The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1755: cost

Chapter 1755 Fees

The team is driving slowly.

The night outside the Sika collar is very dangerous.

Not only do you have all kinds of fierce beasts, but also the time when the bandits love their haunts. Even if the viscounts continue to send out patrol teams to clean up, they only maintain the safety of several main roads.

After the occurrence of the 'black disaster,' this situation has become more and more bad.

Apart from the main road connecting Aitenburg, because the royal patrol team is responsible for ensuring certain security, the main roads of the other towns in Sika have become dangerous at night.

Metropolitans choose to hurry in the daytime, stay in towns at night, and rely on more people to resist the danger.

If you can, Sika City connects the main roads of Fort Aitenburg and few people choose to travel at night.

Because it is not 100% safe here.

If it weren’t for the considerable number of people gathered this time, no one would risk the road.

However, even so, it is still a team of escorts from the big caravans patrolling back and forth.

Through the window, Bohr looked at the guards who had passed by riding, and there was no wave in his heart.


Bohr is completely worried.

Looking at Qin Ran sitting opposite, Boer's heart is very practical.

Perhaps the road at night is dangerous, but as long as you follow the 'devil of inflammation', what are the so-called dangers?

It is totally worth mentioning.

Therefore, at this time, Boer also has the leisure to add charcoal to the mud stove.

The charcoal was just filled into the mud stove and immediately swayed a piece of Mars. When the Martian was about to wander in the compartment, the teapot filled with water was placed on the clay stove.

From the tray on the side, Boer picked up the silver tea knife on the silk scarf and carefully cut a small tea brick from the large piece of tea cake next to it. When the water was warm, it was about to boil. Bohr put the small tea bricks in.

The water rolled two rolls, and the small tea bricks turned into pieces of tea. After a dozen breaths, when the water in the pot boiled, the tea leaves rolled directly with the water.

The tea is full of fragrance.

Boer picked up the teapot.

“There is a special tea brewer in Aitenburg.”

"I just don't know how it tastes."

“Some of the businessmen I listened to at the border said that the tea brewers there really liked to put mustard in the tea. According to the other party’s statement, it seems that the spicy fragrance is used to set off the fragrance of the tea.”

"There are many fish foods in Aitenburg. The most famous one is the potato cake and the fish. Moreover, the fish must stand upright. It is best to look at the eyes. The straighter the eyes are, the bigger the eyes are, the more it proves. The more successful the dish is."

On the side of Boer, he poured tea on Qin Ran and talked about the interesting things about Aitinburg.

Of course, Bohr did not forget to introduce the business at hand.

“It takes about two days and one night to travel from Sika to Aitenburg. We are starting at night and need two nights and a day. However, it is difficult to get through the night, and we may need to spend a little more time.”

“Different from the borders of Molda to Sika, there are plains. From Sika to Aitenburg, most of them are mountains. Only one post of Sika and the border post of Aitenburg are available. We really rest."

"There is also a military camp in the border post of Aitenburg. It is also an important guarantee to ensure that we can advance on this main road at night."

Qin Ran held a teacup and listened to Bohr’s story.

His eyes looked out of the dark window.

For Aitinburg, Qin Ran had a good understanding of these two days.

Fort Aitin, the capital of the Kingdom of Aitante, with more than a million people, is not only the economic, political and cultural center of the Hokuriku, but also the largest city in the entire Northland, even if it is occupied. The southern Gulf of Cheka, which is dominated by the Gulf, is still inferior to Aitinburg.

However, compared to this city that is respected by the aborigines, Qin Ran is more concerned about Aitantin VI.

This violent monarch under the invasion of the 'black disaster.'

When the ‘black disaster’ occurred, the eloquent Aitantine V was celebrating his merits. He did not find out what kind of disaster this expedition would bring to his kingdom.

When the monarch returned to God, the situation was inevitable.

Even the monarch himself was knocked down by the disease.

More importantly, the only descendant of the monarch was only seven years old, and some of the royal family began to look at it.

Everyone can meet, a little careless, the entire Kingdom of Aitin will fall into the civil war, and even collapse.

At this time, the teacher of the only descendant of the monarch stood up.

The court teacher, known for his erudition, hosted a banquet for all the qualified members of the royal family, in the name of 'inheritance kingdom', and then... no one came alive, including the personal bodyguards of those who came there. They died in the banquet hall. Then, the other party took control of the royal escorts with lightning speed, and began to clean the royal family in the name of 'finding the root cause of the black disaster." Over a week, there were more than 1,500 people. Was killed.

The blood stained the courts of Fort Attenin.

‘Blood for a week’!

This is the memory of the people of Aitenburg.

When the killing stopped, the descendants of only seven years old became the new monarch.

The seven-year-old partner, with the help of the court teacher, quickly stabilized the situation in the entire kingdom and began to clean up the roots of cholera left by the South.

Discussed with the Temple of War, sent a team of Knights of the Temple to assist the kingdom's army.

An agreement was reached with Ms. Hue, and the first and only temple was established in Aitenburg.

Everyone does not think this is what a child can do.

They are considered to be the merits of the court teacher.


When the monarch was sixteen, the court teacher died.

Some people say that they are sick and dead.

Some people say that they are sick and dead.

No matter how died, the majesty of the court teacher was replaced by the young monarch.

People also began to call the other party Aitantin VI.

Thirty years have passed, and the other side is even more majestic.

The Kingdom of Aitante is more unified in the north and the south. Only the remote islands have not been enveloped by the glory of the kingdom, but this has not affected the glory of the monarch.

People even put it alongside Aitante I.

Because the other party did Aitante I, and even the last four monarchs wanted to do but did not do things: unify the South.

Of course, such a legendary monarch will naturally have many legends.

Many of them simply said that the other party is the 'son of God'!

As for which **** is this?

But no one can make it clear.

In this regard, Qin Ran is undecided.

He is more concerned about the court teacher.

Because of the appearance, magic, and disappearance of the other party, he has an inexplicable familiarity: the player!

Of course, Qin Ran cannot be 100% certain.

But there is more than 50% of the grasp, the other party has a problem!


Is that the hacker's handwriting?

Qin Ran was stunned, his eyes narrowed and he looked at the front of the team.

I don't know when the entire team stopped.

Several young people holding torches are rushing backwards, stopping every few steps and shouting to the team around them: "Leader, go to the front! Meeting!"

Soon, these people ran to the carriage of Qin Ran.

Looking at Boer, which is not a low-end carriage in Fort Aitenburg, these are holding torches. It is not that the unseen young people are not rudely shouting as before, but knocking on the door.

Hey, hey.

"Hello, hello."

"Our car captain invites you to go to the meeting."

With the knock on the door, such words rang.

"Okay, I know."

Bohr glanced at Qin Ran and said immediately after Qin Ran did not express any objection.

The few people who got a positive reply went back again, and the shouts rang again.

Listening to the shouting again, Boer shook his head helplessly.

"Someone wants to make up for the loss."

Bohr said this.

Then, without waiting for Qin Ran to ask, he took the initiative to say it.

"In the days of the Sika City delay, every caravan will have more or less losses."

"Some guys are not willing to lose like this."

“So they want to “transfer” such losses.”


Qin Ran was aroused interest.


“The big caravans charge a small caravan a certain 'protection fee', and some temporary caravans often do this, especially those from the border Morse, who even regard this as a 'rule'. Therefore, some **** guys have changed their main business and believe that the full collection of 'protection fees' is a more promising career."

"And I have dealt with them before, and the results are very unpleasant."

“They used my goods as a protection fee.”

"I use their heads to pay for the compensation."

Boer nodded and explained, then, Boer smiled and pointed to his back, which is the front of the team.

"However, this time is different."

"This way of calling people is too rough, it should be a temporary rush from the caravan of Aitenburg."

"Otherwise, the guards of these big caravans should be surrounded by the entire team and then notified."

When Boer’s voice fell, Qin Ran saw that someone in the team suddenly left the team.

These people who are out of the team are very fast and organized.

Almost instantaneously, the horse pulling the car rushed into the forest next to the main road with people.

"These guys should be from the border Morse."

Bohr said with certainty.

After that, Bohr looked at Qin Ran.

"Lord Colin, what are we going to do?"

Bohr asked.

"Go and see."

Qin Ran pointed to the front of the team.

Bohr is awkward.

According to Bohr's understanding of Qin Ran, Qin Ran could not be interested in such a thing.


Suddenly, Bohr thought of something.

But before leaving Bohr to ask, Qin Ran has already pushed the door and walked down the carriage.

"Look at the car."

Bohr said a word to Ashkano, and quickly chased it up.

At this time, at the forefront of the team, on a vacant lot that was temporarily gathered by a horse-drawn carriage, a pile of bonfires had risen, and a young man accompanying him was adding firewood.

A dozen early arrivals stood on one side, and the three people who looked at the bonfire with their brows wrinkled, their eyes were full of badness, while the three people on the opposite side were smiling.

"Do you want to rob you?"

One of the dozens of men wearing cloth hats and men in cotton coats shouted loudly.

The emotions of the other party were very excited, and with the snoring, the cheeks became red.

The representatives of the ten caravans standing behind each other squinted with the enemy.

If the gaze can kill, the three people on the opposite side have already died many times.

However, the three people who have been smiling all the time, do not care.

They first glanced at each other and then one of the men, who was a little older, came out.

The hat of the gray rabbit skin and the coat of the same cortex give the man a considerable warmth, so that when the other party comes out, there is no need for the body to exchange for warmth.

The face of the other party was also very clean, and there was no wind and frost. The beard on the chin was neatly combed. The gentleman's cane in his hand gently clicked on the ground, and the other party opened.

"You are."

"We are all businessmen, businessmen are profit-seeking. This is nature, but it is our job, but we also want fairness from the bottom of our hearts."

"So, I don't have any intention to force everyone."

"I just left the team, have we stopped?"


"I won't stop everyone from leaving. Of course, everyone is welcome to join us. The price of 20 Kimpton is not a lot that can't be afforded for everyone."

The other party said clearly.

After the voice of the other party had just fallen, the representative of the other side of the seat was very open.

"Who knows if you are not ready?"

“Or is there no experience?”

The other party’s doubts were supported by the businessmen behind them.

"Do not make jokes."

"As a representative of the caravans of Kate, I have been running this road on the road from Aitenburg to Molda for 10 years. What is happening here is clear."

"such as……"

“Have you ever charged some poor guys with similar fees?”

The middle-aged man said that the gentleman's cane in his hand pointed at the other side.

The other side of the nose is pointed to the subconscious neck.

Except for instinct, the other party was completely shocked by the identity of the other party.

Kate firm, there are several firms in Aitantin.

Its headquarters is in Aitinburg, the main business scope is minerals, and the sideline business includes not limited to newspapers, car dealers and so on.

For these businessmen, Kate’s business is not a big thing.

However, what really surprised the representative of the businessman was how the other party knew that he had done such a thing.

Looking at the other person who laughed and laughed, feeling the distrust of the same camp partner behind him, the businessman representative immediately said: "The price of 20 Kimpton is nothing for Kate, but for us businessmen Not a small number!"

"Yeah, 20 Kimpton, it's too expensive."

"My income this time is only 30 Kimpton."


The businessman shouted aloud when he heard the shouts of the businessmen behind him.

He knows that for the sensitivity of numbers and interests, these people are temporarily supported by him.

Even if there is a different idea in my heart, it will not be raised at this time.

And this is enough!

Enough for him to be the capital of negotiations!

Thinking of this, this businessman representative wants to speak.

However, the representative of Kate’s firm has a quicker opening.

"So, for me to consider, I have provided a backup plan --"

"The first person who is willing to pay me, I only charge half, which is 10 Kimpton, the second I charge 11, until 20 Kimpton."

"What do you think?"

"Our proposal is not excessive."

The representatives of Kate’s business team spread their hands and swept their eyes over the people in front of them.

When I saw these people face each other and looked more watched, my heart couldn't help but laugh.

Especially the so-called guy who represents other people, looking at the other side's sluggish look, he is really afraid of laughing.

Want to rely on a group of rabble to negotiate prices with him?

He let the people of this group of people fall back.

However, the representative response as a disadvantaged party is extremely fast.

"My first!"

Because standing in front of the merchants, relying on the distance advantage, the other party rushed to the front of the Kate business representatives, before the expression of indignation, has long become a charming smile.

Ten Kimptons handed it out.

Everyone behind the other side glimpsed.

Then swarmed.

Soon, the discounted places will be gone.

The rest of the guys who ran slow, very regretful, had to take out 20 Kimpton.

At this time, no one objected to this price.

Instead, I was stunned by the slow-moving people, and my face was filled with smug smiles.

When Qin Ran and Bohr came, they immediately faced such a malicious look with ridicule.

"There is no discount, you need to pay 20 Kimpton!"

Originally speaking as a representative of the inferior party, this time stood directly next to the representative of Kate’s business.

Qin Ran gaze across the other side, and then, fell on the Kate business representative.

"Do you let me pay 20 Kimpton?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Everyone has paid."

"It's your turn."

The other party said very politely.

Qin Ran nodded, and the other smiled and reached out, ready to collect the fee, then Qin Ran raised his foot and squatted on the other's face -


(End of this chapter)

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