The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1742: Secret

Chapter 1742

The innkeeper quietly looked at the hand-shadow drama that Qin Ran had drawn. After a moment of silence, he shook his head.


"They have no soul."

The innkeeper said this.


"Your is an ordinary hand-shadow play, and there is no soul?"

Bohr is awkward.

Cough and cough.

The innkeeper coughed a few times. He was the first to find that Bohr was so annoying, and even the conversation skills were not. How did you become a businessman?

Are you afraid of buying your reputation and business qualifications?

Under the contempt of the innkeeper, Boer's scratched his cheek and stopped speaking.

The innkeeper once again looked at Qin Ran.

"Do you think I am lying to you?"

The innkeeper asked, and then, without waiting for Qin Ran to speak, he continued: "Sometimes, you can't see it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If you have enough talent, you should be able to see it." ”

"I also think you can see it."


Said, the hotel owner shook his head with regret, seemingly regretting what.

Bohr did not speak.

But Bohr thinks from the bottom of his heart that this is Horuff in the pit.

When he was at the border of Moorish, he saw similar means.

Some people also call themselves the demon hunters, and they simply say that they are demigods. Then, starting with this mysterious and mysterious discourse, tell a series of things that you should be worried about, but in the end, they will all move to Kimpton.

Simply put: Kimpton is omnipotent and can solve everything.

To sum up, it is: I, yell at you, fight for money.

There is no middleman to make a difference.

Of course, Koruff is different.

At least, Koruff should be a little bit of a liar.

Otherwise, it is impossible to live to retirement.

"Kid, I saw from your gaze that you seem to be thinking about things that are very disrespectful to me. I think I need to teach you well."

Horuf looked at Bohr and his tone was not good.

He swears that if he is not retired, he will definitely blow the night wind on the city gate.

"Sometimes, the truth is always unacceptable."

“I can feel the feeling of being disguised as someone else and being addicted to it – but when you wake up, you still have to wake up.”

"You are Holuf, not everyone else."

"Even if you used to be someone else, it is now Holuf, the boss of Yanan Inn, a somewhat mysterious retired old guy, and I cherish your friends like you."

"I don't mind your past."

Bohr patted Holuf's shoulder.

He is telling the truth.

At the time of the original copy, if it was not the help of the other party, it would not be possible to mix it to the present level. Don't say that it is a small famous businessman at the border of Moorsa. I am afraid I have already died many times.

For kindness, Bohr is in the heart.

Therefore, he does not mind Holuf and his own boast.


He is not alone now.

Also with Qin Ran.

A guy who is terrifying enough to be the ultimate.

Although the other party has many titles, the 'devil of inflammation' is the most in-depth title of the other party. Deceive a guy called ‘devil’. What will be the end?

Boer does not think that people like Qin Ran will endure.

Therefore, while persuading Horuff, he glanced at Qin Ran.

There is a pleading in the eyes.

He does not want to lose a friend.

But what surprised Boer was that Qin Ran did not pay attention to him at all. Instead, he looked at the wall of the newly formed Horof than the shadow of the wolf.

The strangeness of Qin Ran naturally caused the attention of Horuf.

The innkeeper took a shot of Boer's palm and looked suspiciously in his eyes.

"What do you see?"

The innkeeper who had a lesson learned not wanting his excitement to exchange it is ‘I am very good at hand-shadowing, not only wolves, but I also see pigeons, foxes and snakes. 's answer.

However, in order to confirm, the innkeeper once again put on the hand of the wolf.

"Maybe your hand is a little fat."

"It looks a bit bloated."

"Like Alaska."

Qin Ran’s sincere answer.

Boer got the tip, looked at it carefully, and nodded very seriously.


Boer agrees.

Horuf: ...

Holuf swears that if he is not retired, he must hang these two guys together on the city gate to blow the night wind for two nights.



After several deep breaths, Horuf finally stopped entangled in this issue.

He can see that the two people in front of him are deliberate.

Deliberately did not pick up his embarrassment.

As for why?

There is no doubt that the two sides still lack the necessary trust.

Even if he unilaterally believes that both sides can be trusted.

But the two people in front of us are not like this.

Colin is not familiar with him, he doesn't know.

The other party's face was cold and silent, which made him difficult to grasp, but he was very familiar with Boer. Look at Boer with a smile of embarrassment and a look of apology. If you don’t know the other’s family history, he is early. I was cheated.


At the thought of being teased by the other side, Horuf felt uncomfortable.

He talked with the other person with a mentality of leaving his last words.

But not trusted?

It’s really uncomfortable.

The innocent hotel owner, the voice became cold.

“Do you want to know ‘Ms. Er’s?’”

"I have some exclusive news."

"However, you must understand that the information of a **** is not so cheap."


Qin Ran asked very simply.

"5000 Kimpton!"

The innkeeper reported a price.

Qin Ran turned directly to look at Bohr.

He, the money is not enough.

"How many?"

Bohr asked stutteringly.

You know, the money he bought for the title is only 3,000 Kimpton, and his famous businessman on the border of Molza has a total of nearly 5,000 Kimpton.

on purpose!

Horuf is deliberate!

Otherwise it is impossible to just hold his entire body!

What Bolton had guessed, immediately, pitifully looked at the innkeeper.

He is not like this, but he can't help himself. Now he is the ‘inflamed devil’. He is a man who is obedient. Why bother him?

The inner words made Poor more pitiful.

Unfortunately, the hotel owner simply ignored Bohr.

"No credit."

"Must have cash."

Horuff held his shoulders and chin.

Boer smiled and then began to take off his shoes.

Under the insole, he found a money order.

There is a number 5000 on it.

Then, a bill of exchange with a smell was placed on the table by Bohr.

Looking at the money order, Horuf looked at Bohr in amazement.

"The disappearance of several horses on the border is related to you?"

The discourse is questionable, but the tone is extremely positive.

The innkeeper began to look back at the little businessman he thought he knew.

And Qin Ran?

Still sitting there with no expression, not a pretending gesture, but really know that when I first met Bohr, Qin Ran noticed the abnormal sound in the other's boots, and the unique belonging Although the atmosphere of the coin can not be determined, the intuition tells Qin Ran that it should be a big deal.

For his instincts, Qin Ran is very trusting.

This time is no exception.

Therefore, he chose fair trade.

After about two seconds of silence, Horuff picked up the scented draft and intuitively said:

“The Lady of Disasters is even more mysterious and mysterious than you think.”

"He is definitely not the **** that is enshrined in that small town."

"Not the evil around."

"But the ‘black disaster’ is indeed due to the other side.”

"Similarly, we hunted the devil, but also because of the "black disaster" and massive death, even if we were not originally trying to pursue the "black disaster."

In a slightly whispering discourse, there was a sensation of sadness on the face of the hotel owner.

Qin Ran and Bohr did not speak, listening quietly.

However, the hotel owner did not directly tell.

“Do you know the ‘quiet night clerk’?”

Asked the other party.

Qin Ran shook his head, and he didn't know much about the copy world in front of him.

Although Boer experienced it once, he also did not touch the organization that was too secretive. Therefore, he also shook his head.

"It is a long-established organization."

"Before Aitante I built an empire, it existed."

"Even, according to the secret of the demon hunter, It is because of the help of it that Aitantine I unified the Northland."

"This secret is true and not rumored."

"As for why it helped Aitante I?"

"I don't know, no one in the demon hunter knows."

"But we know very well why this organization suddenly assassinated Aitantine I."


Bohr exclaimed.

He knew it was rude, but he really couldn't help himself.

Unlike Qin Ran’s incomprehension, Bohr, who had been here for a while, knows clearly what Aetantine I meant.

Strong enough to kill dragons.

Great enough to build an empire.

His Majesty gathered people from different Principalities. Some of these people even had feuds, but under the influence of the personality charm of Aitante I, they gave up their hatred and invested in the majesty of the great emperor.

And, not just that.

In the rumor, the Northland was a hegemony of the 100 countries. Aitantin was only a small aristocrat in the countryside. He lost his land not only in his adulthood, but he was also expelled from the Principality and was in exile in the current Fort Aitin. At that time, Aitenburg was also called Fort Edward, a land of a grandfather.

After coming to the city of Eptoid, Aitantin had already made plans to survive, but when the emperor was ready to take some of his work and livelihood, Aude Peter summoned him and the only daughter. Married to him, and then, one month after he married the daughter of the Grand Duke, Aude Peter died of illness.

Then, several surrounding Principalities found that they could take advantage of it, and immediately formed a 30,000 coalition to rush to Fort Apel.

Dagong’s new funeral, the daughter of the Grand Duke inherited the title, but the public and the country’s undercurrents, the female grandfather was tired of coping with civil strife, but the foreign enemy was in front of her eyes. At this time, the husband of the female grandfather, Aitantin, stood up and led the 100 cavalry. Out of town.

Aitantin intends to talk with the coalition forces and delay the time as much as possible.

Can wait until Austin appears in front of the coalition forces, the sky is falling.

The 30000 coalition was annihilated.

The Dagongs in the coalition forces also died together.

The several Principalities of the coalition forces suddenly fell into civil strife.

Instead, Aitandin and the female prince quickly settled the civil strife, and then sent troops to the Principality.

According to records, the Great Emperor swallowed these sites without any effort, because every time a city went, a city fell, and all the people were infected by the charm of the Emperor.

Until the whole of the Northland unified.

In addition to the best assassination, the life of Aitante I was a legendary life.

"Aitantine I was assassinated by the Secret Night Secret Society?!"

"and many more!"

"Aitin I, who was in his prime at the time, was preparing to crusade the South, and the "black disaster" came from the South... Is it?"

Bohr guessed, his eyes staring at the hotel owner.

"It's similar to your guess."

"Whenever you walk, there will be traces."

"When the 'black disaster' appeared, the hunters found such traces, so everyone organized them and wanted to find out."


Horuff smiled and didn't continue.

But the sadness in laughter is self-evident.

It is not a rumor, but a fact, that the demon hunter is dead and wounded when investigating the ‘black disaster’.

Even many people believe that the demon hunter has perished.

"If it is said that the night sorcerer will dominate all of this, they are for..."

Pol's brow is slightly wrinkled.

He thought of more things.

After the ‘black disaster’, the entire Aitante empire almost collapsed.

The **** of war, which was still very active decades ago, almost disappeared.

The sudden ‘fighting lady’ is flashing.

The answer is obvious.

Make God!

Do not!

Yes, seal God!

Use all of this to create the image of 'Mr.

Thinking of this, Bohr’s heart was shocked.

Because, he thought of the evils and secrets that occurred in the Northland after the appearance of the ‘Mr.

Obviously, the ‘quiet night retreat’ is definitely not just for shaping a ‘failure lady’.

Subconscious, Bohr looked at Qin Ran.

He hopes to get a more accurate answer from Qin Ran.

But what disappoints Bohr is that Qin Ran is still expressionless.

Bohr believes that Qin Ran should be able to guess all of this from Holuf's words, but is this calm?

Is the 'devil of inflammation' known in advance?


Bohr wanted to shake his head, but immediately he thought of the strange appearance of the other side.

Then, inexplicably, he thought of the 'fog giant'.

I thought of the flame that descended from the sky.

I thought of the **** of ‘Mr.

When these were linked together, Bohr looked at Qin Ran's gaze.

Become cautious, afraid, and worried.

It’s like a rabbit seeing a tiger.

Holuf did not notice such a look, he continued.

"Yeah, we are almost dead and wounded."

"There are also old and weak sick and disabled."

“The only thing that is fortunate is that some of the training bases are well preserved, so that we don’t break the inheritance, and the ‘failure lady’?”

"He is not better."

"The gift we have prepared, so that he has not become a **** in the true sense!"

"But we are destined to be unable to completely sever him into God, only to delay the time."

"And this time is coming to an end."

"So, we need help."

"It's not unpaid. The accumulation of the demon hunters for thousands of years, the opportunity to become a god, will be rewards!"

Said, the hotel owner sincerely looked at Qin Ran.

Qin Ran nodded and said clearly, very simply said -

"I reject."

(End of this chapter)

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