The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1745: Fall from the sky

Chapter 1745 descends from the sky

The sorcerer's face was with a kind smile, and the eyes calmly swept past the priests of the Visa Sika, the ‘wild branch’, the ‘sleeping deer’ and the ‘corrupted water’.

"I am here on my behalf."

The upper evil spirit said calmly.


The priest of the ‘Degraded Water’ showed a happy smile and greeted the upper evil spirits in the first two steps.

However, the smile was really too hard, and I looked at it with a false feeling.

But this does not prevent the upper evil spirit from walking into the living room of Viscount Sika.

Similarly, as a master, Viscount Sika also expressed his own etiquette. He went up two steps and walked to a position about three meters away from the upper evil spirit. The stereotyped face showed a polite smile. .

"Good evening, the messenger of ‘fog’.”

Said the viscount.

"Good evening, Lord Viscount..."


Just as the upper evil spirit responded to the Viscount of Sika, the priest of the 'corrupted water' suddenly screamed, and then the whole person waved at the Viscount.

The smoldering water vapor will cover the Sikai Viscount at once.

Not only is the priest of this 'corrupted water' hands up.

The dead branches of the ‘wild branch’ were also tangled in the voice of the Viscount of Sika.

‘The Sleeping Deer’ stepped back two steps, then buried his head and launched the charge.

Da da da.

The hoof was intensively and quickly stepped on the slate floor. The next moment, the antlers woven from the branches pierced the body of the Viscount Sika, which was covered by the mist and bound by the dead branches.

The seemingly sturdy armor, instantly, was pierced like paper.


The bright red blood began to scatter and spread.

The upper evil spirit followed the agreement with the ‘the decaying water’ priest and the ‘wilted branch’ and went to the Viscount of Sika and waved the palm of the hand to the other side.

In the same way, this is also the agreement between it and the Viscount of Sika.

It will untie him.

Then, the two sides cooperated to kill the ‘the sleeping deer’ and then the ‘wild branch’.

As for the priest of the ‘corrupted water’?

The other party is just a mortal, and the arquebus and the strong bow can solve each other.

When the fingertips of the evil spirits are about to touch the dead branches of the 'wilted branches', these dead branches suddenly shrink, and all of them are detached from the Viscounts of Sika. Not only that, but the water vapor of those scorpions disappeared and disappeared. The countless Viscount of Sika, who will always be in his hands, is wearing the Viscount Visa on his head.

Suddenly, a tragic breath emerged from the other side.

A shadow with a faint light and shadow attached to the other party.

In the tragic atmosphere, there was a sacredness immediately.

The Viscount of Sika standing there is like a saint.

His gaze passed through the gaps in the visor, with a apology.

"I am sorry, I deceived you."

"Although this violates my vows, I have no regrets in order to fight God."

"I am willing to bear all the sins!"

After the nickname of Sika, he slowly pulled out the long sword at the waist.


The friction between the blade and the scabbard is slow and harsh.

However, the eyes of the evil spirits were not attracted to it at all, and they were still staring at the Viscount of Sika.

The other party has become stronger.

After saying his own ‘sin’, the other party was a strong one.

Based on the belief in the heart, the reverse application?

Not only will it not destroy the faith, but the faith will be more pure!

Quickly, the mysterious knowledge mastered by the evil spirits discerns the state of the Viscount of Sika at the moment. At the same time, it is quite certain that this is not the other party's full strength.

Every mad believer has the same card: burn yourself.

It's like a lie of every evil.

The evil spirits turned their heads and looked at the priests of the wilted branch and the decaying water.

"I don't want to deceive you."

"But who made my Lord too weak?"

The priest of 'Degraded Water' had once again pretended to apologize, but the hand was not slow at all. The smoldering water layer had a layer attached to the upper evil spirit, which corroded the body of the evil spirit. .

The evil spirits are calm and self-contained, and there is nothing unusual.

This made the ‘the decaying water’ priest frown.

But, immediately, the other face with a dry face, he laughed.

"I know that since you came here, you have made a sense of death."

"In fact, it's not just you. For me, I am the same."

"If I can clear the obstacles for my Lord, don't say that I die once, even if I die ten times, I am happy."

When the voice fell, the face of the old man became fanatical and sinister.

However, the eyes of the upper evil spirits have been removed.

It focused on the ‘wilted branch’.

At this time, the wilted branch is using its dead branches to depict a secret squad on the ground, stained with the blood of himself and the ‘sleeping deer’.

The core of the secret law array is a circle, a circle that is penetrated by a 'horizontal'.

On either side of the road, one side depicts a regular five-pointed star, and the other is a triangle.

The top of the five-pointed star is dotted with the blood of the ‘wild branch’ ‘sleeping deer’, and the triangular side faces the upper evil spirit.

After being aligned with the corner of this secret law array, the upper evil spirits felt a sense of squeezing, just like the feeling of deep dive. Although it can move with force, it is difficult to be as normal. It looks like, and when the corner of the branch on the head of the 'Sleeping Deer' binds it, it completely loses its mobility.

"You are the leader of the 'fog'."

“The fog that quietly completes the ‘falling’ is stronger than we think.”

"As a result, it has made you strong."

"But what is it?"

"The more powerful you are just the poor ghosts who have fallen into the traps - sacrifices to you will inevitably affect the 'fog', and even may cause him to be hit hard."

"At that time...hahaha."

The ‘wild branch’ said that it was triumphant and couldn’t help but laugh.

It really didn't think that the leader of ‘fog’ was really so deceiving.

A simple plan puts the other party into a desperate situation.

The other party really thinks that the 'fog' has shown strength and will let them compete for cooperation?

Do not make jokes!

The more they do, the more they have to kill the ‘fog’.

You know, the Sika collar is so big that it is impossible to accommodate more than two ‘destination’ gods.

It is enough with it and the ‘sleeping deer’.

No more is needed.

As for ‘the decaying water’ and the Viscount of Sika?

It is also the sacrifice of it and the 'deer's deer', but it is less than a time.

While depicting the secret law array on the ground, the real secret law array is depicted underground, and the head of the ‘wild branch’ control reveals a mocking smile.

At this time, the Viscount of Sika only completely pulled out the sword.

The original ordinary sword, with a glimmer of light on the blade at the moment, is more like a thousand miles.

The Viscount Sika held a long sword in both hands, very difficult, step by step to the upper evil spirits.

There is a dangerous breath on the blade.

The upper evil spirit is very aware of this.

If it is cut, it will definitely be 'injured'!

But it doesn't care!

Because this is its mission.

More importantly...

Its mission is clearly completed.

"it is as expected."

The eyes of the evil spirits swept through the people and evils present, and slowly said.

There is not much change in the look, but there is a feeling of sigh of relief.

This look caused the uneasiness of the Viscount of Sika.

This kind of uneasiness, fierce appearance, just like when he chose to become a ‘darkwalker’, the slang that appeared in his ear from time to time made him feel embarrassed.

The bottom of the ‘wild branch’ ‘sleeping deer’ is also inexplicable.

The ‘the decaying water’ that was sleeping in the body of the believer began to wake up at this time.

Looking at the people around me, the expression of evil, the upper evil spirit smiled.

"Is it really stupid?"


"But that's also compared to some really smart guys."

"So, when I met you, you, and you, I didn't believe a word for what you said."

The upper evil spirit raised his finger to the priest, the wilted branch, and the Viscount of Sika.

"Don't be hard!"

"If you don't believe, why is it here?"

"Are you really coming to die?"

The priest of the rotted water sneered.

Although I couldn't understand the other's cleverness, the 'wild branch' and the 'sleeping deer' nodded at this time.

The Viscount Visa, who is lifting the ‘sword’ over his head, has no expression, but from the bottom of his heart, it is admitted.

In the face of a lot of reactions, the upper evil spirit laughed again.


"I just came to die."

The upper evil spirits have been widely recognized.



The reprimand sounded, and the nickname Sika, who had lifted the ‘sword’ over his head, aimed at the head of the evil spirits and squatted heavily.

The upper evil spirit is no longer paying attention.

It says so much, but just to delay the time.

just now?

Time is just right!

The upper evil spirit stood there, raising his head high, without fear of the slashed sword, which shouted loudly-

"Accept the anger of my Lord!"

The next moment, the upper evil spirit was split into two halves by the 'sword.'

However, the face of Visa Sika was not covered by the face.

The 'wild branch' ‘sleeping deer’ expression is extremely dignified.

The 'decaying water' that is slowly waking up from the body of the believer is awakened at once.

Then he and they all looked up.

The view seemed to cross the roof and saw the night sky.

A burning fireball descends from the sky!


The long-lost demon's inflammation did not give him, they had more room to dodge, and the entire living room was wiped out in an instant.

Even if there is no auxiliary fusion of the fire crows, when the demon burning has reached the extraordinary level, relying on the blessing of its own demon blood [flame sulphur], after the accumulating power, the devil's inflammation still reaches the V-order.

In the tumbling flames, the devil's vain snarls.

After the light and shadow of the Viscounts of Sika slightly contend, they smashed into a crystal, quickly disappeared in the devil's inflammation, followed by the disappearance of the Visa itself.


"My Lord is God of War!"

"How could it be defeated?"

With an incredible cry, the Viscount of Sika turned to ashes.

The priests who were assimilated into the ashes were also the ‘corrupted water’.

Including... ‘corrupted water’.

The ‘the decaying water’ that woke up quickly did not figure out what happened, and it was completely ruined.

The ‘wild branch’ ‘the sleeping deer’ was contaminated with devil's inflammation, and the ‘wild branch’ was wrapped around the ‘sleeping deer’ and pulled it into the ground with himself.

It wants to use the dirt to extinguish the flame.

It is a pity that the devil's inflammation is not only extinguished by ordinary water, sand, etc., but also has the special ability to burn souls and devour life.

After a moment of immersion in the ground, the 'wilted branch' was completely withered, and the 'Deer's Deer' survived with a strong willpower, but it was caught up by the devil's inflammation like a skeleton. The **** of the ashes.

The fire continues to burn.

In the breathing room, the living room of Viscount Sika disappeared.

Even a large building in the backyard was swallowed up by flames.

"Fire fighting!"

"Fire fighting!"

In the shouts of the past, the evil spirits recovered.

Feeling the feeling of weakness in the body, the upper evil spirit wants to cry twice, is it easy?

In order to give your own Boss a bait, as a coordinate, every time such a life is forgotten!

That's right!

Bait, coordinates.

This is the task of the upper evil spirit.

To put it simply, no matter what the priests of the nicknamed Sika, the 'wild branch', the 'sleeping deer' and the 'decaying water' have said, what they have to do is to bring these guys together and let their own Boss has finished playing.

There is no doubt that the upper evil spirits have done quite well.

It felt a compliment from its own Boss.


There is also a day of vacation!


Unprecedented treatment!

The upper evil spirit is simply not imaginative.

Its Boss will give it a holiday, it is really a dream.

I gently licked myself and felt the pain. After confirming that I was not dreaming, the evil spirits cheered and turned and ran to the secret base of the ‘Mist’ sect.

It is going to hug its bedding!


The hidden corner of Sika City.

Carol’s eyes were fixed on the squad of Sika, who had emerged from the fire.

He has a face.

His provocation failed.

His plan failed.

The plan to win the battle has failed.

Not only is it defeated, but it also consumes a lot of resources. After all, pretending to be a bishop of Sinclair is not a simple matter. Without the consumption of some spiritual items, it is simply not the Viscount of Sika.

Not to mention, he also faintly provoked the priest of the 'corrupted water'.

The latter's consumption is even greater.

That was done under the eyes of a god.

Even if it is just a sacred **** that has not yet ‘fallen’, but the existence of the connection with the gods, which one is provoked.

Originally, I challenged several evil spirits who did not have "falling" and the Viscounts of Sika to jointly deal with the sudden emergence of the "fog". Although the other party quietly completed an ‘falling’, the round was still considered to be stable.

Because he has seen the evil spirit of ‘falling’.

Very powerful, but also limited.

The ‘falling’ partner needs to “re-grow”, and only after completing the growth of the whole process can it become a true **** – but it is still a god!

The demigod is not invincible in the world.

Not to mention the half-god that has not yet grown up.

Therefore, Lukal is full of confidence.


The flame in front of him is telling him that the other party is already ‘half god’!

Sika collar has a ‘half god’!

Although the demigod is not invincible in the world, it is definitely not something he can fight against!


Without hesitation, the round car turned and ran.

But just as he turned around, a short rifle, it was on his forehead.

Suddenly, Carl stopped his steps, raised his hands high and snorted.

"Don't shoot!"

(End of this chapter)

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