The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1602: When the king meets bronze

Chapter 1602 When the King Meets Bronze

Adams looked at Qin Ran with horror.

But after only a moment, such horror became what it was.

Even, it can be said to be relieved.

"Sure enough, you can be the husband of that person, that is, the talent that ordinary people do not have!"

"Everyone is wrong!"

"They thought you were a soft persimmon, actually...hey, even if that person doesn't shoot, if those guys are really hard, would it be bloody?"

Adams sighed, it seems that Qin Ran at the moment finally solved the doubts in his heart.

But right away, when it comes to his own enemies, Adams’s tone is full of gloating, and then Adams looks at Qin Ran with a burning gaze.

That is the kind of gaze that sees the ‘heart has belonging’ item.

"2567 Although you are not an ordinary person, but still very strange to the world in front of you?"

Adams asked.

In this regard, Qin Ran nodded without hiding.

Not only because this is a fact, but also because of such a thing, he can not hide.

He has not been here for three days, and he is strange to everything.

Not only did the world of ordinary people not understand clearly, but they were disrupted by a series of unexpected events, not to mention the world that ordinary people did not know.

To put it simply, if he has an understanding of the world that ordinary people don't know, this time will not appear in front of Adams and ask each other.

After all, from the other's tone, in the world that ordinary people don't know, his ‘pre-wife’ status is unusual.

"I am willing to be your leader."

"Reassuring, just a simple leader, you do not need to join any organization, forces, and assume the so-called responsibility or obligation."

Adams looked at the nod to Qin Ran and immediately said very sincerely.

Then, Qin Ran was given a full explanation.

However, this did not make Qin Ran dispel doubts.

Leading person!

Even if you don't join the so-called camp and forces, you will inevitably tag each other.

Sometimes, just having this tag is enough.

As for the rest?

Qin Ran is very clear, what is called involuntary.

Once something happens, the follow-up has an inevitable trajectory.

Therefore, Qin Ran shook his head.

"Are you not a favorite choice?"

Qin Ran said this.

If Adams is an ordinary person in front of him, Qin Ran will not think about anything. He only thinks that the other party is a teacher of female forensic doctors.

But Adams in front of him is obviously a mysterious side, so choosing a female forensic doctor with a spiritual media quality is worth pondering.

"You are talking about Rose?"

"She is indeed a very good child."

"Strong, kind, has her own moral bottom line, but her ability is limited - if she is only on the verge of temptation, she will not be noticed, she can spend her life safely, but once she enters the world, she will Always at risk."

"And before this danger, she can't protect herself!"

"But 2567 you are different!"

Adams said, and once again looked at Qin Ran with a burning gaze.

"I feel the power of your just flame!"

"That is a force that scares me. If you develop it a little, you will become the same person as that."

"In the process, I will try my best to help you."

Adams almost swears and swears.

Qin Ran is silent.

Judging from the other party's words, the level of the mysterious side is not high.

The other side seems to have reached a certain height, but even such a person can not truly recognize the particularity of the female forensic ‘lingual media quality’, just paying attention to his display of a powerful level of demon inflammation.

Yes, Qin Ran admits the speciality of the devil's inflammation.

But this does not prevent him from giving the evaluation of the mysterious side of the world loyalty: low.

"I am used to one person."

Qin Ran once again stressed.

In the face of Qin Ren who refused again, Adams sighed in sigh.

"You can be a husband, you must have a similar personality."

"However, you must be careful when you are alone."

"Even that person is killed in a steady stream of sneak attacks and assassinations. Without a corresponding organization, it is too difficult to face a big force."

"If you have any trouble, you can call me and I will do my best to help you."

Although Qin Ran did not agree, but Adams still reminded Qin Ran, and gave Qin Ran a handwritten business card.

After glanced at the phone number above, Qin Ran confirmed that there was nothing tricky and put it in his pocket.

"Can you tell me Mary?"

Qin Ran asked.

He needs more information about the other person to improve the information he has.

"of course can."

"Since you have the talent that ordinary people don't have, you should know the power of that."

Adams nodded and pointed to the sofa not far away.

When both of them were seated, Adams began to tell.

"The birth was unremarkable, but when I entered high school, I was in a car accident and let the person wake up."

"Nobody knows what power it is, because no one has ever encountered the power that will make people stronger in the short term!"

"When I met for the first time, that person was just a little guy who had entered the secret world at first. It was not as good as many of my apprentices, but the one at that time had already shown a bold side, to that extent. Strength, in the face of some small organizations, fight without any shrinking."

"And, the Vietnam War is stronger!"

"So that when I met for the second time, that person had already surpassed many apprentices and loomed to the extent of this hidden world."

"When we thought that the person should be quiet, the one was due to an antiquities and the ‘night council’ that was in full swing.”

"Everyone is not optimistic about that."

"What can be the result?"

"The one-way 劈 斩 斩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Then, that person disappeared again."

"Everyone is looking forward to the extent of the answer when the person reappears. The result... that is married!"

Speaking of this, Adams's expression became strange.

"Do you know how many young people who worship the heartbreak when the marriage message came from?"

Adams blinked at Qin Ran and blinked.

"So, when Mary and I divorced, they must be very happy?"

Qin Ran asked.


“The flower was celebrated for three days.”


"I was beaten by the one."

"And, the announcement is not allowed to disturb your life, so everyone thinks you are just an ordinary person who eats soft rice."

Adams seemed to think of the scene at the time and couldn't help but laugh.

"However, after that being counted, your life will be broken."

"Everyone is peering at the power of that."

"The power of that is really terrible!"

"Before that, we never thought about it. There is such a force. After the place where the house was not found, they naturally stared at you."

"Just they didn't think that even if they died, they are still very powerful."

"They paid the price they deserved, and they will never come to you again in a short time."

Adams sighed again.

"So, are you connected with my ex-wife?"

Qin Ran asked about the key points.


"That gave me a message."

Adams nodded.

"Do you know where my ex-wife is at the moment?"

Qin Ran continued to ask.

"Know, she is..."

"Ah! Ah!"

"The body is moving!"

"The bodies are moving!"

Just as Adams was just about to speak, the screams suddenly sounded downstairs.

Adams, with a cane, quickly came to the window, and when he saw the seven bodies staggering from the ground, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Night Council!"

Adams said almost gnashing his teeth.

"I am so happy that some people still remember us."

"Long time no see, Adams."

"I am so happy to see you in this half-dead."

The murmurous voice rang from the door, and the door was pushed away almost at the same time as the sound was heard.

A middle-aged man in a robe walked in.

The face is thin, and there is almost no meat on the face, just like a layer of skin sticking to a hoe, and the wide robes make the other person look like a walking shackle.


Adams looked at the like-minded people, and his hatred appeared in his eyes. However, such hatred did not make Adams lose his mind.

He almost stood subconsciously in front of Qin Ran, blocked Qin Ran with his body, and gathered the power in his hand, and squeezed Qin Ran with his body and slowly moved toward the window.

In the face of such Adams, the infamous Caddy is dismissive.

"Adams, are you still because you were the same year?"

"While you still have the name of a mentor, is your strength stronger than the apprentice?"

"And this is a trick that is better than the apprentice. Do you think I will care?"

"Or do you think you can escape?"

Kaidi sneered, his eyes leaping over Adams and looking at Qin Ran.

"You are the husband of that guy?"

“Is it very general?”

"The taste of the guy is so unique that he will find an ordinary person, or do you have any special ability?"

"However, this is really good news for us."

There was a strange laugh in Kaidi’s mouth, and the laughter was full of malice.

"Are you afraid of that revenge?"

Adams shouted.


"Of course I am afraid!"

"So, I made confusion, let the guy's eyes temporarily leave here, and when I got the secret of that guy's power, what am I afraid of?"

"Because, I will only be stronger than that guy!"

"just now!"

"Give me all the relics of that guy!"

On the face of Katie's face, after revealing a look of horror and embarrassment, a layer of black mist emerged around his body.

As soon as the fog appeared, the temperature in the room plummeted.

The next moment, these fogs rushed toward Adams and Qin.

Adams waved the power gathered in his hand, only slightly blocked the black mist, and it collapsed directly.


Adams spurted out of blood, and he swayed to the ground.

Perceived the power of this power, Adams appeared in despair.

Even if Qin is not ordinary behind him, it is very powerful.

Can you face the embers of the 'night council' like Kaidi?

And the one was taken away, and it was impossible to rescue in a short time... Am I going to die here?

In the face of death, Adams was very unwilling.

He still has a wish not to be completed!

Looking at Adams' despair and unwillingness, Katie's laughter became more and more mad.

Isn't that what he always expected?

How long has he not experienced this feeling since he was chased by the woman and left the city of Moon?

One year? Two years?

Still longer?

Katie didn't remember it.

but now!

That woman is dead!

Even if it is transformed into a special spirit, it is still very powerful, but he will soon live the secret of the woman, he will be stronger than the other.

He will let the night council return to the moon city.

Will let those who have made inappropriate comments feel the fear of the night!

Will let them... um? !

At the time of Kaidi’s fantasy, the members of the night council suddenly found that something was wrong.

Faced with special strength, the woman’s husband was too calm.

Not only is it calm, but the indifferent gaze is even more uncomfortable.

Looking at him as strong as he is watching the children in kindergarten.

"You really hate the same guy!"

"I originally thought that if you hand over the guy's relics, I will let you die."

"But I am changing my mind now!"

"I want you to die like death!"

Katie screamed and waved.

The black mist that solidified around, once again swarmed to Qin Ran.

Higher than the powerful level, but did not reach the extremely strong level.

Is this the so-called mentor in this world?

It is weaker than you think!

In the face of the black mist coming from the face, Qin Ran analyzed it objectively. His thoughts moved, and a very strong level of demon inflammation ignited from the void.

The hot airflow hovered in the room.


Nothing then.

Katie Lianlian with a black mist, all in the devil's inflammation into a fly ash.

An emerald green props emerged from the ashes.

However, Qin Ran seems to be invisible. He turned around and helped Adams, who was like a chicken.

"This kind of flame... such a flame..."

Adams seems to want to say something, but even said two sentences, do not know how to express, in the end, only the smile.

"Are you the same level as that?"

Adams asked Qin Ran.

Qin Ran did not answer, and looked at the door.

An illusory figure is emerging there.

It is a young and beautiful woman, even if it is illusory, it still attracts people's attention, and Qin Ran is very familiar with each other.

In the morgue, Qin Ran met each other.

It is the ‘ex-wife of his identity. ’

"Adams, I want to talk to 2567, can you give us a separate space?"

Said the virtual shadow.

"of course."

Adams didn't want to go outside, and he closed the door.

When Qin Ran and the virtual shadow were left in the room, the virtual shadow looked at Qin Ran's gaze. After hesitated for a while, he asked with a little temptation: "The player?"

(End of this chapter)

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