The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1743: value

Chapter 1743 Value

Originally, Horwuff looked at the nod to Qin Ran, and there was already a sigh of joy on his face, but with the words of Qin Ran’s rejection, the joy of the innkeeper’s face directly solidified.

Do not agree, what do you want?

The innkeeper bites his teeth. If he does not confirm that he should not be the opponent of the young man in front of him, he will definitely hang the **** in front of the wall and blow the night wind.



After several deep breaths, the innkeeper recovered calmly.

"Colin, do you not understand what I mean in words?"

"Or, do you think I am lying to you?"

"I can swear to you that the accumulation of the demon-hunter for thousands of years is far more than you think. As for the opportunity to become a god, it is bigger than you think!"

The innkeeper said sincerely.

"I understand what you said."

"I never felt that you were cheating on me."

Qin Ran shook his head and stood up, ready to leave.

"Then why are you..."

The innkeeper looked at the back of Qin Ran and was very puzzled.

Qin Ran did not answer, and the footsteps did not stop to go out.

Boer smiled apologetically at the hotel owner, and quickly followed up.

When the two returned to their yards one after the other, the smile on Boer’s face quickly converges and becomes a dignity.

"Horoff has a problem?"

Bohr did not speak, but asked in a gesture.

If you say that Boer didn't think much about it at first, it was just a matter of saying that Qin Ran Ma was the leader. Then, with a series of conditions from the hotel owner, Qin Ran refused, and Bohr immediately found out that it was wrong.

Players from huge cities, risking to enter the copy world is not to play.

Every copy of the world is an adventure of danger and opportunity.

Now, opportunities have emerged, even if they are dangerous. For a well-known stepper, you should not give up unless... there is a danger of unpredictable and far beyond imagination.

For example: trap!

Only in this way can we explain Qin Ran’s rejection.

Otherwise, it is not a rookie, how can you not grasp the opportunity?

However, Boer thought that there would be problems with the hotel owner who thought he was a friend, and the mood was immediately complicated.

He hopes that there are some misunderstandings or no choices.

Although reason tells him that there is no difference in the results, at least he can be better.


Qin Ran slightly decapitated, but did not say anything.

Some things about themselves, Qin Ran certainly will not tell Boer, the other is not a mimosa.

After the complex departure of Bohr's feelings, Qin Ran in the room was slightly raised eyes, even with the cover of the eyes, it is still difficult to conceal the fine light in the shackles.

He raised his hand and touched the head of the elite evil dog hidden in the side. As a reward, he began to use the power of the contract to inform the upper evil spirit of his own discovery.




Somewhere in the sewers of Sika City.

An altar consisting entirely of sacral bones appears to be extravagant under the candlelight.

This sacral altar is composed of human bones, cattle and sheep, and wild beasts. In the center of the altar, there is a pot of stinking liquid.

Although the stench is tangy, the liquid is extremely clear, just like water.

An old man with a dry face squats in front of the altar and listens.

"Okay, my lord."

"I will lead everyone to leave Sika City immediately and hide into the barren hills."

After devoutly regaining his god, the priest of the 'corrupted water' stood up, and he cautiously placed the pot of clear, stinking water on the altar.


Hey, hey.

Just like this one.

Feeling the power of the 'God' spread in his body, the priest was intoxicated.

Then he started to act.

The will of the gods is passed on to the believers.

When the last will was successfully issued, the priest who was about to leave was somewhat unwilling.

But this is the will of the gods.

He can't defy.

Yes, if you can let the guys who have left me the Lord to suffer before leaving, will my Lord be happy too?

Even if my Lord finally killed me...

I should also make my Lord happy!

That's right!

This is what I should do.

Inexplicable thoughts emerged from the bottom of my heart, and then quickly expanded and became irresistible.

Even because of this excitement, he ignored many anomalies.

The flash of whistle in the ear.

He ignored it.

Similarly, 'the decaying water' is also ignored.

If it is in a normal state, the 'decayed water' must be detectable, but for the sake of safety, it hides into the body of the believer and immediately enters a dormant state, unless the believer has suffered a real Injury, otherwise, it will not be awake at all.

And it is very convinced that this loyal believer will do everything he wants.

Because the other person’s belief tells him that the other person can die for it.

What other doubts can such believers have?


A loyal believer who can even abandon life can be trusted.

However, ‘the decaying water’ seems to have not heard of it, and it is a good thing to do bad things.

Therefore, certain things have been changed.


In the Dongcheng District of Sika City, close to the side of the market.

A three-story wooden building is very inconspicuous. It is like the other similar buildings around it. It has a sense of time and is worn out, but it is the first choice of those traders.

Not everyone is willing to go to Yanan.

More dealers, they care more about the price, not the comfort.

As long as you can fall asleep and eat, what is the difference.

Therefore, it has become the most intensive place for the flow of people in Sika City.

The vast majority of the two sects of ‘wilting’ and ‘sleeping’ are hidden here.

Nothing is more prosperous than this, and it is a place where ‘wild’ ‘sleeping’ is delighted, where they have a steady stream of believers and ‘resources’.

The two can gather in one area at the same time, and there is nothing wrong with it. Naturally, it is very relevant.

In fact, ‘wilting’ and ‘sleeping’ are, to a certain extent, very similar.

‘Withered’ was once a dead tree, a mother who lost everything in the “black disaster”, holding a child in her shackles hiding in its torso.

The other party wants to escape the fierce soldiers.

It is a pity that the cry of the child makes everything a fantasy.

The ignorant child was picked up on a rifle, and when the child’s mother was insulted by the soldiers, she witnessed it all.

Those soldiers did not kill this woman for the first time.

They should have not played enough.

But this woman is already dead when the child dies.

At night, the weak woman hanged on the dead tree.

Then, ‘wilted’ found himself alive.

It seems to be the dead tree, and it seems to be the woman, and it seems to be the child.

It was stunned and overwhelmed watching the soldiers in front of it killing the elk that had just been captured. Then it found that it could move, not only because it could move, but also the elk that should have died.

Moreover, it seems to have an unusual power.

The same is true of the elk.

Then, anger appeared.

It belongs to that woman.

It seems to have really become that woman and began to avenge herself.


It is more direct.

It is for revenge for yourself and your children.

The team did not live out of there.

Only the ‘wild branch’ and the ‘sleeping deer’ came out. They borrowed the wonderful power and began to wander in the Sika collar. They began to gradually possess wisdom and began to be called God by fools.

The two sects of ‘wilting’ and ‘sleeping’ are born.

And, gradually expand.

With the decline of the ‘God Temple’, it has entered the city of Sika where they never dared to enter.

Now, they are more prepared to complete the final ‘falling’.

Get rid of the shackles of the past.

Get the real body.

Become a true ‘God’!


Recalling the morning of the 'fog giant', the fireball descending from the sky, ‘wilting’ and ‘sleeping’ were silent.

That power is beyond their cognitive range.

Or, according to the knowledge they have, ‘fog’ should not have such ability at all.

But the facts speak louder than words.

Everything is seeing is believing.

And this is definitely not good news.

Beyond the knowledge they have, there is only one possibility -

‘Mist’ has been completed!

Already got the real body!

Although I don't know how the other party did it, ‘wilting’ ‘sleeping’ knows what to do.

go away!

Leave Sika City!

Must leave!

Otherwise, it will only be death!

There is no mercy in the war of God. Since the 'fog' has already taken the lead, then their prepared rhetoric and those little tricks will not have to continue.

Not at all useful!

Sika, which can give up the painstaking efforts, is reluctant to ‘wild’ ‘sleeping’.

In the whole north, except for Fort Aitin, only Sika is a densely populated city. The rest are just some villages and towns. The farther border of Morse, although a large population, is still a comparison with Sika. The sky is underground.

"What are we going to do?"

‘The Sleeping Deer’ kept the sly face and whispered.

Perhaps it is the inheritance of the woman's perception of the human world. The 'wild branch' is much smarter than the 'sleeping deer', and the 'sleeping deer' is used to making plans and determining everything by the 'wilted branch'.

It only needs to be carried out together, and then it is good to water human blood on one's own body.

Other than that?

It does not mind listening to mourning.

"go away."

"The 'Degraded Water' has left."

"If we don't leave, when the 'fog' officially comes here, we won't have a good end."

The ‘wild branch’ was so difficult to say that the attached head was showing difficulty.

"it is good."

‘The Sleeping Deer’ nodded.

And just as the two evils were about to leave, suddenly two evil believers reported to them at the same time that most of the believers in 'Degraded Water' left, but a few left, including the other The high priest.

Moreover, the high priest is heading to the residence of the Viscount of Sika.

‘The withered branch’ ‘The Sleeping Deer’ looked at it.

"What do you want to do with the "Rotten Water"?"

"Is it not to leave?"

"Why is its high priest left?"

‘The Sleeping Deer’ is incomprehensible.


"Of course it is because of disappointment and unwillingness."

“It’s like us, so it chose to struggle.”

The head controlled by the 'wild branch' reveals a full smile. Without asking the 'sleeping deer' question, it continues to say: "'Degraded Water' takes the initiative to unite with the Viscount, though The viscount adult has always said that he has turned away from the incompetent **** of war, but we all know that this is nothing but a scorpion. The other party’s belief in God of War has never changed. Even, it is more and more close to the bishop. According to our plan. The coming ritual begins with the viscount."

"But now, ‘the decaying water’ will tell the Viscount and everything.”

"With the belief of the Viscountess to the God of War, there will be no ‘falling’ in the true sense of a ‘deity.’ Therefore, he will try his best to clear the ‘fog’ and not fight with us.”

"At least, we won't be taken care of by the other party until the 'fog' is cleared."

"After all, compared to the ‘fog’, we are simply not worth mentioning.”

With the words of the 'wild branch', the eyes of the 'sleeping deer' are getting brighter and brighter.

At the end of the day, ‘the sleeping deer’ couldn’t wait to ask.

"what should we do?"

"This is our chance!"

"If it succeeds, we can not only complete the 'falling', but even, it may become the existence of 'Ms. Evangelion'. It should be known that this time it is regarded as a sacrifice. It is not only the avatar and the whole that the 'God of War' may appear. Sika City, there is another evil spirit that has completed the 'falling'."


"Go to the Viscount House!"

The voice fell, and the 'wilted branch' manipulated the wall that the head merged into the chamber.

The ‘sleeping deer’ followed and disappeared.


Lying on a soft collapse of the upper evil spirits, I feel the comfort of unprecedented.

A soft bed, a warm stove, and a bowl of nourishing medicinal soup on the low table next to the bed.


It is so wonderful!

Just like a dream.

When it was returned to the West Gate of Sika City, it was immediately taken back to the former secret spot by Sergey.

There is no command, according to the believers in the store, one by one, taking care of their own angels.

I have never experienced the evil spirits that have been bandaging the medicine, and I feel the bandage on the chest and feel the clear feeling of the medicine under the bandage. I can’t help but cry.

the first time!

For the first time in my life!

Usually rely on self-recovery, not to say that it is a potion, and there is no bandage.

It is like now, not only the bandage medicine, but also the soft and nourishing potion, and an individual is watching it with respect.

Especially when Sergei talked about it as his brothers and sisters, blocking the antlers of the ‘sleeping deer’, such respect is sublimated for reverence.

What West Coast.

What sunshine, beach.

I don't go anywhere.

Starting today, this is my hometown.

The sinister evil spirit made a decision.

Then, the information given by Qin Ran appeared in the bottom of my heart.

The evil spirits that almost flew up were quickly pulled back to the real hell.

When the content in the information is quickly resolved, its lips tremble slightly, and its inner heart trembles slightly.


Still want to go back to the West Coast.

There is nothing wrong with wandering at sea.

Really, it swears.

Isn't it monotonous and lonely?

At least, is it stronger than death?

Moreover, Boss's mission is not just one or two deaths!

Unbearable, the upper evil spirits shrank.

Death cannot be avoided.

Then it must at least enjoy the comfort in front of you.

One second is a second.

at least……

Such death is worthwhile, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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