The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1601: Close

Chapter 1601 is close

Unlike the first corpse that had previously swelled, the six bodies in front of me were like the ones that had just died and were thrown into the lake.

Moreover, based on Qin Ran's experience, the six corpses should have no internal organs.

Although the ribs support the chest, the abdomen is abnormally dry.

However, even in this case, one of the chest muscles and abdominal muscles without the body of the shirt is still very conspicuous, and the arms on both sides are thicker.

Even if this person is lying here, it still looks very powerful.

Not only is this corpse, the remaining five bodies are similar, and there are obvious traces of training on the body.

Especially the palm!

The index finger, thumb, tiger's mouth, palm and palm are all old.

The ability to form such an old man, in addition to the long-term use of firearms, practice hand-to-hand combat, should also be familiar with cold weapons.

At least it is very familiar with daggers and short knives.

The thickness of the old mouth of the tiger's mouth, without the practice of ten years, could not be formed.

Put down the palm of the body, Qin Ran opened the mouth of the body.

The mouth of the black hole immediately appeared in front of the eyes.

The teeth are gone.

The tongue is gone.

The teeth should be knocked out by the individual.

And the tongue?

It was directly smashed out.

Also, it brought out a complete launch.

The operators are undoubtedly very skillful, both to the pain of these people, and to let these people experience the fear.

Qin Ran can completely imagine that the internal organs of the body have been pulled out. These people have long been afraid of death alone.

There is deeper despair.

Such despair is filled with them all over the body.

Under such desperation, the body can no longer be distorted.


The six bodies in front of me are very calm from the post-mortem expression.

It’s like after seeing everything, it’s gone.



Qinran, who thought of something, quietly erased the traces, silently exited the crowd, and stood at an edge position, slightly narrowing his eyes.

"See it?"

The female forensic came together and asked for a low voice.

There was a trace of horror on the face of the female forensic doctor.

Obviously, female forensic doctors with considerable professional knowledge also found that the bodies were not right.


Qin Ran nodded.

"I don't know who is the hand."

"It’s horrible than the butcher I remember!"

"I can't imagine how a person is licking his tongue and pulling out a complete internal viscera - are they pulling the plane with their tongue?"

"But the tongue is hard to pull except the cockroach?"

The female forensic doctor said with a lingering fear.

In the face of such problems, Qin Ran remained silent.

Because he has seen the female inspector coming towards him.

"What do you want to say?"

The female inspector said very directly.

"I regret about their experience."

Qin Ran sighed.

"Have you seen these people?"

The female detective took out six photos.

The shooting picture is very blurry, and the angle is from top to bottom.

It is undoubtedly the surveillance shooting of the probe.

But then blurring, Qin Ran can also confirm that the people in these photos are the dead people he just saw, and the surrounding scenery, with his excellent memory, should be... Yushu Street!

It is where he lives.

"This should be Elm Street."

"But I have not seen them before."

Qin Ran tells the truth.

In addition to just confirming the corpse, he was the first to see them in the true sense.

"is it?"

The female detective looked at Qin Ran with suspicion.

In the eyes of the female detective, Qin Ran is really suspicious.

Wherever you go, there are cases.

Moreover, it is not a small case.

Every time there is a big case of death.

Especially this time.

When the other party just came to the ‘Water and Sunshine Sanatorium’, the entire sanatorium broke out a big case that had not appeared since the beginning of construction.

Even the 'moon city' is extremely rare.

Seven bodies!

You know that there are seven bodies!


The female inspector took a deep breath.

"do you know?"

"I didn't like the high-end community like Yushu Street. I always thought it would be a nuisance to deal with people inside."

"But today is the exception."

"Because that perfection and privacy are far beyond the public security system, I have photographed everything I want."

"They are on the Elm Street, for you!"

"When the murderer who thought it was a clown appeared to you, they appeared there and peeped at you."

Said, the female detective took another photo.

These photos are taken from multiple angles.

The date and time are less clearly visible.

Everything is as the female inspector said, these people should be the ‘peepers’ that were perceived before Qin Ran—the part that is alive.

"What does this stand for?"

"Do you think that I killed them?"

"I spent most of my time with you and met the ‘package’.”

"Next, I went to the morgue to visit my 'ex-wife' and met the guy who made the ‘package’. Although there was a period of time left in your field of vision, I didn’t have time to finish it?”

"Not to mention, I have been with Rose since then."

Qin Ran asked.

The female forensic doctor on the side was nodded again and again to testify for Qin Ran.

She does not think that Qin Ran is the murderer.

Although she only knows this person for only two days, but in addition to her eccentric personality, indifference, scorn, no sympathy, eloquence, and some mystery, it is impossible to kill.

Especially this kind of person who has never met.

"of course!"

"Otherwise, will I stand talking with you?"

"I have already copied you back!"

The female detective nodded, then pointed to the bodies and continued to ask: "But, do you dare to say that these things have nothing to do with you?"

"Who knows?"


"Maybe not."

"It's like when the sun shines on me, I feel warm, but I don't think I am enjoying this warmth."

Qin Ran shook his head.

"Are you talking about your innocence?"

The female inspector thought that Qin Ran had just had some philosophical words and asked subconsciously.

She believes that Qin Ran said this should be what was discovered.

Just like the detectives she knows, after discovering the key points, they always say a famous saying.

Of course, there are no famous sayings.

Therefore, those are not famous.

When the female inspector looked forward to it, Qin Ran shook his head again.

"Do not."

"I am stressing that the afternoon tea time is up."

"Today, everyone should have no time to eat those snacks. I don't think it should be wasted. I want to propose to Ms. Hines that I will give those snacks to me and bring them back."

Qin Ran pointed to the far-off chef who was filled with snacks and fruit carts.


Suddenly, the female inspector widened her eyes.

If the eyes can kill, Qin Ran will definitely be broken at this time.

"I will keep an eye on you!"

"If I found out what disgraceful role you played in this matter, I will definitely copy it back!"

The female detective said with anger, turned and left.

In the distance, a police car carrying a frogman is slowly coming.

Seven bodies were found in this small lake, and it is natural to search the entire small lake.

Because no one knows if there will be important clues inside.


Is there still a body?

"Are you deliberately revenge Greedy's words on the upstairs to you?"

The female forensic doctor looked at the frogman who got off the bus and asked softly.

Qin Ran disdainfully smiled.


How could he be such a careful person?

If you look at it carefully, he will not fight back with words, but will directly lick his face and let the other side blossom.

Look at the disdainful expression.

Female forensic doctors are more and more suspicious.

In fact, Qin Ran disdain to do this, but I don't know why, when she saw the expression of Qin Ran, there was a voice in the silence telling her not to offend Qin Ran, or it would be very miserable.

For such intuition, female forensic doctors are very convinced.

Because she has discovered that she is different from a long time ago.

and so……

“Do you need those snacks, fruit and afternoon tea?”

"I went to say with Hines, she will promise."

Female forensic doctors follow the instincts.

"Thank you."

Qin Ran showed a smile and answered very politely.

Then, as the female forensic went to Hines, Qin Ran turned and walked again into the main building of the sanatorium.

He does not think that the female inspector will find anything in the lake.

Because the other party wants to let them see it, they have already seen it.

It is impossible to find another unexpected discovery.

And now?

He needs to ask the other person why he is doing this.

It is not why you want to kill these people.

It is why I have tried my best to let him see this scene.

The identity of those bodies.

The time of appearance.

It’s too coincidental.

The female inspector felt incredible.

What's more, it is never believed in the coincidence of Qin Ran.

Stepped up the stairs.

Standing in front of the 404 door, Qin Ran knocked on the door.

Hey, hey.

"Please come in."

Far more than the sound of the previous gas, Qin Ran opened the door.

Adams, who was still lying in bed, had already walked out of bed with a cane and was standing by the window, watching everything that happened downstairs.

Adams's mouth was tilted if he had nothing.

It seems that I saw a good show.

"You seem very satisfied?"

Qin Ran opened the door and asked directly.


"very satisfied."

"After all, I have waited for so many years and finally saw this scene."

"I am so happy."

Unexpectedly, Adams nodded directly, and also gave a laugh.


Qin Ran continued to ask.

"What do you say?"

"You who have the same experience as me, why do you ask why?"

Adams looked at Qin Ran with amazement. Then, it seemed to be thinking of something. Adams looked at Qin Ran’s gaze and added a pity that made Qin Ran frown.

"Poor man."

“It’s been kept in the air from beginning to end.”

"You are afraid..."

"Never know the identity of Mary?"

Adams turned his back completely and looked at Qin Ran in a face-to-face manner in a very formal way.


The ex-wife of this identity!

Qin Ran was surprised at the bottom of his heart.

It’s not a surprise to Mary’s identity. After learning the words from the female inspector, Qin Ran knew that her ex-wife was not simple.

But what really surprised Qin Ran was that Adams in front of him had a relationship with his ex-wife.

The secret room of the morgue!

The body of the corpse!

Mary being separated!

Mary's true identity!

And Adams in front of me!

A valuable clue begins to form a clearer line in Qin Ran's mind.

However, he is not anxious to find the most critical point.

He looked at Adams as if he had asked for confirmation.

"I need to confirm that Mary, you said, is my ex-wife?"

"Besides this Mary?"

"Do you know other Mary?"

"If that's the case, I think you've already died without a burial place, and it's much worse than the guys outside the window."

Adams said with a smile.

"Their death is related to Mary?"

Qin Ran frowned.

There seems to be no substantive content in the other's words, but it reveals unusual clues.

Mary is dead.

But the dead Mary can still manipulate the life and death of the living.

Evil spirit?

Or evil spirits?

Qin Ran guessed at the bottom of his heart.

As for the soul, ghost, and spirit?

The two undead creatures of the previous level are extremely difficult to face ordinary people, not to mention the six trained people who want to influence the downstairs, although the evil spirits can be one of the six people downstairs. It poses a threat, but at the same time it faces six, but it is not enough.

It can only be evil spirits!

Or a high-level evil spirit!

Is the evil spirit changed from the human soul?

Qin Ran picked up his eyes.

The evil spirit itself is a special existence, especially this kind of evil spirit that has evolved entirely from human beings and has no objects to become, and it has extremely special abilities.

Plus his previous guess on the identity of the other party.

If this guess is true...

"An unprecedented enemy!"

Qin Ran bowed his head slightly, and in the place where Adams’s line of sight could not be touched, the twinkling eyes flashed through the silk.

Looking at the bow as if thinking of Qin Ran, Adams smiled again.

Anyone facing this kind of thing needs to think.

Even the husband is no exception.

"There is some connection."

"But before that, I hope that you can listen to what happened to me, that is..."


"Do not listen."

"waste time."

Adams seems to be telling what happened to him, but he was interrupted by Qin Ran.

"You may not understand what kind of world you will come into contact with in my story."

"A real world that you can't imagine at all, hidden under this false world."

"It's cruel but full of treasure."

"Is it..."

"You don't want to get a power that ordinary people can't have?"

Adams explained.

He looked at Qin Ran, his face was very calm.

He knows that Qin Ran will definitely agree.

No one is not curious.

No one will refuse to be different.

As long as he proves the existence of that world.

Although this will be very consuming, it takes a few days to rest with his body, but in order to let the existing husband believe in the world, he must do so.

He needs to fight for the other side to join the world.

The latter accurately said...

Join this real world and belong to their camp.

Therefore, he raised his hands and held his head high above his head. He shouted with all his strength: "Look at your eyes and see the power that ordinary people can't have!"

A hint of coldness began to appear.

Perceived this negative energy, Qin Ran smiled, raised his left hand and made a snap.


In the crisp sound, a flame appeared out of thin air.

The hot high temperature swept the whole room with the swell of the air, and the coldness of the silk dissipated instantly. Adams swayed and sat down on the ground, stunned and looked up at the flame burning in the void.

Qin Ran looked down at the other side and said faintly.

"The power that ordinary people can't have?"

"Are you talking about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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