The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1744: Cooperation

Chapter 1744 Cooperation

At sunset, the evil spirits stood up from the soft collapse, and carefully cleaned up their soft collapses, including the bottom of the bedding, which were stacked neatly on one side of the bed.

Sergey immediately came over, but did not immediately speak out, but silently watched the evil spirits clean up.

This young man has never seen a messenger of the gods.

Even if he only saw the evil spirit of a god, but in the biography, the novel, which angel of the gods is not high, and clean up the bed?

Do not joke.

Even the jade food will dissatisfy the messengers of the gods.

And my Lord?

What he saw was only his love for life.

Look at the way the messenger is meticulously put together.

Apart from the love of life?

Is there any better explanation?

Slightly breathed, the young man decided to remember this moment.

And, let everyone know about it all.

He believes that this is supposed to be passed down and learned.

"I need to leave."

"Next, hand it over to you."

Once again, the upper evil spirit touched his beggar and turned around and said.

"Yes, adults."

"May you come back safely."

Sergey was in a gift.

The surrounding believers also greeted the same people, including those who had rushed to take refuge from the vicinity of the Sika collar. They all knew the story of the ambassador, and after seeing the scene, they were from the heart. Admiration.

How can a **** who has such a passion for life be a **** of evil?


This is the filth of those guys who believe in their gods!

We must be steadfast in our faith in my Lord.

If someone is gibberish, you must look good!

Unconsciously, the believers present, the faith once again strengthened a point.

The upper evil spirit looked around.

It said in a gentle tone.

"I will."

"After all, there is something I can't afford."

The gentle voice made the believers misunderstand again.

They think that the upper evil spirits are talking about them.

"Please take care."

Sergey’s voice whimpered slightly, and he resisted the tears in his eyes.


The upper evil spirits, who had no more explanation, patted the young man's shoulders. After Sergei sent a secret temporary position again, the upper evil spirits went straight to the Visa House.

However, before the two evil spirits took two steps, it was stopped by one person.

An old man with a dry face and a broken dress.

"This lord, can you wait?"

The old man stood in front of the evil spirit and asked in a low voice.

"of course."

"Excuse me, what is your business?"

The upper evil spirit responded to each other with a harmonious smile.

"I am a believer in the sacred water."

“I hope to complete a win-win deal with the messenger under ‘Mid’.”

The other party is very self-reported, and ‘ holy water’ is the self-proclaimed ‘corrupted water’.

Then, the other side concealed the direction of the Viscount House behind him.

"Please say."

The expression of the evil spirits is unchanged.

"There are ambassadors of ‘God of War’, and ‘wild’ ‘sleeping’ are both speculative, and ‘Holy Water’ hopes that ‘Mist’ can cooperate to kill them!”

“The holy water is only hoped to be given the opportunity to come.”

"The rest are all ‘fog’.”

"Maybe it's three to deal with them. It's not a big deal for ‘Mist', but don't you want to be easy?”

The other party was stunned.

The evil spirits deliberately paused as if they were asking their own Lord.

In fact, at this time, Qin Ran has given everything to it.

Simply put, as long as the results are the same, let it play.

About two seconds later, the upper evil spirit nodded.


The upper evil spirit nodded.

"Well, wait until the night when you really appear in the Viscount House, I will fully cooperate with you - we will first shoot the viscount. After all, he is the messenger of God of War. Once he is fully exerted, it is likely to be unnecessary. Trouble."

When the other party finished speaking, he walked to the side.

The upper evil spirit did not look at the other side and continued on.

Bypassed two streets.

In front of him, the outline of the Visa House of Sika has already appeared.

The residence of the Viscount is located a little lower than the Temple of War.

The land is huge, but if you look from the outside, it is like a military camp.

Just as the evil spirit looked at the prince's house, a touch of voice came from the wall next to it.

"We are meeting again," said the ‘fog’.

"No need to be surprised."

"Please keep your previous posture."

"I don't want to be found to communicate with you privately."

The voice of the ‘wild branch’ clearly entered the ears of the evil spirits.

“I am very happy to meet you again.”

The upper evil spirit pretends to appreciate the scenery, while watching, while winding to the other side, no longer staying in place.

The appearance of this cooperation made the ‘wild branch’ feel happy.

"Smart guy."

“I like to work with smart people.”

"How about killing other guys together and turning ‘Sika’ into me and ‘fog’?”

“Reassured, I only occupy one-third of the territory, and the remaining two-thirds are ‘fog’, and the fog can be selected first!”

‘The branch of withering’ said.

"not enough."

"What my Lord has asked is not just these."

"And, even if it is cooperation, it needs to be quite capable, and you?"

The upper evil spirit did not continue to speak.

However, that meaning is self-evident.

"Do you really think that what I have shown is all my strength?"

"And, I am not only representing myself, but also ‘sleeping’!”

"If we both are standing in the camp of the 'fog', do you think I am not qualified yet?"

‘The withered branch’ asked.

"I can't be the master of this, I need to ask my Lord."

The above evil spirit said this.

"This is of course, you are a message."

‘The withered branch’ does not care.

Once again, the pause of the pretense, the upper evil spirits opened again.


"My Lord promised."

"However, my Lord needs three-quarters of the Sika Territory, and you and ‘Hyatt’ must be the first to deal with the Viscount.”

The upper evil spirit said.

"no problem."

When the ‘wilted branch’ is finished, it disappears without a trace.

The upper evil spirit waited for a few seconds, and after no sound appeared, it went on again this time.


It was stopped by the soldiers when it was not near the viscount.

"Hello, I am the messenger of ‘fog’ and I am invited to come.”

The upper evil spirit said with a smile.

The soldier in front of him was obviously told in advance, and immediately said, "Hello, please come with me."

Said, walking directly to the Viscount House with the evil spirits.

All the way to the lobby of the Viscount House.

The nominal owner of the Sika collar has stood there waiting quietly.

"I have seen, Viscount."

The evil spirits were polite and courteous.

Smiles and manners are perfect. If you don't know the identity of the other evil spirits, the Viscount will consider the other party to be from a traditional aristocratic family.

But the more it is, the more vigilant the Viscount of Sika.

He is very clear that ‘fog’ is different from the evil spirit he is exposed to.

Not only is there no blood and barbarism, but there is also a prototype of the system.

As soon as I thought of some news that I had just inquired, the uneasiness in the heart of the Viscount became more and more serious.

His Majesty already has an enemy that needs to go all out.

It is absolutely impossible to have similar enemies.

Thinking of this, the Viscount, very open mouth.

"Let's work together."

The other person said, his eyes stared straight at the evil spirits.

The expression of the evil spirits has not changed at all. It is still with a smile of harmony, slightly decapitated, saying: "Okay."


When the afterglow of the setting sun disappeared into the horizon, Sika City quickly calmed down.

The curfew order was carried out faithfully.

A team of patrols began to appear on the streets.

Even the pubs and hotels have turned off the lights early.

The only lighting, only the street lights on both sides of the street, and the brazier on the wall.

Of course, this is just for ordinary people. In a building behind the Visa House of Sika, it is brightly lit, and the guards and servants look at it very strangely.

The Viscount of Sika may be harsh, but it is definitely a person who obeys the law.

After the promulgation of the curfew, he must be the first to comply.

However, this time the viscount was not only obeyed, but also ordered that all the guards and servants in the mansion go to the front yard, and no one can go to the backyard.

For this order, the guards and servants were surprised, but they did not dare to disobey.

Can only look at the backyard with curiosity.

The backyard is the place where Viscount Sika lived.

Unlike the extravagant style of Aitantine IV, here is the simplicity of the traditional aristocrats of Aitante, as well as the strong military style. The most decorations are not tapestries, oil paintings, but weapons, shields and armor.

At this moment, the thin-skinned Visa Sika is standing in front of a set of armor, the thin-haired, gray-haired viscount, who wears the armor one by one.

The ‘the decaying water’ priest stood by and stood still, silently.

The 'wild branch' and the 'sleeping deer' are eye contact.

‘Pretend. ’

The armor has been carefully examined, and the exception of the ‘God of War’ emblem has not been found, and no unusual ‘sleeping deer’ has been found to be very disdainful.

Before coming to the Viscount House, it was thought that it would take some effort to persuade the other party, but who knows that ‘wilting’ is only a slight mention, and the other party promised.

That attitude tells it, even if they don't come here, the other party will take the initiative to find them.

For the so-called ‘God of War’!


At the thought of the **** of war, the ‘the sleeping deer’ snorted again.

It was a tyrannical and hypocritical bastard.

Just like the Viscount in front of you.

What kind of believers have what kind of believers.

However, I have to work with each other.

Thinking of this, the ‘sleeping deer’ was slightly uncomfortable, but quickly, under the comfort of the ‘wild branch’ eyes, it converges on the inner feelings.

Seeing the calming ‘sleeping deer’, ‘wilted branch’ was relieved.

It is very clear that his companions are disgusted with God of War because their children are killed by the soldiers who believe in God of War.

In fact, it is also very disgusting with each other.

I can't wait for each other to die.

However, this does not prevent it from cooperating with the other party and seeking greater benefits.

These ideas are not from the weak woman, but from the wisdom of the other side, gradually learn something.

Very useful!

Of course, it is more cautious to learn.

The priest who looked at the ‘the decaying water’ without a trace, sneered at the bottom of his heart.

The other party has any plans, it is clear.

Just like it.


Become a true god.


Only one of them may be one, that is it.

Even if there is more ‘fog’ that can sacrifice.

The extra ‘fog’ will only make it stronger, and the ‘falling’ will be smoother. It may not be the same as the God of War and the Ms., but it will definitely surpass those of the same kind.

As soon as I thought of that appearance, the ‘wild branch’ became impatient.

However, it pretends quite well.

On the surface, the look is indifferent, without the slightest anxiety.

It was so quietly watching Viscount Sika wear the armor.

The helmet was not worn, but placed on the left side of the body, half-clamped in the left hand, and the lord of the Viscount once again looked at two evils and one evil representative.

"You, I think we have reached a consensus: to deal with the 'fog' together."


"I hope that all of you will cooperate wholeheartedly."

The voice of the Viscount was a little hoarse, but full of momentum.

"This is what I want, Viscount."

The priest of the ‘corrupted water’ bowed slightly.

"I'm OK."

The ‘wild branch’ controlled the head suspended in the air and said, ‘the sleeping deer’ did not open, just nodded.

In this regard, Viscount Sika did not have any anger.

He has long ceased to be a pure aristocrat, but a ‘thunderwalker’ who is willing to be a **** of faith and willing to be evil. Any humiliation and unwillingness will be his driving force.

as well as……


Feeling the power of the body that has been suppressed, the Viscount took a deep breath.

Then he turned and walked to the seat.

Looking at the back of the other person, the ‘sleeping deer’ eyes flashed.

It is very much like a corner to wear each other.

But in the end it chose to give up.

The ‘Sleep Deer’, which took back the line of sight, immediately noticed that the priest of the “decaying water” was watching it.

"See what?"

‘The Sleeping Deer’ was not angry.

"I don't mean to disrespect the ‘sleeping’ adults.”


"I don't know, what do ‘sleeping’ adults think about themselves?”

The priest opened his mouth with a smile.

"What do you think?"

Asked ‘sleeping deer’.

"Of course it is ‘falling’?”

“Do you think you can really “fall”?”

The other party asked.

The ‘sleeping deer’ also smiled.

Is this direct provocation?

Although it doesn't like brains, it doesn't mean it's a fool.

It is too clear what the other party wants to express.

And it doesn't need to pay attention to anything at all.

Because, it believes in ‘wilting’.

In fact, in the next moment, the branches of the wilted branch stopped in front of the throat of the ‘the decaying water’ priest, and the withered branches, like the long swords of the sheath, made the priest shudder.

"People, think of your care."

'The withered branch' warned.

"I just said it at random, you should never mind."

The priest of the rotted water smirked and smacked his mouth as if it were a clown.

At this time, clear footsteps appeared -

Step on and step on.

The evil spirit in a white robe came.

(End of this chapter)

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