The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1746: Hidden snake

Chapter 1746: The hidden snake

The barrel is cold, and the body of the gun is extremely delicate. Obviously it is not the kind of quantity, and the pattern that looks like decoration is telling the wheel, which has extraordinary power.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely good weapon.

Of course, it would be better if you could not put it on his forehead.

"I think we may have some misunderstandings!"

The wheel with his hands raised his voice lowered his voice, but the wording clearly said that the body was still motionless.

He didn't want to have a hole in his head.

Similarly, for a person who appears silently behind his own, he does not risk rebellion.

No matter how the other party did it, or what it borrowed, the other party now has an absolute advantage and initiative, and he?

As a person with considerable self-knowledge, he knows how to cooperate with each other in exchange for a chance to live.

In fact, he often does this.


"I don't think so."

"Why stare at Horuff?"

Qin Ran’s voice is cold and full of killing.

It was not a disguise, but a real killing, so that on the head of Karkar, there was a layer of fine cold sweat.


Didn't you come to the Viscount of Sika and the ‘wild branch’, ‘the sleeping deer’, the ‘corrupted water’ and the ‘fog’?

Unexpected problems made him unprepared, so that he was slightly cold.

This is in exchange for the rude treatment of Qin Ran.

Raise a foot and lift it on the other's neck.

This foot is very fierce, but the sound of the air is like a snake.


In the sound of snakes, a stream of air rushed with the kick, as if it were a snake that picked up from the grass, biting the skin of Lukar's bare skin.


When the foot surface collided with the neck, the wheel Karl fell to the ground like a lightning strike.

I just kicked off his neck just after that!

A sense of dizziness is even more in the brain.

Lukal subconsciously wanted to vomit, but the muzzle of the arquebus gun once again pointed his forehead.

"Why stare at Horuff?"

Qin Ran asked again.

"I, I don't."

Wheel Karl said intermittently.

Just now, not only did he want to vomit, but his language function was also hindered. Even his eyes were blurred. However, he found that the strange man in front of him seemed to glance at one side, and his movements were hidden. What, then -


Do not need to fill the [dark gun] directly stimulate.

The air bombs were in no way inferior to the power of the gunpowder, and they directly opened the round of Carl's heavenly cover.

Then, Qin Ran quickly searched the body and took away all the valuable items from the body of Karl, and quickly disappeared.

After ten minutes, the patrolling guards came over.

Not that they are scornful.

Instead, the fire of the Viscounts of Sika attracted their attention and made them feel behind the gunshots.

Looking at the body lying down on the ground, the guard leader led the man to carry it quickly.

As for the inspection?

No need, no one is able to get it after being knocked open.

Moreover, he does not have time to do this now.

It is a top priority to go to the Visa House of Sika to extinguish the fire.

The body was temporarily thrown into the city center - the city sanctuary, there are five in the city of Sika, distributed according to the southeast and northwest, the middle is close to the Visa House of Sika, and is also closest to them.

As a result, the body was sent there and temporarily stored in an underground morgue.

Time passes by one minute.

With his eyes closed, Karkar suddenly opened his eyes.

He was sore to the cold, holding his head in his hand.

"Damn! Damn!"

"Heavenly cover!"

"What about my heavenly cover?"

He whispered.

However, the guards who carried the bodies were too anxious, and did not find the Tianling cover that flew into the corner. In fact, even the brains were scattered.

Feel the pain in your head.

Carol's gaze involuntarily looked at the corner of the morgue.

There are also two bodies there.

The dead are not a rare thing in Sika.

It’s too normal for one or two people to die in Sika, where people come and go.

This is also a city sanctuary near the Viscount House. If it is close to the market, there will be more dead bodies.

call! call!

The round of Karl was breathing heavily.

He walked step by step toward the two bodies, and then directly exposed his teeth.

At this time, Karkar's teeth became sharp, like a beast.

And the appearance of tearing the body, there is no gap with the beast.

In less than five minutes, the two bodies were bitten and left with a pile of skeleton bones.

The round of Karl was restored to normal.

Not only did the brain become complete, but the Tianling cover also grew out.

The pain passed away, let him begin to think carefully.

"For Horuff?"

"Hunting the devil?"

"But most of the demon hunters have died, and the rest are also solitary, it is impossible to have anything to do with Koruff."

Think about Karl.

For Horuf, he has already been inquiring.

This is not a difficult thing for him.

After all, the two sides are the old enemies, and the demon hunters have always been obsolete.

In fact, not only is Koroff, but some really powerful demon hunters are under their supervision.

The reason why it didn't work was because the timing was not enough.

Just like this time.

After the provocation of the other party, he spurred the Horuff at the Visa, the 'wild branch', the 'sleeping deer' and the 'decaying water', and let the other party create greater chaos, let the whole Sika City has completely returned to a state of disorder, and then attracted enough attention.

Let the plans of those adults go smoothly.

But who knows, ‘the fog’ has suddenly sprung up.

Not only has it quietly completed the advent, but it has also become a ‘half god’.

This time disrupted his plan.

After that, the mysterious man almost killed his life. If it was not because the other party was attracted by something, he believed that the other party could find out his difference as long as he examined it carefully.

For the enemies of the demon hunter, as a subordinate of the Silent Night Secret Society, Luka is really understanding.

As long as it is necessary, the other party can throw any enemy into the mixer, make the meat, then pour the kerosene and burn it.

It is really difficult.

If it weren't for that accident, these guys would probably ruin the entire quiet night essay.

However, fate ignores the quiet night secret society.

Now, those guys have become the dog of the family.

At the thought of the war with the demon hunter, Karen couldn't help but reveal a smug smile—he was not a participant, not a planner, and simply organized glory.

But right away, Karkar’s face sank.

While being a member of the organization, he is proud of it. It is clear to him that the organization is penalizing the plan losers, especially when it comes to those real big men, the punishment is even more chilling.


can not be like this!

Wrong is not me!

It is too much unknown!

That's right!

All this is a conspiracy of the demon hunter!

A hunter who is hidden in the shadow of the regular hunter!

The normal demon hunter is a wolf, a proud lone wolf!

And these hunters are ‘snakes’!

A snake hidden in the shadow of a lone wolf!

They have been secretly acting, trying to make up for the last failure, so ‘fog’ has quietly arrived, and has become a demigod!

Even the ‘fog’ is not well understood.

Because ‘snake’ is hidden too deep!


Lucky Wheel Carl found everything!

Round Carl's wisdom has seen all this!

And, it will be counted, leading to the demon hunter who belongs to the 'snake'!

As for what they want to do?

Think about that lady!

What they want to do is self-evident!


Karkar took a deep breath and he was shocked by what he did for the hunter who belonged to the ‘snake.

This is not false.

But, real!

Because when he ‘thinks’ to these, everything becomes ‘true’.

At least, he believes that everything is true.

Only in this way can we survive.

Although this will affect his memory, but what is the comparison between a little, insignificant memory and his own life?

Therefore, when he immediately launched the secret law contact, the look on his face was eager, fearful and a little proud.

An illusory, invisible shadow of the face appears in the secret law.

"Did you make it?"

As soon as the shadow appeared, he asked directly.

"Failed, adult."

“There was a ‘hunter man’ that stopped me.”

"Unlike the previous demon hunters, he has to be more secretive and more strange."

Carl said truthfully.

The virtual shadow has uploaded a wave of ripples.

That is a precursor to anger.

Can be very fast, such a precursor disappeared.


"Another demon hunter?"

Asked the other party.


"The snakes are the general demon hunters, they are not only..."

Carr tells everything that he knows.

After listening to the description of Carl, the shadow was silent.

"I know."

"You will return to Aitinburg immediately!"

"I need to know more about the exact thing!"

The virtual film is said after the engraving.

"Yes, adults."

The round of Karl was in the ceremony, the shadow disappeared immediately, and Carl did not stay for a long time. After slightly cleaning up the traces left by himself, the whole person slipped out of the city.

From beginning to end, he did not find the existence of the shadow in the corner.

After confirming that the other party was far away, Qin Ran came out.

"Quiet night secrets?"

He is slightly addicted.

It was an accident, or he was habitually cautious, when he discovered that he had learned from the elite evil dogs that not only appeared in the Visa House, but also in the 'wild branch' In the market of Panyu, the hidden sewer of 'Degraded Water', when he appeared near the Yanan Hotel, his mind had some speculation.

The seemingly normal Sika City has been involved in the vortex.

However, Qin Ran was not surprised by the appearance of the Silent Night Secret Service.

This approach is very consistent with the description of the other side.


There is still some inexplicable familiarity.


The **** is also very good at such a means.

Is there a relationship between the two?

Qin Ran returned to his room at Yanan Hotel with guesswork.

Upon returning to the room and checking again, after confirming that there was no problem, he took out from his arms the "Mist of the Mist" who had been beating from the beginning.

At this moment, the "Mist of the Mist" is still the size of the palm, but it is more and more crystal clear.

Moreover, Qin Qin is a very close and intimate feeling.

It’s like the right hand touches your left hand.

On the property, there are a lot of changes.

[Name: Lord of the Mist]

[Type: Sundries]

[Quality: III]

[attack power: no]

[defensive power: III]

[Attributes: 1, fog control; 2, toxic fog invasion; 3, freezing gas attack; 4, acid rain attack; 5, plant communication; 6, animal call]

[Special effects: 1, the leader of Sika; 2, response; 3, blessing]

[Requirement: You have made the perfect hunting]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: When the black disaster occurs, the accidental birth is different from the rough use of the former. It is in your hands, it has already shown its ability, a perfect 'hunting', let it start to be thoroughly Take control, and in the perfect 'hunting' after that, it becomes your only one. When you use it, you will become like an arm, and you will feel the respect of it.


[Fog Control: Summons a fog with a radius of 300 meters, covering the position within the field of view; 2 times / day]

[Poisonous fog attack: In the fog, the spread of the body is judged as B+ level poisonous fog, and three judgments are required. Those who fail three times will be killed by deadly toxins. Two losers will suffer a strong level of toxins. Attack, a loser will be subjected to a strong level of toxin attack, three times pass, will be protected from poisonous fog, but still in the fog]

[Frozen gas attack: In the fog, you can launch a weak, general level of freezing air attack, and the frozen gas cannot leave the fog range]

[Rainfall: In the fog, you can drop ordinary rain, or a weak, general-grade acid rain, acid rain can not leave the fog range]

[Plant communication: In the fog, you can communicate and control plants, the number can not exceed the upper limit of the spirit (the number of grades is 50, each increase of first order +25)]

[Animal Inspiration: In the fog, you can communicate and control the animals, the number can not exceed the upper limit of the spirit (the number of the order is small 50, medium 25, large 10, super large 1, each increase of the first step small +25, medium +10 , large +5, super large +1) (small class, such as mice are considered small 3 times the number)


[The leader of Sika: In the scope of Sika collar, the name of 'Mist' has become a unique existence, and you who hold the 'Mist of the Mist' can arbitrarily mobilize the fog that appears in the Sika collar, and Add poisonous fog, freezing gas, acid rain, control plants, animals (not beyond the scope of toxic fog, freezing gas, acid rain, plant and animal control equivalent +1), but will consume your physical strength depending on the situation. 】

[Response: You have been treated as a 'fog god', you can rely on ‘the Lord of the fog’ to simply respond to the prayers of believers, which will consume your physical strength】

[Blessing: Within the Sika collar, when your followers pray to you, you can consume physical strength and give a foggy blessing (fog blessing: clearly visible in the fog, and able to withstand toxins, cold, acid) or Give a partner a blessing (communication, plant or animal in a short time)


This feeling of perfect control is really comfortable for Qin Ran.

No need to fight again.

No need to restrain.

Everything is your own.

His vision can be clearly spread throughout the Sika collar.

And as long as someone respects ‘fog’, he can detect where the other person is.

Even if this is only in the Sika collar, it is enough to let Qin Ran understand how powerful the characteristics of the Lord of the Mist.

Holding the [Mist of the Mist] can really be called a weak version of the god.

Of course, such weakness is the understanding of Qin Ran.

For the aborigines of this world, that is the true god.

This is what Holuf thinks.

When the devil's inflammation descended from the sky, he discovered that the Sika collar was unknowingly involved in the war.

The retired demon hunter took the weapon without hesitation.

Then, shouting at the companion.

There is no doubt that Colin, who is disguised by Qin Ran, is the person who knows and is powerful and can become a companion.

So, Holuf is here.

Hey, hey.

After knocking on the door, Horuff, who got permission, walked in hurriedly.

"It's a big deal!"

Horuf said.


"I know."

"I just came for this."

Qin Ran nodded and said slowly.

"For this matter?"

Horuf frowned, and looked at Qin Ran with subconscious vigilance.

Looking at the vigilant Horuff, Qin Ran smiled. He said: "Let's relax, I don't have any maliciousness to you. After all, we are the same camp."

"The same camp?"

Holuf stunned and his eyes became more and more puzzled.

Qin Ran stood up, shook his clothes, and extended his right hand, in a very formal tone -

"The singer's hunter, Colin."

PS afternoon fat dragon overslept, even more late, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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