The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1492: appear

Chapter 1492 appears


The sharp sword gas cuts the oncoming cold air, like the sound of the tearing of the cloth, the frozen air is divided, but it has not disappeared.

On the contrary, they directly turned into a frost, and all of them within a radius of 5 meters were covered.


The ground quickly condensed a frost.

The patrol made the flash appear outside the frost, and he looked down at the frost marks on the sleeves of his left hand and couldn't help laughing.

"Ikter, you are not so rigid at the end."

"However, it is still a bit slow."

The patrol lifted the right hand of the sword, and on the long-sworded sword, a touch of bright red was slowly disappearing, as if it had been swallowed up by the sword itself.

This is a sharp sword, this time issued a burst of humming.

The stinging sensation appeared on the side of the abdomen of Eckert.


A lot of blood sprang up.

Iket lifted his hand and blocked it in the wound. Immediately, a layer of frost covered it and frozen the wound.

Then, the palm-stained blood is filled with cold air.

Not only is the speed of the freezing of the gas more than doubled, the range of the spread has also been expanded several times, and the inspection of the sword has been shrouded in one fell swoop.

"Just said that you are not so rigid."

"It seems that I am wrong."

"You are starting to play with the sacrifice of the power of the frozen gas, the pursuit of speed and scope of the trick, but unfortunately, you forgot, there is no power of the frozen gas ... for me, really is vulnerable!"

In the permeated freezing air, the inspection of the sword keeps the smile unchanged, and a rapid charge comes to the front of the Eckert, raising his hand is a sword.

The sharp cutting sensation appeared again, and the blade had not touched the Eckert. The latter had already had blood marks on the body.

But this sword did not fall on the body of Eckert.


As if in the sound of metal crossfire, a blood-stained ice sword was blocked in front of this long sword.

This ice sword from the hands of Eckert steadily blocked the sniper of the sword.

"Hey, are you developing new tricks?"

"Not bad!"

Holding a sword to inspect, and then praised.

"More good is still behind!"

Iket, who has been silent for a long time, said coldly.

At the moment when the voice just fell, a piece of frozen air spread from the ice sword, not only frozen the sword that was held by the sword, but also frozen the palm of the hand with the sword.

Moreover, the frozen gas is still spreading toward the whole body of the sword.

"It's worthy of praise!"

"You should be flexible in applying your abilities."

Holding a sword to inspect, nodded, as an elder to praise his descendants.

However, this attitude has stimulated Eckert.

"Shut up!"

In a low voice, a brand new ice sword appeared in the other hand of Eckert, aiming at the throat of the sword and inspecting it straight.

But when Eckert’s ice sword was inspected with a sword and there was still a punch, the other party gave a sigh.

"It seems that you still can't face your past."


In the sigh, the frozen sword screamed fiercely.

For a moment, the frozen frost was all shattered, and the blood-stained ice sword that was attacked with the long sword broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Also falling on the ground is the owner of the ice sword: Eckert.


Almost without any fancy, the shocked Eckert fell heavily on the ground, and the wound on the side of the lower abdomen broke straight. The broken ice sword tip was placed on his face and inserted. The concrete floor in front of you.


In the crisp crash, Iket, who wants to climb up and fight back, trembles.

Looking at the ice sword fragments close at hand, it wasn't the fool's Eckert who immediately reacted. He looked up and bit his teeth, and the voice squeezed out of his teeth: "Are you sympathizing with me?"


"It’s just not controlled for a while..."

The words of the sword were not finished, and the sound came to an abrupt end. He appeared in front of the Eckert, and the sword in his hand stabbed straight.


He did not think that death came so suddenly.

Then, Eckert closed his eyes.

When he made a choice, he knew that he had chosen a path that would inevitably bury death and crisis. Now, death is nothing.

At least, he has done enough.

However, the imaginary death did not come.

On the contrary, a touch of warmth appeared on his face.

Eckert opened his eyes again.

The sword with the sword inspected stabbed in the shadow underneath him. The shadow of the dead object was under the long sword and could not be distorted.

The shadow that belongs to the sword patrol is a sword running through the chest of the sword. The warm feeling on his face is the blood that scatters.


Eckert exclaimed, and the ice sword pointed at the shadow.

However, the shadow is more embarrassing than imagined.

After slamming into a group, it was restored to the original, and at a corner not far away, a tight figure that wrapped the whole body came out.

And next to the figure, Yalikino was making a smug laugh.

"Inspector, Li."

“One of the leaders of the ‘resistance’, Iket.”

“Do you feel a little surprised?”

Arikino said as he walked.

When he came to the range of about 10 meters in front of the two, Alikino stopped, which was his carefully calculated 'safe position'.

"Unexpectedly, there are some."

"I didn't expect you guys to have foreign aid."

Although the sword was inspected, although he was seriously injured, he still gave a feeling of smile.


Compared to the sword inspection, Eckert is much more direct.


"I don't have to betray you this innocent fool!"

"After all, I never really want to trust you!"

"You guys, however, are the pieces I use."

Yalquino shook his finger at Eckert and said in a high-pitched tone. Then he touched his cheek, and the face hidden by the system became distorted, and the voice was even more vicious.

"It’s really hurt just now!"

"However, I won't mind."

"Because, as compensation, I will cut off your limbs!"

"Hello, please..."

As a result, Yalino turned around and was ready to ask his collaborators for help, and he would not be in danger.

But in the moment when Yalquino turned around, he stayed in the same place.

The collaborator who is regarded by him as the most dependent, is being held in his hands at this time.

And that person...

No need to distinguish more, the black crow feather is really good to recognize.


Without any hesitation, Yalino turned and ran.

At this time, Yalino, obviously using some kind of props, broke out the speed that ordinary people could not imagine, like a stream of light, and instantly became a small point.

However, Qin Ran does not seem to care about the departure of the other party. Instead, he has set his sights on the sword and the body of Eckert.

In the face of Qin Ran's gaze, he has been calm and self-sufficient. Even if he is seriously injured, he can laugh at the sword, but he can no longer laugh.

Because, this sword patrol makes it possible to clearly feel the breath that comes from Qin Ran if it is not emitted.

The breath brought boundless pressure, not only let the sword patrol the whole body, but also let the other party's heart attack suffer an unprecedented impact.

The hand holding the sword began to tremble, and the blade could not help but whisper.

Holding a sword to observe knows that he has to say something, or under the pressure of Qin Ran, the core system he has finally completed will collapse.

Subconsciously, the sword patrol made him want to say something, but the side of the Eckert was the first to speak.

Ikter certainly recognizes Qin Ran.

It is also clear that Qin Ran is powerful.

But Eckert is the most intolerant of traitors.

Therefore, Eckert shouted with a strong bite.

"His 2567, he is running..."


The shouts were covered by thunder, and under the clear skies, a thunder slammed down and directly swallowed out Alikino who had run out of the distance.

The fly is gone.

In the flash of lightning, Eckert unconsciously widened his eyes.

He was amazed at the power of Qin Ran, and he was also amazed at the ability of Qin Ran at this moment.

Thunder? !

Shouldn't it be a flame?

You must know that in addition to the "Sword of Dawn", Qin Ran has the title of "The King of Fire" and the "Devil of Fire" in a huge city.

But, lightning?

But no!

Newly acquired ability?

There was some speculation in the bottom of my heart, but I didn’t wait for Eckert to think more. He felt that his body was sinking and Qin Ran was watching him.

Without the need for real observation, Eckert knew what was going on.

Especially with the change of Qin Ran's gaze, Eckert is able to feel that the sense of oppression on his body is changing.

Very bad kind.

Almost as blessed to the soul, Eckert immediately said: "I am a member of the ‘Guardian’ hostile organization ‘resisting person’, and I have a way to remove the hidden danger of ‘Women’s gift.’”

When the voice fell, Eckert felt that the pressure on his body disappeared instantly.

Slightly relieved, Iket involuntarily looked at the sword to inspect.

He wants to see how this is the strongest enemy in his mind.

wry smile.

Except for the bitter smile, there is no other idea to hold the sword.

Although he did not notice the killing in front of the man, but the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, it is clear that if the man in front of him wants to kill him, he really has no resistance.

This feeling is really bad.

Then, even worse things are coming.

A sub-contract appeared in front of the sword patrol.

"Do not!"

"I won't... ok, I promised."

Instinctive, holding a sword inspection will refuse.

However, after murder appeared in the breath of the man in front of him, the inspection with the sword immediately changed his attitude.

What a worse thing, can it be worse than death?

Qin Ran took over the contract.

The above clearly says:

Under the premise of not signing the contract before, we will do our best to help 2567 once, without any deception or lies.

- Li


Looking at the name on the contract, I nodded with satisfaction.

Currently, he does not want to touch any player with the ‘Women’s Gift’, but it does not mean that he will still be arrogant.

He will not kill each other directly.

There are too many ways to want a person to die.

Especially in huge cities, there are countless.

For example: the other party is seriously injured and handed over to others for processing.

According to the ‘results’ rules of huge cities, many people are happy to complete them.

Even Qin is sure to let the next Eckert directly hands.

The relationship between the two is complicated.

In the previous battles, the patrols of the swords made them feel good, and Eckert did not care, and with the identity of Eckert, Qin Ran could probably guess what happened.

But in this regard, Qin Ran has no more interest.

He also wants to know how to deal with the 'wife gift'.

Similarly, a contract was handed over to Eckert.

After sweeping through the contents of the contract, Eckert wrote his name without hesitation.

Not only because of the content of the contract, that is, he just promised Qin Ran, but also because of the example role of the sword inspection.

Just after seeing the sword patrol for an instant compromise, Eckert’s mood was complicated.

Have both a kind of contempt, and

A sense of loss of complexity.

He can't say what it is, but it makes him completely without a psychological burden.

"I will go find you."

After Qin Ran finished speaking, he turned and left.

After watching the disappearance of Qin Ran's figure completely disappeared, Eckert stood up, looked down and watched with the sword, did not say anything, turned and left.

As for the other side to kill each other?

Let's not say that the other party was seriously injured in order to save him. The belief that Ikter is adhering to will never allow him to do such a thing.

"The stereotyped guy!"

Looking at the distant Iket, the sword patrolled and climbed up from the ground, feeling his own injury, recalling the contract that had just been signed, the sword patrol could not help but mutter.

"This is a big problem."

"I hope I can get away with it, otherwise..."

With the idea of ​​the bottom of my heart, the sword patrol limped towards the dome clock tower.

At this time, Qin Ran was already close to the room of Yalino.

The other room is not far from the straight line of the dome clock tower, only two blocks, but it is difficult to find, hidden in the middle of an alley.

"I hope not to let me down!"

Qin Ran’s self-talking, his eyes once again swept through the information tips of 1500 points and 2 skill points after killing Yalino.

Far more than expected points, skill points, and the other side's continuous shooting and hunting behavior, so that Qin Ran could not help but have some speculation.

At the moment, it is time to verify your inner thoughts.


When Qin Ran put his hand on the door, the door immediately opened slowly, and even the echo of the door opening was heard in the room.

Qin Ran stepped into it.

Immediately, a huge room with a football field size appeared in front of his eyes.

In this huge room, the surroundings are empty, only in the middle of the room, standing a tall stone, the bucket is thick and the black stone pillars.

On this stone pillar, there are many portraits of the teeth of the teeth.

Looking at this pillar, I felt the hidden atmosphere, and Qin’s mouth was awkward.

He knows that he will have a lot of money this time.

Just when Qin Ran was preparing to look at the information of Shi Zhu in detail, the higher evil spirits came through the contract to incite a burst of incitement.

It hopes to get this stone pillar.

PS two in one chapter ~

(End of this chapter)

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