The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1600: Corpse

Chapter 1600 Body

The exclamation made Mike Rose look a little.

Almost subconscious, the female forensic doctor ran to the small lake.

When the female forensic doctor ran to the lake, the nursing staff and medical staff in the sanatorium had gathered at the lakeside. In the low-pitched discussion, people looked at the bodies floating on the lake.

Undoubtedly, even ordinary people can know that there is no other possibility of swelling.

Under the command of a person who is obviously the head of the nursing home, two physically strong male care workers have been plucked into the water.

When the corpse was actually caught, the female forensic doctor quickly looked at it.

According to her experience, at least three days have passed since the degree of swelling of the body.

And she just had a phone call with her teacher.

Not your own teacher!

The female forensic doctor was relieved.

Then she began to speak.

"Go to the police!"

"The body is here, don't move!"

For professionalism, the female forensic doctor reminded the person in charge of the nursing home.

The head of the middle-aged female nursing home apparently knew the female forensic doctor. He did not hesitate and immediately took out the mobile phone alarm.

When the police were reported, the person in charge indicated to the two nurses to look after the body and went to the female forensic doctor.

"Ross, is it to see Adams?"

The person in charge asked Qin Jun while asking.

Look with the eyes.

It is not the kind of general review of strangers, but an examination of the elders facing the female juniors with the opposite sex.

Seemingly gentle, but in fact sharp and unmatched, slightly murderous.

Especially when the other side is dressed in a formal overalls and the hair is high and gives a sense of skill, such a 'murderous' is undoubtedly a strong point.

In the discovery of Qin Ran calmly, and even light, then the other side slightly.

Then, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Who is he?"

"Don't you introduce it?"

The other party eased the voice and asked.

"2567, a friend."

"This is Ms. Hines, the head of the ‘Water and Sunshine Sanatorium’ and the good friend of my teacher.”

The female forensic doctor introduced it vaguely.

However, such ambiguity made the responsible person think more and more, the other party kept a smile and extended his hand to Qin Ran.

"Hello, 2567."

"Hello, Ms. Hines."

The palms of the two sides were at the touch of a finger, and the person in charge did not leave, but asked straight.

"how old are you?"

"What is the job?"

"Is I buying a house in Yuecheng?"

The speed of speech is not fast, but it is not slow. The tone is still harmonious, but there is persistence. When asking these questions, the person in charge keeps an eye on Qin Ran and does not let go of any expression on Qin Ran’s face.



"Buy, Yushu Street is a single building."

Qin Ran did not change the color.

Because this is the truth.

Age is the age of this identity.

The profession is also.

The house is also natural.

He did not lie.

After hearing the answer from Qin Ran, the person in charge looked brighter and his face became softer and softer.

Just the right age, a stable career, good income.

The choice of the top!

"Let's stay for afternoon tea."

"I have some nice snacks here..."

"Ms. Hines, we have to go see the teacher."

Qin Ran, who did not wait for the move, spoke again, and the female forensic doctor said first, then, pulling Qin Ran to the main building.

In the corridor leading to the building, the female forensic doctor was amazed.

"Sorry, Ms. Hines is not malicious."

"She, she just worried about me."

The voice of the female forensic doctor has become stuttering.

And Qin Ran’s heart is incomprehensible.

Although he also feels the same, but for a person who is only 17 years old, and who wants to live all the time.

What is ‘blind date’?

Can you eat?


Can you have another bottle?

Qin Ran fought countlessly, experienced various dangers and encountered various enemies, but he really did not understand the blind date. He had never encountered or had similar memories before. He did not know the female forensic doctors and What does the lady's words mean?


From a certain point of view, Qin Ran does not understand the feelings.

Of course, this does not hinder Qin Qin from facing it in his own way.

"is it?"

"If you have a good relationship, remember to pack some snacks for me when you go."

Qin Ran said this.

"of course!"

"no problem!"

“The snack here is very good!”

I think that this is a female forensic doctor who gave Qin Ran a step. She had a slightly embarrassed smile on her face. She nodded and nodded, and then walked forward quickly.

There is no elevator available.

Instead, I chose the stairs.

When stepping up the stairs, the cockroaches on the female forensic doctors quickly became hesitant.

"Do you say that the teacher is related to this matter?"

The uneasy female forensic asked the Qinran subconsciously.

"What do you think?"

Qin Ran asked.

The female forensic is silent.

She just asked the teacher about the abnormality of the morgue. Someone appeared in front of her. She was going to tie her to the chair and lived her. If there was nothing in it, she said nothing.

But the same, she does not believe that she would do this to her excellent teacher in the past.

People have evil.

It also has kindness.

It is like a coin that has been thrown into the air and branded with different words and paintings.

It keeps spinning.

Expose your own words or paintings at any time.

Until the moment before landing, no one can determine whether it is a word or a flower.

All that is there is to stare at the tension when the coin falls.

The female forensic doctor is like this at the moment.

Standing in front of the 404, the female forensic hesitated for a moment, then it sounded the door.

Hey, hey.

"Come in."

When the slightly weak voice sounded, the female forensic doctor opened the door with a bite.

A room of 30 square meters, the room arranged at home appears in front of Qin Ran, with a sofa, coffee table, desk, bookshelf, TV, etc. If it is not a bed, it looks like a hotel. .


The middle-aged man lying in bed looked at the female forensic doctor who came in, immediately put down the book in his hand, revealing a smile, and he would sit up.

"Teacher, you are lying."

The female forensic doctor immediately went over and said.

Even with the bedding, Qin Ran can see that one of the other's legs is missing.


After the other party swayed at the female forensic doctor, they insisted on sitting up and facing Qin Ran, and then directly called out the name of Qin Ran.

"Teacher, do you know him?"

Female forensic doctors are very surprised.

"The name of the youngest winner of Von Psychology, I am as good as it is."




The other party’s words were not finished and they were interrupted.

Listening to the scream, the female forensic face is a change.

what happened?

How come dead again?

Although it is a forensic doctor, it is dealing with the body every day, but the chances of hitting the body are not high.

Like this, there are two corpses in a moment, and female forensic doctors are unique.

"Ross, go see it."

"Maybe Hines has a place where you need help."

The female forensic teacher said this.

The female forensic doctor did not oppose it. After Qin Qin’s slap in the face of ‘delivering to you’, he hurried away. Qin Ran was able to hear that at the moment of closing the door, the female forensic doctor had some luck.

Finally, it is a relief for female forensic doctors to ask such questions from a dear one.


It is one of human nature.

Although it is shameful to be seen by a strong person, it is really useful.

With the closure of the door, the teacher of Qin Ran and the female forensic doctor was left in the room.

"I introduce myself, Adams."

The other party said very gently, then, I wanted to shake hands with Qin Ran, but because the hands supported the body, I could not lift it.

"Sorry, my body is worse than it looks."

The other party said apologetically.

"You have done a very good job."

"Even if it is compared with normal people."

"It's also good enough."

Qin Ran said in a pun.

"is it?"

"But even if it's good again, how about?"

"Some things have happened and it happened."

"Unable to change."

The other party laughed at himself, the voice began to slow down, and the eyes looked at the ceiling. It seemed to be recalling something. Then, the other person turned to look at Qin Ran.

"Are you very puzzled?"

"Or, are you suffering?"

"Trust me, I have also experienced it."

"We are pity with each other."

The other party sighed, and one pair would say everything, but the next moment, the other party was a turn.

"I am sorry, when I was old, I loved to say some weird words."

"Please do not mind that."

"Don't be mindful."

"I am a little tired and want to take a break."

"Can you close the door for me when I leave?"

The other party requested.


Qin Ran looked at the other side deeply and nodded.

Turned out and went out without any hesitation. After closing the door, Qin Ran did not choose to leave, but stood at the door of the room and waited.

About a few seconds later, the female inspector appeared.

As soon as she appeared, the female inspector looked at Qin Ran with a weird look.

"Are you a **** of death?"

The female inspector asked very seriously.


Qin Ran answered with the same serious tone.

"So, can you explain to me what is going on?"

“Why are you going wherever there is an accident?”

"It's just like your ex-wife!"

The voice of the female inspector is low, but the gaze is more and more sharp, and it seems that I want to see through Qin’s heart.

“Maybe it is a coincidence?”

Qin Ran replied.


"Do you believe in coincidence?"

The female inspector asked.

"Do not believe."

Qin Ran said with certainty.

"Since you don't believe it, then, explain to me what happened to you?"

The voice of the female inspector couldn’t help but pull up a point.

"Maybe fate?"

Qin Ran


The female inspector gave a mocking laughter, and she looked at Qin Ran and said one word at a time.

"I always thought it was my heart."


"It seems that you are even more dangerous than I thought!"

"I hope that you have not played any embarrassing role in these things, otherwise I will catch you!"

After that, the female inspector began to knock on the door.

After getting permission from Adams, the female inspector entered the room.

The door was closed again, followed by the female forensic doctor who had just said nothing behind the female detective. At this time, the instinctive wanted to explain to the female inspector.

Because, after she saw the door closed, Qin Ran’s face suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

Looking at the smile, the female forensic woman has some hair.

She felt that the smile was like a TV documentary, and the beasts who were about to prey on prey showed their teeth.

Not only fierce, but also chilling.

"Gredi is not malicious."

"She is a little anxious."


"You come with me, you will understand when you see it."

The female forensic doctor raised her hand and wanted to leave with Qin Ran, but Qin Ran shunned the swearing.

"lead the way."

Qin Ran said directly.

The female forensic doctor immediately ran downstairs, and behind the female forensic doctor, Qin Ran quickly returned to the lake.

At this time, the lakeside has been surrounded by a yellow cordon.

A police officer stood outside the warning line and blocked the crowd.

In fact, the crowd at this time should not say that it is close, and the look at it is full of fear.


Seven bodies were placed in a row.

Covered with white cloth.

Covers the surrounding line of sight.

If it is said that a body appears in the lake, it can be explained by sudden death or accident.

Can it be seven?


Moreover, it is not a general murder!

It is a premeditated murder!

So, will there be another one?

In the face of a serial killer hiding in the dark, fear can not be suppressed in the hearts of ordinary people.

Fear is not a plague.

But it has a more astounding ability to spread than the plague.

When Qin Ran stood here, let the lady, Mr. Hines, explain how some people living in the sanatorium still intend to leave.

"Ms. Hines, it’s too horrible, I can’t sleep here."

"Yeah yeah!"

"I don't want to be taken away in my sleep."

"I beg you!"

"Please let us go!"


Such voices in the crowd are one after another.

There is a person who starts with it and can't stop it later.

The voice of Ms. Hines was completely overwhelmed.

The deputy of the female inspector shouted when these people left without regard to it.

"Can't go!"

“Before investigating clearly, all the people here are suspects!”

The police officers who were at the entrance of the sanatorium put their hands on the holster.

It is both deterrence and suspicion from the bottom of my heart. The serial killer is in it.

Undoubtedly, such deterrence is very powerful.

All the people who are screaming, began to retreat.

After Qin Ran’s gaze swept through these people, when the attention of the police officers was attracted, he went to the seven bodies covered with white cloth.

After one by one, Qin Ran frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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