest.


Wait, then!

I will appear in front of you in a stronger posture!

Let you understand how big a mistake is with me!

Yalino clenched his fist.

In the shadow of not far behind Alikino, Qin Ran looked at him so silently.

The eyes are plain and waveless.

It seems to be watching a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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