The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1751: Asylum

Chapter 1751 is as timid as Holler Halla

Horuf looked at the burning black flame, then looked at the 'arrogance' in front of him, subconsciously wanting to say something, but 'arrogance' did not care about the other side, so with Horuff Passing by, went straight back to the room belonging to Qin Ran, and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Horuf scratched his head, only the remaining hair, swinging back and forth under the fingertips.

What do you mean?

Horuf looked puzzled.

He completely couldn't understand the behavior of ‘Qin Ran’.

Obviously helped him, and now ignore him?

Moreover, the two sides usually meet each other and are still friendly greetings.

How is it so strange today?

Is it...

Is this suggesting me?

Horuff brows wrinkled with what he thought of.

Then, hold the battle axe and start a detailed search around.

Also frowned is Hollerka.

The other person has the same appearance as Carlisle, who has just died in black inflammation. The thick hair, narrow eyes, towering cheekbones and very thin lips make people feel like a mean person.

Moreover, it is not just a look, but also a look and temperament.

Holleka and Carlisle are almost exactly the same.

If you stand together, it is like a twin.

Do not!

Not twins!

It should be said that it is copied out!

Holleka sat in the room, and he rubbed his fingers on the swelled, painful temples, hoping to relieve the pain, but it didn't work at all.

The head is getting more and more painful, as if it was hit by an axe.

The pain of tearing kept him sucking in his mouth.

In the end, his palm trembled slightly and took out a spare potion from his arms.

He does not want to use this medicine if possible.

Not only because this is the last potion he carried on him.

Also, because this medicine has irreversible damage to his body, it will also make him greatly decline in strength in a short period of time.

However, hesitant only paused for less than a second. When the headache hit again, Holleka pulled out the cork and drank the medicine in the test tube.

The entrance to the cool potion began to ease the pain of Holleka quickly.


Holleka had a long sigh of relief.

However, the brow just loosened and it wrinkled again.

There are many secrets of the Secret Night Secret Society.

However, the secret of "The Shadow to the Moon" is still one of the most precious.

Its ability to succeed is enough to envy anyone.

Of course, the difficulty is enough for everyone to take steps.

That is the pain of dividing the soul!

Many people, after choosing "Yuying to the Moon", are all living and dying.

Hollerka is the quiet night esoteric society for nearly a hundred years. With this special medicinal agent, the only person who succeeded in practicing the secret technique "胧影转月" is a successful person.

Then, Carlisle was born!

Simply put, Carlisle is the ‘shadow’ that Holleka splits out.

Just like a normal person, he has a very wise and ‘shadow’ of his own character, and his strength is the same as his, except that he can’t choose “The Shadow to the Moon” again, the other party is the same as the real person.

Of course, this 'shadow' is completely controlled by Holleka.

At the same time, the most powerful place of "Shadowing to the Moon" is that the shadow is powerful, and you can also feedback yourself, even if you have not learned the skills and secret techniques, as long as the shadow learns, you will learn.

Naturally, everything that the shadow sees and feels is also accepted by those who turn to the moon.

Therefore, Hollerica will be surprised.

Why is your own shadow so angry?

What kind of contempt was born? When was it born?

To know that this time, Carlisle is completely different!

The ‘shadow’ comes from himself, and Hollera knows exactly what Carlisle is.

Perhaps there are some arrogant people, but in the face of the unknown 'snakes', they will only be cautious, even if they show ‘arrogance’, it is just disguise, not true arrogance.

It’s just the pride of the ‘shadow’, it’s real.

Am I affected?

Can the other person guide the emotions?

Take control of people's hearts?

Holleka’s heart was tight.

Holleka, who knows some secret information in the organization, has 120,000 points of caution for the unknown ‘snake.’

Otherwise, I will not wait for three days. When I was engaged in the battle between ‘fog’ and ‘projection of God of War, I chose to shoot and sent my most powerful ‘shadow’ to find out!

However, the situation is not good!

The more and more uneasy Hollerka stood up, he was ready to leave Sika.

Caution has always been his life motto.

What's more, his task is not a failure.

In fact, as a tempter, his mission has been completed.

As for the ‘shadow’ of loss?

When he cultivates for a while, he will split up with the aid of the pharmacy.

Although this will make him more dependent on drugs, the fundamental strength is once again damaged, but the pain, he never wants to try the second time.

Moreover, he did not want to lose his current status!

His ‘shadow’ has already made a name for himself.

To know that in the quiet night secret meeting, his ‘shadow’ Carlisleho has the name of “undead person” and is seriously injured. Even if he died, it is only a short sleep.

After waking up again, it is again alive and kicking.

Therefore, in the quiet night secret meeting, his ‘shadow’ gained a considerable position.

Taking this as an opportunity, a certain force has been formed.

And he?

It is obscure.

It can even be said that Hollerka was 'dead' after the appearance of the 'undead' Carrellho. Only when Carlislejo was inconvenient and unable to appear, he would choose to appear and maintain the 'undead'. Dignity, reputation.

In this regard, Hollerka did not have anything to adapt.

On the contrary, he still has a point of pride.

Because doing so makes his situation more subtle!

In the quiet night secret meeting, concealment is safe!

The quiet night secret meeting is not a good hall.

Any carelessness will result in death.

If you want to survive here, you don't just need strength, you need to be vigilant and skillful!

as well as……

Enough strain!

Therefore, Holleka made up his mind.

go away!

Leave now!

Can't stay!

Holleka quickly left the temporary stronghold and walked out of the city.

The patrols don't exist for Hollera, who has inherited strong stealth skills from ‘Shadows, even if he is weak at this time. .

City wall?

The same is true. Without any tools, Hollera, who climbed freely, quickly crossed the wall and went outside the city of Sika, and then quickly ran into the pine forest outside the city.


After smoothly entering the pine forest, Holleka was slightly relieved.

He is very worried that he will be blocked by the 'snakes' in the middle of the road.

However, it seems that the other party did not find him.


"In the eyes of the 'snakes', Carlisle is dead!"

"The movie "Transfer to the Moon" is a secret for those who stay at the Secret Night Secrets, let alone outsiders?"

"Even the so-called 'snakes', too..."

In a soft voice, Holleka habitually turned back. He was ready to return to Aitinburg directly after taking a look at Sika City. Then he saw Qin Ran.

I don't know when, Qin Ran stood silently behind him, Hollerka's self-speaking suddenly stopped.

He widened his eyes and looked at Qin Ran incredulously.



One of your words, has not yet fallen, Holleka was kicked to the ground by Qin Ran.

This foot is very sudden, fast and embarrassing.

Holleka clearly heard the sound of his broken sternum.

When Hollerka opened his mouth and wanted to say something, he and his aunt, his wrists and ankles were so severely broken, and the words at his mouth immediately became screams.


The screams are high but short.

Then, it quickly disappeared.

Because a arquebus gun appeared in the hands of Qin Ran, the muzzle was pointing at Holleka’s head.

The pain made Holleka cold and sweaty.

The sweat flowed into the eyes along the forehead, and the burning tingling sensation made Holleka want to blink, but he didn't dare. He widened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

He was scared by the man's crispness and sorrow.

Even though, he has inherited the experience of ‘shadow’ and the demon hunter more than once.

However, those who are the most rude of the demon hunters have never shot directly like this. They will talk to his 'shadow' and give him a 'shadow' reaction time. There is never a direct shot like Qin Ran. .

"Don't shoot!"

"I am a scout sent by the Secret Night Secret Society!"

"I know the secret of the Secret Night Secrets!"

Holleka speaks very fast and speaks loudly.

He is afraid that if he doesn't say it, he will have no chance to say it.

Qin Ran did not open his mouth, but used his gaze to look at Hollerka in front of him.

Similar to the avatar?

Qin Ran guessed.

With the vision of ‘arrogant’, he has seen each other, but under the same appearance and temperament, the atmosphere of the other is completely different.

The one that ‘arrogant’ encountered, although it was affected by ‘original sin’, but there is no shortage of iron in his breath, apparently someone who has fought and died in the battlefield.

And this one?

Powerful reveals a sense of weakness.

It is not brought by the other agent.

Before the other party took the pharmacy, Qin Ran had already noticed the other party and even observed the other party.

The other party, who was strong outside, gave Qin Ran a feeling of being imaginary.

At the beginning, Qin Ran also thought that the other party was because of the similarity of 'divided surgery', but when the other party really opened its mouth, Qin Ran immediately confirmed that the other party was really 'weak.'

Of course, in order to confirm that the other party is not acting, Qin Ran raised the muzzle slightly, lifted his foot and began to step on the other's ankle, moving up little by little.

At the same time, the palm of the gun is shaking with great rhythm.

At this time, the use of [Messley's Ring] is the best way to distinguish, but in the absence of [Messley's Ring], Qin Ran is not without a solution.

Learning some of the tricks attached to mysterious knowledge is enough for him to tell if the person in front of him is lying.



"I fear pain!"

"You have to ask what you ask, I said all!"

"I promise to be true!"

Holleka's nose and tears flowed out. Under the severe pain, his eyes couldn't help but look at Qin Ran's palm. His eyes were involuntarily attracted, but his body was motionless, and his mouth was screaming again and again.

This state lifted his foot in Qin Ran and stopped after severe pain.

Without the shackles of Qin Ran's feet, Holleka tried to squirm his body away from Qin Ran, but after squirming twice, he saw the arquebus in Qin Ran's hand.

Immediately, Holleka wriggled back again.

"I am a person who follows my inner choice."

"I love my life."

"So, I will try to exchange my life with the biggest chips."

The other person’s face was snotted and tears, but he said very seriously.

"What did the previous person have to do with you?"

Qin Ran asked very simply.

"That is the 'shadow' I made with "The Shadow of the Moon". He has my thoughts, memories, and abilities, but I don't know my existence. I can control him in a covert way, and everything he has learned, I can inherit, including not limited to words, memories, etc., and the real strength he has gained, I can also inherit."

"The Shadow of the Moon is one of the most precious secrets of the Secret Night Secret Society. I was accidentally exposed to this mystery. Then I used the medicine to cultivate it. Then I turned into the background. Let my 'shadow' become me, I became a 'shadow' follower."

Holleka said truthfully.

Even if it involves the secret of "The Shadow of the Moon", there is no reservation.

Then, Hollera continued to take the initiative to ask without asking Qin.

“The Quiet Night Secrets Association sent me this time because it was discovered by Karkar during the execution of the 'Chess' mission and the remnants of the Hunter and another Hunter named “Snake Pie”.”

"For the 'snakes' hunting demon, the lawmakers are amazed."

"Because, when the "black disaster" was originally, the demon hunters who were supposed to be completely destroyed, some of them escaped. According to the investigations by the members of the parliament, they should have been helped by some people."

"For those people, lawmakers have been tracking, but there is no clue."

"Even, I don't even know where the other party is from."

"The emergence of this 'snake faction' has made parliamentarians more and more sure of the ordinary hunters, hiding the facts we don't know, and..."

Speaking of this, Holleka quietly glanced at Qin Ran.

When the Qin Ran face was found to be expressionless, the cherished secret night secret clerk member immediately said: "We have failed in the last few missions!"

"It’s like the time to completely destroy the demon hunter!"

"If you don't know what you are, you will fail!"

"Even the mission executives are all dead!"

"The emergence of the 'snakes' has made parliamentarians think that it is a sniper of the "snake" hunter, so they sent my ‘shadow’, which is known as the ‘undead.’”

Holleka paused for a moment, and he was thinking about whether he had anything to say.

After a little thought, Holleka immediately thought of it.

"The 'Chess' mission is a plan that parliamentarians have made to make the lady stronger!"

After the "black disaster", the evils everywhere have appeared constantly, and they are eager to 'fall" one by one, which makes them irritable and unscrupulous."

"After a little guidance, they became the best prey for parliamentarians!"

“In the beginning, the lawmakers were very successful, but with the emergence of the 'snakes,’ things got complicated.”

"As far as I know, the last three ‘falls’ have failed.”

"Dear ‘Snakes’, what else do you want to know?”

"Or do you think I don't know enough?"

"It doesn't matter, I can act as your spy. If you don't worry, I can swallow regular poison, or you can use the power of the contract."

"As long as you can let me go, I can do anything!"

As he spoke, Holleka struggled to get up, and in front of Qin Ran in a sly gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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