The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1752: Gradually complete

Chapter 1752 is gradually complete

Looking at Hollerka, who was kneeling at his feet, Qin suddenly frowned.

The little tricks from [mystery knowledge] are really unexpected.

Of course, not his [mysterious knowledge] has been upgraded, but the Hollerika in front of him is too weak, and the opponent's 'willpower' is slightly equal to none.

It’s like a soap bubble in the sun, it’s broken.

This kind of 'willpower' is almost the same as that of a child.

"Is it the reason why this kind of secret surgery?"

Qin Ran did not guess.

Everything related to the soul is mysterious. Even Qin Ren, who is good at the spirit, will not think that he is good at the soul field. That is what the mysterious knowledge he has learned cannot be involved.

However, he does not lack a similar response: the upper evil spirit!

The evil spirit itself is extremely good at the soul field.

That is a natural talent, which is hard to achieve after learning.

It can even be said that because of the existence of the upper evil spirit, he is enough to call it a good at the soul field.

after all……

What is the difference between the upper evil spirit and himself?


The upper evil spirit is his.

And his, naturally, is his.

It is really better to check the other party by the evil spirits.


He raised his hand and made a snap.


The foggy giant in the sky has already dispersed.

But the prayer for ‘fog’ is long-lasting.

The devout Sergei and Hoff two young people needless to say, even Carl wearing a black armor silently prayed.

Born in a family with a sincere sinner like Viscount Sika, Carl is not disgusted with the gods.

However, Karl is only a general belief in God of War.

Similar to the kind on the verbal.

Because, in Carl's view, the teachings of God of War are really unacceptable to him. Family, friends, and friends are more valuable than the fighting itself. He can fight for family, friends, and friends, but he does not want to lose his family because of fighting. Partners, friends.

On the contrary, the doctrine of 'fog' is very much in line with his ideas.

For the sake of brothers and sisters, I will not care for myself.

As long as you are well, I can take the weight.

No matter the light.

No matter the darkness.

At the moment when the flame is on, I will go forward.

Although this is only part of it, for Carl, this is enough.

Because, he is no longer confused.

Looking at the mother who stood there.

How can he be confused?

He is too clear about what his mother looks like.


Not worthy of the world.

I don't know how sinister.

Even if you like reading, it is just to escape from reality.

Of course, his mother is a good person.

But to some extent, this is even worse.

He can imagine how a group of people around him think about his mother: prey!

A delicious, prey that can be divided.

In this regard, his very home, but not stupid mother should also be aware of it.

Otherwise, it will not cooperate with the 'Mist' church.


not enough!

Whether it is his mother or the 'fog' church, it is too 'weak'.

Change, what is needed is blood!

As long as the blood is poured, it can be recognized, and it can make people... fearful.

You can't do it.

Then, let me do it!

I am guarded by the blood of the enemy, the bones!

I am guarding the body of the skeleton!

I guard my mother!

Guardian former partner!

Guardian future friends!

Guardian... the whole Sika!

The next moment, once captain of Zhen Ji, now toward those bones Knight 'whistleblowers' walk.

Step on, step on!

The heavy footsteps made the shocked aristocrats wake up. They looked at the collapsed Temple of War, and when they looked at each other, their faces were full of ignorance.



The long sword in Carl’s hand has been unsheathed.

The blade passed over the necks of these nobles.


Blood scatters and the head flies up.

No one escapes.

Or, to be precise, these nobles struggled to escape, but in the face of the skeletonized Karl, they could not escape.

As for resistance?

More impossible!

After the sacral bones, Karl, who has already stepped into the extraordinary, is not something that ordinary people can resist.

It was a unilateral massacre.

The black armor was covered by scarlet between the broken limbs.

Carl shook his sword in his hand and turned around.

I have been paying attention to the trembling retreat of the Sika city aristocrats here.

They are terrified.

For the Sika nobility who only occasionally participates in some suburban hunting, the scene of **** eyes, they did not come out because of the aristocratic style.

Sergey and Hoff are not afraid of moving.

The two young people bowed slightly to Karl, with approval in their eyes.

In fact, two young people are waiting for the orders of the ambassadors.

For the 'traitor', the two young people are also zero tolerance.

"Do you see the way forward?"

The upper evil spirit walked slowly to Karl and asked softly.

"See, adults."

Carl respects the name of the evil spirit.

It is not a customer, but a respect from the heart.

Not only because of the previous life-saving grace, but also because of the evil spirits of his mother in recent days.

Otherwise, even if he can save his mother, his mother will lose the comfortable life in the past, and his mother's skills in the wild life are 0, it is impossible to spend the rest of his life with peace of mind.

All this is worthy of thanks.

"Then go unswervingly."

"When you are tired, tell me."

"I, and my brothers and sisters are willing to share everything about you, we are with you."

The evil spirits smiled mildly.

Carl looked at the gentle man in front of him, a little embarrassed.

He seemed to return to that evening. When he was attacked by the brown bear, the man smiled so gently, waved at him and his mother, and then rushed to the brown bear.

Shaking his head hard, Carl expelled such a picture from his mind.

"it is good."

Carl said.

Then he suddenly shuddered.

His mother came to the front and wiped his blood-stained armor with a placket, and the gorgeous clothes were immediately covered with blood.

"Not only, Simon."

"And I."

"Although I can't help you too much, but I am your mother, I am willing to stand behind you to support you."

The baroness said softly.


Facing his mother, Carl, who was not very good at words, could only nod. Then he stood there and let his mother wipe out his armor and look at the other nobles around him.

The corpse on the ground increases the pressure of the soul's fire by a geometric multiple.

Suddenly, these nobles trembled.

Many people fell to the ground.

The aristocratic grace sweeps the ground thoroughly at this moment.

Carl sneered at the bottom of his heart.

The majesty of the nobility?

Have you ever existed?

Maybe there, but it is definitely not them.

They are just locusts lying on the glory.

He does not like to be in contact with these mites.

So, Carl asked very simply.

"Who has objections?"

"I will give you another chance."

Carl asked quietly.

No one answered.

These nobles have long been scared, not only scared by Karl, but also scared by the power of ‘fog’.

They can't tell what is the projection, what is the avatar, what is the ontology, they only see the ‘fog’ defeated ‘victory’, and the temple of war has collapsed.

"I, we are willing to obey the will of the great Irene Nord Sika."

"Your will will be supreme."

"Your will will be sacred."

These nobles speak the more vocal words.

To the highest, in the nobility is the king who is far from Aitinburg.

And sacred means the god.

However, at this time no one pointed out all this.

The aristocrats who are expecting to live a life are deliberate, and it is impossible to face themselves.

The upper evil spirits and the line, they are happy to see all this.

After all, in a sense, the Baroness represents the high-level power of the 'Mist' church in Sika City and Sika.

none of them!

The evil spirit smiled and looked at everything that he led.

Presumably Boss is happy to see it all?


Thinking of the upper evil spirit, received the call of Qin Ran.

"Karl, Sergey, Hoff, here is the rest for you."

The evil spirit turned and said.

"Simon, are you leaving?"

The baroness asked with a slight reluctance.

"I need to continue to help my brothers and sisters."

“It’s like giving you help.”

The mercy on the upper evil spirits disappeared.

"Can I still see you?"

The baroness asked again.

At this time, Carl also looked at the evil spirits.

"of course."

"As long as you shout at me, I will try my best to come."

The evil spirits faced the eyes of the two, and said calmly.

The feeling of calmness and sincerity, the people present felt it, the sorrow on the face of the Baroness disappeared immediately, and the beat of the fire of Carl's soul also returned to the usual state.

The smile of the evil spirit disappeared in place.

For it, the Baroness is one of the important components of the 'Mist' church. For the cause of Boss, it must do its best to care for the other.

Of course, everything is based on Boss!

Facing the call of Boss, naturally it is necessary to rush to the best.


"Serve you, Boss."

Outside the city, the upper evil spirit came out, and then it was natural to look at Hollerka lying on the ground.

Through the contractual power that Qin Ran has just released a little, it has already understood the ins and outs of things.

"Come, look at me!"

The above evil spirit said this.

Subconsciously, Hollera raised his head.

Then, Holleka fell into the dark.

It is cold.

Ice cold.

Only a pair of eyes branded in the soul are looking up and down.


"This is obviously dividing the soul!"

Inexplicably, Holleka heard such a voice.

Then, Hollerka fell into a deep sleep.

When Holleka woke up again, the sky was completely dark, the ceiling on the top of the head was strange, and the bedding on the body was warm and soft.

Slightly over-the-head, he saw his own 'mentor'.

A respectable, knowledgeable person.

When he was most confused, he gave him instructions.

Although the other party does not recognize the identity of the 'mentor', he insists that.

"Guide, what happened to me?"

Holleka struggled to sit up.

"Don't move, you are weak now."

"The aftermath of "The Shadow of the Moon" has already put you on the verge of collapse."

"A few more times, even me, I can't save you, especially the pharmacy you use, which is aggravating the process."

"and also……"

"Call me Simon."

The upper evil spirit walked over and let Holleka lie down.

“Is it so serious?”

Holleka looked blank and sighed softly.

As a party, he certainly knows that his situation is not optimistic, but he did not expect to reach this level.

"I am sorry, if I can meet you soon..."

"No, mentor."

"This is my choice!"

The words of the evil spirits were interrupted. Holleka’s face looked solemnly at the evil spirits and said one word at a time: “There are only valuable people who can survive, and I just want to live and choose. "Shadow to the Moon", however, I am also fortunate that I have chosen "The Shadow to the Moon". If it is not it, I can't meet you, nor can I know what I want to do."

"I used to be like a dead soul, and it was meaningless to repeat the day."

"You told me how to live wonderfully."

"You let me know, and guarding others can make me feel happy."

The evil spirit took a picture of Holleka’s shoulder and his eyes were sincere.

"You guard everyone."

"Now it's your turn to guard you."

"Come back, ‘Mist’ has become a god, we have the power to guard everyone!”

The evil spirit said sincerely.

"Do not!"

Holleka shook his head.

At this time, Holleka’s face showed a sense of sacredness and sorrow. He disregarded his physical weakness and sat up and looked at the evil spirits. He said: “Guide, our enemies are even stronger than imagined!” The black disaster's and the woman's appearance are more like a puzzle. I can't see everything in my hard-working temptation, but I am sure that there are things we must care about. Otherwise, we will only repeat the wolf. The coverage of the party!"

"So, I can't leave yet."

"At least, I can't leave until I check the truth."


Holleka took a deep breath and continued.

"The demigod is not the limit of the majesty, I will work hard to win time for the majesty!"

After the evil spirits were silent for a long while, they looked up again at Holleka.

Holleka looked at his mentor.

The two said in unison.

"Snake, born at the end."

"Snake, hidden in the fog."

"Snake, line and shadow."

"Snake, peep into the darkness."


It is like a vow, like a prayer.

The sound is loud and then creaking like a group of snakes dancing.

Then, the illusion of a snake really appeared around it, and it was long and long.

Standing outside the room, Holuf quietly listened to such words and looked at the group of snakes who danced. He turned his head and looked at Qin Ran, who was indifferent, and whispered, "Is this a snake?"

(End of this chapter)

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